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Ontario Genealogy

Marriages in Colbourne District Ontario 1845

Contributor: Barb Milburn Source: Ontario Archive film MS 248 reel 13

Marriages by Rev. John M. ROGERS, Peterboro, in 1845
William ANDERSON, Janet McPHERSON, by proclamationWitnesses: James ANDERSON, Peter McPHERSON, Jan. 30, 1845

Samuel HOISE [Hone?], Agnes Denestonn?? BUCHANAN, byproclamation,Witnesses: Peter BUCHAN, Robt. WIGMORE, March 17, 1845

Walter SCOTT, Elizabeth HARKNESS, by license,Witnesses: Alx'r HARKNESS, Mary KENEDY, March 18, 1845

William HUNTER, Sophia JOHNSTON, by license,Witnesses: David REA [Kea], Robt. JOHNSTON, March 20, 1845

William McGREGOR, Jane CRAIGIE, by license, Witnesses: James FOWLES, William CUMING, May 1, 1845

William KNOX, Catherine HENDERSON, by license,Witnesses: William BROWN, William DEVILIN, May 10, 1845

Keeben B. PALMER, Agnes CHAMBERS, by license,Witnesses: John HAGGART, John CHAMBERS, June 21, 1845

Alexander McINTOSH, Margaret McPHERSON, by license,Witnesses: John McPHERSON, John McINTOSH, Sept 2, 1845

Irvine COCHRANE, Agnes ADAIR, by license,Witnesses: Alx'r COCHRANE, Jane COCHRANE, Sept. 22, 1845

Alexander McDONALD, Elspetti GOODFELLOW, by license,Witnesses: Donald McDONALD, Archibald McDONALD, Sept. 23,1845

James YULE, Mary LILICO, by license,Witnesses: William YULE, John LILICO, Oct. 9, 1845

Thos. HUTCHISON, Jane SANDERSON, by license,Witnesses: John SLOTHART, John MILBURNE, Oct. 9, 1845

Edward SANDERSON, Eliza FLETCHER, by license,Witnesses: Thos. CHASEMAN [Chapman], Eliza PARR, Oct. 23,1845

William YATES of Peterboro, Maria WATLEY? of Peterboro, bylicense,Witnesses: Joseph LEDDIS??, Agnes YATES, April 19, 1845 inPeterboro

John BENNET of Otonabee, Allice DAWSON of Otonabee, bylicense,Witnesses: Joshua DAWSON, Rich'd REID, March 29, 1845 inOtonabee,Colborne Dist.

Charles OAKS of Asphodel, Catherine HANRIGHT of Percy, bylicense,Witnesses: Patrick HANRIGHT, Ada B. DOXOR [Dodor?], April21, 1845 inPeterboro East, Colborne Dist.

Charles PARKER of Asphodel, Isabella BOWES of Dummer, bylicense, Witnesses: Robert ROBINSON, Stephen C. MILLER, Aug. 1 or 8,1845

William McDONALD of Asphodel, Luretta HARRIS of Otonabee, bybanns,Witnesses: James McDONALD, Moncrief McDONALD?, Aug. 8,1845

John SPEAR of Dummer, Margaret JAMIESON of Cavan, bybanns,Witnesses: John KNOX, John SCOTT, Oct. 8, 1845

William BATTEN of Dummer, Sarah BOYER [Beyer] of Dummer, bybanns, Witnesses: Ernest GRANT, Elizabeth GRANT, Dec. 2, 1845

Marriages by Rev. John EDWARDS, Baptist Minister in1845-46
George HASTEHURST, Elizabeth DAVIS, by licenseWitnesses: Thomas DAVIS, John DAVIS, Oct. 25, 1845

