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Essex Co. Ontario St. Alphonse Roman Catholic Church, Windsor 1888, 1889, 1908, 1910

Essex Co. Ontario St. Alphonse Roman Catholic Church, Windsor Marriages 1888, 1889

Contributor LeySource FHC Film # 1312029

1-8-1889MITSHELL, Thomas Morgan son of Tom & ann MORGAN MITSHELLtoDENNISON, Catharine, daughter of James & Cath LYONSDENNISON, wittnesses: Joseph DENNISON & Mary LYONS

1-1-1889- HISKEY, Patrick J, son of  Patrick & Norah LENILAN/LENIBANHISKEY to SAGE, Ann, daughter of Thos & Mary GLEESON SAGE, witnesses: RevThos NOONAN & Elizabeth BYRNE

1-15-1889SWANTON, Richard, son of Thos & Roseanne McCORMICK SWANTONto MONTREAL, Julie, daughter of Peter & Catherine DANK MONTREAL,witnesses: Rev Thos NOONAN & Elizabeth BYRNE

2-27-1889CASEY, Simon, son of Simon & Mary FARRELL CASEY, to HOME,Elizabeth, daughter of Francis & Mary KINSEY HOME,  witnesses: Chas W & Mrs.Johnson

11-27-1888SUGDEN, Henry Thomas, son of Thos & Emily MARTIN SUGDEN toMUTMESSER, Elizabeth, duaghter of Anthony & Regina RASTERD METMESSER ,Witnesses: Not listed

1-7-1889McCULLOUGH, John, son of Alex & Martha KING McCULLOUGH toMILLER, Mary, daughter of Henry & Frederika HOPLSENDER? HOFLENDER ?MILLER, witnesses Rev Jas Scanlon & Rev Thos Noonan

1-7-1889CONWAY, William A son of Patrick & Ellen O'CONNOR CONWAY, toEmma Josephine SHATTON, daughter of robert & Mary Clark SHATTON, nowitnesses listed

1-8-1889WATT, Isaase, son of John & Elizabeth LOENDENOSE ??(not sureof the first lettercould be Coendenose) WATT to MORAN, Sarah, daughter ofJas & Margaret DAUPHIN MORAN,  witnesses Rev Jas Scanlon & Rev ThosNoonan

1-15-1889SPEERS, William H, son of Wm & Charlotte MORRIS SPEARS toGAMMOND, LUCIE, daughter of Abraham or Graham & Jeanette GETES/GETISGAMMOND,  witnesses Rev Jas Scanlon & Rev Thos Noonan

Essex Co. Ontario St. Alphonse Roman Catholic Church, Windsor Marriages 1908

Contributor LeySource FHC Film # 1312029

4-28-1908LAFOND, James, 22, son of Jas & Ceubin?? St ANTOINE LAFONDtoDELISLE, Julia, 19; daughter of Edward & Salome MAILLOUSEDESLILEWitnesses; William LAFOND & Lillie LAFORETboth of Windsor

4-30-1908RUMP, John, 55 , son of Francis A & Elizabeth NEDERSTEINRUMP toHOFFMAN, Marie, 30, daughter of Antoine & antoinette RUMPHOFFMANWitnesses; M MOONEY & Christine? MARENETTEboth of Detroit

5-20-1908CATON, Res?Ras?  R, 21, son of Edgarton & Sarah FISHER CATONof Detroit to McCARTHY, Mary E, 22 daughter of Mike & Bridget HIGGINSMcCARTHY of WindsorWitnesses: M K? McCARTHY & Anne  (not given)

5-27-1908HAYES, WILLIAM, 34 of Detroit, son of William & Mary ROACHHAYES toMOONEY, Effie, 33,of windsor, daughter of John & SarahO'CONNOR MOONEYWitnesses: Charlotte Gibney & Edward Mooney

6-2-1908KAVANAUGH, Arthur, 28 of Maidstone, son of Chas & ElizabethDION? IXON? KAVANAUGH  to FIELDS, Margaret E, 25 of Windor, daughter of Daniel &Elizabeth MARTIN FIELDSWitnesses: Nicholas FIELDS & Mary KAVANAUGH

TAMMARINO, Alesice, 23 of Clevland , Ohio, son of A & MariaTAMMARINO toTASCINO (Fasciano), Cametto, 21 also of Cleveland, daughterof Peter & Antoinett3 FASCIANO(yes, one is a capital T and the other an F), witnesses: PFANIANO & Mairie FARCIANO

6-18-1908PAXTON, EDGAR S, 34, of Grosse Ilse, Michigan , son of E D &Felice CHAPATON PAXTON toCHISHOLM, Regina A, 26, of Toronto, daughter of Alex &Jennie MORIN CHISHOLMWitnesses: Lillian BERRY & Francis CLEARY

6-22-1908St LOUIS, Walter Jas., 20 son of Frank & Annie CAMPBELL STLOUIS toMARENTETTE, Mabel, 18, daughter of Columbus and EmmaCOUSINEAU MARENTETTE, all of windsorWitnesses H J DUMOUCHELLE & Charlotte DUCHARME

