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Janie Riley is an avid genealogist with a habit of stumbling on to dead bodies. She and her husband head to Salt Lake City Utah to research Janie's elusive 4th great-grandmother. But her search into the past leads her to a dark secret. Can she solve the mysteries of the past and the present before disaster strikes? Available now on Amazon.com and and Amazon.ca
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Death Finds a Way: A Janie Riley Mystery
by Lorine McGinnis Schulze

Janie Riley is an avid genealogist with a habit of stumbling on to dead bodies. She and her husband head to Salt Lake City Utah to research Janie's elusive 4th great-grandmother. But her search into the past leads her to a dark secret. Can she solve the mysteries of the past and the present before disaster strikes? Available now on Amazon.com and Amazon.ca


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Vital Statistics Records

The purpose of the Ontario Vital Statistics Records is to provide genealogists a free resource for sharing information about details contained on microfilmed Vital Stats and in Newspapers in Ontario.

Marriages in York (Toronto)

Marriage Registers of St. James Anglican Church/Cathedral,York (Toronto), 1800 to 1896, as recorded in Landmarks of Toronto : a collection of historical sketches of the old town of York from 1792 until 1837 and of Toronto from 1834 to [1914] ; volume 3, pp.395 ff., by John Ross Robertson 1894(includingbiographical notations on some individuals and families by J.R.R.) Source: Internet Archives Public Domain

Nearly all the marriage registers of St. James', from 1824to 1831, weredestroyed in the fire which occurred January 5, 1839. Onlysome halfdozen remain, and their preservation is owing to the factthat they wereentered separately on loose sheets of paper and were foldedbetween theleaves of books which were preserved.


5 January, 1824, Banns, Joseph SMITH, bachelor, and TindlayKENDRICK,spinster, both of this parish. Witnesses, Samuel WHITANDISand JesseGOODMAN.

8 January, 1824, Banns, Joseph SKINNER, bachelor and SarahANDERSON,spinster, both of this parish. Witnesses, John ANDERSON andJohn HARP.

10 January, 1824, by special license, George RIDOUT,barrister-at-law,bachelor, and Dorothy COCKBURN, widow, both of this parish. Witnesses,Wm. CAMPBELL and John BEIKIE. George RIDOUT was a prominentprovincialofficial for many years. John BEIKIE was clerk of theCouncil, alsosheriff, and a prominent militia officer.

20 January, 1824, Banns, Jonathan PEACOCK, bachelor, andCatherine GRAY,spinster, of Etobicoke. Witnesses, Thomas MUSSON andCatherine HEARD.

27 January, 1824, by special license, John McINTOSH,bachelor, of thisparish, and Catherine Oswald STEWART, of Esquesney,spinster. Witnesses, Charles McINTOSH and Caroline M. HAMILTON.

27 January, 1824, by special license, William COOPER,bachelor and MaryLANGRILL, widow, both of this parish. Witnesses, JOsephFRENCH and AnneCARMSAY.

27 January, 1824, by special license, John NICHOL, bachelor,and AnneCARNODY, spinster, both of this parish. Witnesses, GeorgeCOOPER andJohn WILLMOTT.

3 February, 1824, James CURRY, of Chinquacousy, bachelor,and AnneMURRAY, spinster, both of this parish. Witnesses, MaryMORROW andSamuel CURRY.

Marriage performed by W.R. BROWN, A.M., acting for Dr.STRACHANThe Banns of marriage were published between Isaac REID,bachelor, andCatherine TIP, spinster, both of the township of York on thethreeunderwritten Sundays, and no impediment offered. On Sunday,February1st, 1824, February 8th, 1824, and Feb. 15th, 1824.

16 February, 1824, Banns, Isaac Reid, bachelor, andCatherine TIP,spinster, both of the township of York. Witnesses, John VANNOSTRANDand Elizabeth SHEPHERD.

23 February, 1824, by special license, George ADAMSON,bachelor andLevina HOPKINS, spinster, of the Township of York. Witnesses, DanielHOPKINS and John PYMAN.

24 February, 1824, Banns, Sterry ARNOLD, bachelor, andElizabethPHILLIP, spinster. Witnesses, Mark BURNHAM and SallyARNOLD.

15 March, 1824, by special license, Alexander CUTHBUTT,bachelor, andAnn CAMPBELL, spinster, both of the township of York. Witnesses,Margaret BREDIN and Thomas ROLPH.

20 March, 1824, by special license, Hugh GILLESPIE, of theCavanDistrict of Newcastle, bachelor, and Mary CARBOT, of thetownship ofYork, widow. Witnesses, Henry ARGISE and Margaret BROWN.

20 March, 1824, by special license, Henry SPROAT, of thetownship ofYork, bachelor, and Mary WILLIAMS, of the same township,spinster. Witnesses, George ADAMSON and John WEST.

25 March, 1824, by special license, William LOVELESS, of thetownship ofYork, bachelor, and Hannah HOLT, of the same township,widow. Witnesses, James DICKER and Henry SPROAT.

15 April, 1824, by special license, James JOBBIT, of thetownship ofNiagara, bachelor, and Elizabeth BRIGHT, of the township ofYork. Witnesses, Lewis BRIGHT and L. BRIGHT.

25 April, 1824, Banns, James DENSMERE, bachelor and MaryHAMILTON,spinster, of the township of Etobico [sic]. Witnesses, F.WILCOX andThomas ROLPH.


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