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*Ontario Canada Marriages, 1857-1924
*Ontario Canada Deaths, 1869-1934
*Ontario Canada Births, 1869-1909
*Quebec Vital Records (Drouin Collection), 1621-1967
*British Columbia Birth Index: 1872 to 1899
*British Columbia Death Index: 1872 to 1979
*British Columbia Marriage Index: 1872 to 1924
Find your Canadian ancestors on an Olive Tree Genealogy free database View 300 marriages for Simcoe County. These marriages are complete entries with bride and groom's parents' names, occupations and much more! The first file of 130 marriages is a very large file 291 K so be patient while the page loads.
Find your Canadian ancestors on an Olive Tree Genealogy free database Extracts from a Simcoe County Newspaper Midland & Vasey Area
Find your Canadian ancestors on an Olive Tree Genealogy free database Records from the Observer, a Bible Christian newspaper of the Bowmanville area 1868-1883. Note that the records cover a vast expanse, not just the Bowmanville area.
Find your Canadian ancestors on an Olive Tree Genealogy free database Extracts of Births, Marriages, Deaths July 1869 from The Canadian Champion, Milton Halton County Ontario
Find your Canadian ancestors on an Olive Tree Genealogy free database Extracts of Births, Marriages, Deaths February 1872 from The Canadian Champion, Milton Halton County Ontario
Find your Canadian ancestors on an Olive Tree Genealogy free database Extracts of Births, Marriages, Deaths April 1887 from The Canadian Champion, Milton Halton County Ontario
Find your Canadian ancestors on an Olive Tree Genealogy free database Extracts of Births, Marriages, Deaths February 1892 from The Canadian Champion, Milton Halton County Ontario
Find your Canadian ancestors on an Olive Tree Genealogy free database Extracts of Births, Marriages, Deaths May 1899 from The Canadian Champion, Milton Halton County Ontario
Find your Canadian ancestors on an Olive Tree Genealogy free database Marriages in Colbourne District 1841-1842
Find your Canadian ancestors on an Olive Tree Genealogy free database Marriages in Colbourne District 1842-1843
Find your Canadian ancestors on an Olive Tree Genealogy free database Marriages in Colbourne District 1843-1844
Find your Canadian ancestors on an Olive Tree Genealogy free database Marriages in Colbourne District 1845
Find your Canadian ancestors on an Olive Tree Genealogy free database Marriages in Colbourne District 1846
Find your Canadian ancestors on an Olive Tree Genealogy free database Marriages in Essex County 1877, 1878, 1894, 1895
Find your Canadian ancestors on an Olive Tree Genealogy free database Marriages in Essex Co., St. Alphonse Roman Catholic Church, Windsor 1888, 1889, 1908, 1910
Find your Canadian ancestors on an Olive Tree Genealogy free database Births in Essex County 1890, 1894, 1895
Find your Canadian ancestors on an Olive Tree Genealogy free database Burials in Essex Co., St. Alphonse Roman Catholic Church, Windsor 1888, 1889, 1890, 1891, 1892
Find your Canadian ancestors on an Olive Tree Genealogy free database Burials in Essex Co., St. Alphonse Roman Catholic Church, Windsor 1897, 1898, 1899, 1900
Find your Canadian ancestors on an Olive Tree Genealogy free database Burials in Calton (Van Pine) Cemetery, Elgin County
Find your Canadian ancestors on an Olive Tree Genealogy free database Marriages in Peterborough County 1850-1855
Find your Canadian ancestors on an Olive Tree Genealogy free database Marriages in Peterborough County 1857
Find your Canadian ancestors on an Olive Tree Genealogy free database Marriages in Peterborough County 1858
Find your Canadian ancestors on an Olive Tree Genealogy free database Marriages in Peterborough County 1863
Find your Canadian ancestors on an Olive Tree Genealogy free database Marriages in Peterborough County 1869
Find your Canadian ancestors on an Olive Tree Genealogy free database Marriage Registers of St. James Anglican Church Cathedral, York (Toronto), 1820
Find your Canadian ancestors on an Olive Tree Genealogy free database Marriage Registers of St. James Anglican Church Cathedral, York (Toronto), 1822
Find your Canadian ancestors on an Olive Tree Genealogy free database Marriage Registers of St. James Anglican Church Cathedral, York (Toronto), 1824
Find your Canadian ancestors on an Olive Tree Genealogy free database Marriage Registers of St. James Anglican Church Cathedral, York (Toronto), 1828-1831
Find your Canadian ancestors on an Olive Tree Genealogy free database Marriage Registers of St. James Anglican Church Cathedral, York (Toronto), 1832
Find your Canadian ancestors on an Olive Tree Genealogy free database Marriage Registers of St. James Anglican Church Cathedral, York (Toronto), 1833
Find your Canadian ancestors on an Olive Tree Genealogy free database Marriage Registers of St. James Anglican Church Cathedral, York (Toronto), 1834
Find your Canadian ancestors on an Olive Tree Genealogy free database Marriage Registers of St. James Anglican Church Cathedral, York (Toronto), 1835
Find your Canadian ancestors on an Olive Tree Genealogy free database Marriage Registers of St. James Anglican Church Cathedral, York (Toronto), 1836
Find your Canadian ancestors on an Olive Tree Genealogy free database Marriage Registers of St. James Anglican Church Cathedral, York (Toronto), 1837
Find your Canadian ancestors on an Olive Tree Genealogy free database Marriage Registers of St. James Anglican Church Cathedral, York (Toronto), 1838

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