6-23-1908McCLOSKEY, Vincent, 27, of Woodslee, so of Wm & MargaretMURPHY McCLOSKEY toKENNEY, Delia, 26, of Windsor, daughter of Patrick & MaryFARRELL KENNEYWitnesses: Joe KENNEY & Kate McCLOSKEY

Essex Co. Ontario St. Alphonse Roman Catholic Church, Windsor Marriages 1910

Contributor LeySource FHC Film # 1312029

4-5-1910HIGGINS, Albert, son of James & Julia MURRY HIGGINS, age 23to WIER, Catherine Elizabeth, daughter of Chas & Eliza McLAUGHLINWIERS, age 24, both of WindsorWitnesses, Harry WIERS & Kathleen HIGGINS

4-5-1910, JOHNSON, Myron Maurice, son of Chas E & Jennie HERMAN, age21 to LONEY/LANEY, Catherine E, daughter of Geo & Julia TOBIN LANEY, age 24,both of Ft  Wayne, Indiana, witnesses Wilfred THIERSAULT & Josephine GERARD

4-11-1910HETZEL. Jas Lewis, of Detroit, son of Jos & TheresaLETTERSTROFF? HETZEL, age 22 to LEFEBVRE, Elizabeth of Windsor, age 18, daughter ofJulien & Eliza THIBERT LEFEBVRE, witnesses: Golan?AUTHIER/CUTHIERS/GUTHIERS

4-12-1910BELLEPERCHE, Lewis, age 23 of Sandwich, son ofHenri/Henrit/Henril & Matilda? ROBERT BELLEPERCHE to RENAUD, Laura, age 18 of windsor,daughter of Albert & Christine HAMEL RENAUD, witnesses: Wilfred BELLEPERCHE &Maud RENAUD

4-12-1910DESROSIER, Ulric, age 24, of Windsor, son of Leon &Phelomena GROSJEAN DESROSIER to HEISER, Marie Rose, 22, of Detroit, daughter ofFred & Caroline KALTS HEIMIER, witnesses: Leo SEROSIER & F HEISER

4-14-1910, AMAILY, Elias, 38, son of David & Marie JEAN AMAILY toABRASH, EMELISE, 27, daughter of Jos & Marie BOISH? BOIAH? ABRASH, witnesses:Peter CAROM & Rosie ABRASH

4-19-1910CONSIGLIO, Alphonsus, 21, son of Cajetamus? & Brividentia?GARILLI CONSIGLIO to ROSALIO PELLERETO, 19, daughter of Vitus & Rosa GERILLIPELLERETO, both of Wyendotte, witnesses: Gesippe CAROLLO & Vita CONSIGLIO

5-7-1910Lesperance, Henri Noe, 23, son of Gabriel/Gilbret  & MarieDELISLE LESPERANCE to RICHARDSON, Mary Grace, 20, daughter of Elias & Cath.EATON RICHARDSON, both of Windsor, witnesses, Wilfred THIERAULT & JosephineEVARD

5-18-1910SENACAS/SINACAS, Garvin? Thos, 21, son of Alex & MargaretBONDY SENASIR to IMESON, Hazel Elizabeth, 20, daughter of Herman? & JessieEDIVEWORTH ? IMESON, both of Windsor, witnesse: Wilfred THIERAULT

9-20-1910ROURKE, Raymond, age 25, son of Denis & Rose McINTYRE ROURKEto DENEAU, Stella, age 23, daughter of John F & Virginia INBY?, both ofWindsor, witnesses: Douglas DOUGALL & Nora ?E? DENEAU

9-26-1910BOISMIER, Frederick,, age 27 of Carnard Rives, son of Jean B& Agulda? FERRAND BOISMIER to CARLE, Lea, age 21 of Windsor, daughterof Eugene & Eva HOGUE CARLE, witnesses: Emma BOISMIER & Andrew SOUILLIER

10-11-1910DESROSIER, Goutrau/Gontrau?? , age 23 of Windsor, son ofLeon & Philomena GROSJEAN DESROSIER to SABATA, Maria ,a 21 of Detroit,daughter of Ignace & Barbara PENOKE SABATA, witnesses: Frank MELOCHE & BenadetteDESROSIER

10-11-1910-GIRADOT, Felix R, age 28, son of Ernest & Julia RIGERGIRADOT of Cleveland to THIBAULT, Maria Anna, 25, of Windsor, daughter of Celestine& Emilie St CYR THIBAULT, witnesses: Leo THIBAULT & Rev D O'CONNOR

10-14-1910HANRAHAN, George, 21, son of Geo & Mary CONWAY HANRAHAN toSALTON, Maria Ethel, 20, daughter of Geo & Nellie STANLEY DALTON (fer sureit does state Stalton & Dalton here), witnesses: Frank McSPEADEN & HughREAUME, both of Windsor

10-15-1910PIEKOWSKI, Stanley F, 22, son of Stanley & Marvan? WOLOSZEKPIESKOWSKI to JAKUBIAK, Frances Bertha, 20, daughter of Andrew & BethaBLANKE JAKUBIAK, both of Detroit, witnesses P J McKEON & A St LOUIS

