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Marriages in Peterborough County 1857Marriages 1857Marriages by Rev. John M. Roger, Pres. Minister, Peterboroin 1857John ROBERTSON, Ann BELL, by license, Witnesses: JosephBELL, Wm.KENNEDY, Jan. 7, 1857 at Peterboro James THOMPSON, Ann HOWDEN, by license, Witnesses: Wm.HOWDEN, JaneWILSON, Jan. 2, 1857 at Peterboro Thos. WILSON, Sarah FERGUSON, by license, Witnesses: Rob'tHUSTON, Rich.NESBIT, Jan. 2, 1857 at Peterboro Thos. EMMERSON, Mary Jane GRAHAM, by license, Witnesses:John GRAHAM,Andrew BRADEN, Jan. 15, 1857 at Peterboro Wm. HOWDEN, Margaret THOMPSON, by license, Witnesses: Thos.HOWDEN,Burke SWAIN, Jan. 23, 1857 at Peterboro Geo. YOUNG, Mary DAVIDSON, by license, Witnesses: Geo. YoungSnr., Sam'lDAVIDSON, Jan. 29, 1857 at Peterboro John GREEN, Mary EAGLESON, by license, Witnesses: Geo.GREEN, JamesEAGLESON, Feb. 4, 1857, at Peterboro Wm. SNELGROVE, Ann CALDER, by license, Witnesses: Wm. HALL,Ab'm CALDER,Feb. 26, 1857 at Peterboro Solomon DUNK, Hariet WATLEY, by license, Witnesses: Arc'dCRAWFORD, JohnM. ROGER Jr., Feb. 27, 1857 at Peterboro Herb LARMER, Agnes HUNTER, by license, Witnesses: JosephHUNTER, ElizaCOWAN, March 17, 1857 at Peterboro Sam'l DEYELL, Sarah BURGESS, by license, Witnesses: Wm.DEYELL, JohnSHANNAN, March 25, 1857 at Peterboro Thos. DODDS, Jessie HAMILTON, by license, Ad'w. WADDELL,James MOFFAT,March 27, 1857 at Peterboro Rob't WILLAN, Jane CLANCY, by license, Thos. WILSON, IsabellROGER,Jan/April? 28?, 1857, at Peterboro by Rev. James B. Duncanof Perth Sam'l NEWAL, Marg't KELLEY, by license, Witnesses: Thos.ARMSTRONG,Sarah ROSWELL, May 12, 1857 at Peterboro Wm. NIMMO, Mary M. GAGE, by license, Witnesses: Eliz'thROGER, IsabellaROGER, May 16, 1857 at Peterboro Wm. HOPE, Jennet MEEKLE, by license, Witnesses: Elb'th HOPE,DavidNELSON, June 2, 1857 at Peterboro Wm HETHERINGTON, Marg't McGREGOR, by license, Witnesses:Thos.HETHERINGTON, Wm. McGREGOR, June 15, 1857 at Peterboro Thos. GREEN, Agnes HARVEY, by license, Witnesses: Herb.?? H.LOUCKS,James HARVEY, June 16, 1857 at Peterboro John SANDERSON, Mary WOOD, by license, Witnesses: John WOOD,CatherineRICHARDSON, July ??, 1857 at Peterboro Rob't. D. S. PATTERSON, Flora McDOUGALL, by license,Witnesses: And'wFOWLIS, Thos. HOLYWELL, July 7, 1857 at Peterboro John TURNER, Jannet ARNOT, by license, Witnesses: Wm. ARNOT,Wm.McGREGOR, July 23, 1857 at Peterboro James INGLES, Marg't HOGG, by license, Witnesses: Rob'tROBERTSON, AnnROBERTSON, Aug. 7, 1857 at Peterboro Allan HODGE, Jane LYNTICK, by license, Witnesses: JohnLYNTICK, Wm.CHAMBERS, Aug. 15, 1857 at Peterboro Sam'l REDPATH, Charlott LEE, by license, Witnesses: Wm.RUTHERFORD,Elb'th Lee, Sept. 17, 1857 at Peterboro Rob't GRAHAM, Marg't DEWART, by license, Witnesses: Wm.DEWART, JohnGRAHAM, Oct. 12, 1857 at Peterboro Rob't RENFREW, Ellen DAVIDSON, by license, Witnesses: JohnARMOUR, JamesRENFREW, Nov. 6, 1857 at Peterboro Alex'r WRAY, Elizabeth WRIGHT, by license, Witnesses: Geo.KIMMERLEY,Mary Jane HAMMOND, Dec. 15, 1857 at Peterboro John METTURAL[Wetheral], Mary Jane DINORE, by license,Witnesses: Edw.B. WILSON, Henry MEYERS, Dec. 24, 1857 at Smith Twp.
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