10-17-1910HALL, Alfred, 26, of Windsor, son of Samuel & Anna BROWNHALL to ROBINSON, Sarah, 27, of Detroit, daughter of Chas & Anna CONWAYROBINSON, , witnesses: John CONGDON & Gertrude DENEAU

10-18-1910McDERMOTT, Michael F, 36, of Detroit, son of J F & Julia?DONOHOE McDERMOTT, to BOURKE, Evelyn E, 27 of Windsor, daughter of Thos & MaryA TURNER BOURKE, witnesses: Frank McDERMOTT & Irene BOURKE

9-20-1910MONTREUIL, Henry, age 20, son of Mosse? & Margaret BEDARDMONTREUIL to Josephine, MONTREUIL, 20, daughter of Henry & ClaricePRIMEAU MONTREUIL, witnesses: Mous? MONTREUIL & Thos GUILLARD

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Find your Canadian ancestors on an Olive Tree Genealogy free database View 300 marriages for Simcoe County. These marriages are complete entries with bride and groom's parents' names, occupations and much more! The first file of 130 marriages is a very large file 291 K so be patient while the page loads.
Find your Canadian ancestors on an Olive Tree Genealogy free database Extracts from a Simcoe County Newspaper Midland & Vasey Area
Find your Canadian ancestors on an Olive Tree Genealogy free database Records from the Observer, a Bible Christian newspaper of the Bowmanville area 1868-1883. Note that the records cover a vast expanse, not just the Bowmanville area.
Find your Canadian ancestors on an Olive Tree Genealogy free database Extracts of Births, Marriages, Deaths July 1869 from The Canadian Champion, Milton Halton County Ontario
Find your Canadian ancestors on an Olive Tree Genealogy free database Extracts of Births, Marriages, Deaths February 1872 from The Canadian Champion, Milton Halton County Ontario
Find your Canadian ancestors on an Olive Tree Genealogy free database Extracts of Births, Marriages, Deaths April 1887 from The Canadian Champion, Milton Halton County Ontario
Find your Canadian ancestors on an Olive Tree Genealogy free database Extracts of Births, Marriages, Deaths February 1892 from The Canadian Champion, Milton Halton County Ontario
Find your Canadian ancestors on an Olive Tree Genealogy free database Extracts of Births, Marriages, Deaths May 1899 from The Canadian Champion, Milton Halton County Ontario
Find your Canadian ancestors on an Olive Tree Genealogy free database Marriages in Colbourne District 1841-1842
Find your Canadian ancestors on an Olive Tree Genealogy free database Marriages in Colbourne District 1842-1843
Find your Canadian ancestors on an Olive Tree Genealogy free database Marriages in Colbourne District 1843-1844
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Find your Canadian ancestors on an Olive Tree Genealogy free database Marriages in Essex County 1877, 1878, 1894, 1895
Find your Canadian ancestors on an Olive Tree Genealogy free database Marriages in Essex Co., St. Alphonse Roman Catholic Church, Windsor 1888, 1889, 1908, 1910
Find your Canadian ancestors on an Olive Tree Genealogy free database Births in Essex County 1890, 1894, 1895
Find your Canadian ancestors on an Olive Tree Genealogy free database Burials in Essex Co., St. Alphonse Roman Catholic Church, Windsor 1888, 1889, 1890, 1891, 1892
Find your Canadian ancestors on an Olive Tree Genealogy free database Burials in Essex Co., St. Alphonse Roman Catholic Church, Windsor 1897, 1898, 1899, 1900
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Find your Canadian ancestors on an Olive Tree Genealogy free database Marriages in Peterborough County 1858
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Find your Canadian ancestors on an Olive Tree Genealogy free database Marriage Registers of St. James Anglican Church Cathedral, York (Toronto), 1822
Find your Canadian ancestors on an Olive Tree Genealogy free database Marriage Registers of St. James Anglican Church Cathedral, York (Toronto), 1824
Find your Canadian ancestors on an Olive Tree Genealogy free database Marriage Registers of St. James Anglican Church Cathedral, York (Toronto), 1828-1831
Find your Canadian ancestors on an Olive Tree Genealogy free database Marriage Registers of St. James Anglican Church Cathedral, York (Toronto), 1832
Find your Canadian ancestors on an Olive Tree Genealogy free database Marriage Registers of St. James Anglican Church Cathedral, York (Toronto), 1833
Find your Canadian ancestors on an Olive Tree Genealogy free database Marriage Registers of St. James Anglican Church Cathedral, York (Toronto), 1834
Find your Canadian ancestors on an Olive Tree Genealogy free database Marriage Registers of St. James Anglican Church Cathedral, York (Toronto), 1835
Find your Canadian ancestors on an Olive Tree Genealogy free database Marriage Registers of St. James Anglican Church Cathedral, York (Toronto), 1836
Find your Canadian ancestors on an Olive Tree Genealogy free database Marriage Registers of St. James Anglican Church Cathedral, York (Toronto), 1837
Find your Canadian ancestors on an Olive Tree Genealogy free database Marriage Registers of St. James Anglican Church Cathedral, York (Toronto), 1838

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