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Vital Statistics Records

The purpose of the Ontario Vital Statistics Records is to provide genealogists a free resource for sharing information about details contained on microfilmed Vital Stats and in Newspapers in Ontario.

Marriages in York (Toronto)

Marriage Registers of St. James Anglican Church/Cathedral,York (Toronto), 1800 to 1896, as recorded in Landmarks of Toronto : a collection of historical sketches of the old town of York from 1792 until 1837 and of Toronto from 1834 to [1914] ; volume 3, pp.395 ff., by John Ross Robertson 1894(includingbiographical notations on some individuals and families by J.R.R.) Source: Internet Archives Public Domain


1 January, 1834, Banns, George WRIGHT, bachelor, andElizabeth APPLEBY,spinster, both of the township of Etobicoke. Witnesses,Sarah McVANE,Robert WRIGHT.

8 January, 1834, by special license, Timothy ROGERS, in thetownship ofKing, Home District, bachelor, and Anne LLOYD, of thetownship of WestGwillimbury, spinster. Also, Charles LLOYD and Sarah OSTROM. Witnesses, DavidLLOYD, UriahBRITTON.

16 January, 1834, by special license, William LELIOTT [?],of thetownship of Markham, in the Home district, bachelor, andFrancesBRAITHWAITE, of the same township, spinster. Witnesses, H.COOPER,William E. DUNN.

18 January, 1834, by special license, Edward STUBBS, of thetownship ofCaledon, in the Home district, widower, and Hannah HESSEY[or HESEY] ,of the township of Garafraxa, in the district of Gore,spinster. Witnesses, John STUBBS, William DILLUS.

23 January, 1834, by special license, William SWANTON, ofthe town ofYork, in the Home district, bachelor, and Ellen BEAMISH, ofthe townshipof Etobicoke, spinster. Witnesses, Thomas GERMYN, JamesSWANTON.

30 January, 1834, by special license, James NIGHTINGALE, ofthe townshipof York, bachelor, and Ellen NIGHTINGALE, of the same place,spinster. Witnesses, Thomas COOK, Elizabeth NIGHTINGALE. JamesNIGHTINGALE formany years was the proprietor of the "Peacock" tavern, onDundas street,just five miles from the city.

31 January, 1834, by special license, John TOPPIN, of thetownship ofMarkham, in the Home district, widower, and Mary COLLINS, ofthe sametownship, spinster. Witnesses, William STANLEY, JohnDICKY.

Marriages Performed by Rev. Dr. John STRACHAN

26 January, 1834, by special license, James NEWBIGGING,Esq., of thetown of York, in the Home District, bachelor, and AnneLouise HAGERMAN,of the same place, spinster. Witnesses, Mary R. MaCKENZIE,AlexanderMURRAY. Mr. NEWBIGGING was a Toronto merchant. His wifesurvived in1898. His eldest son, Colonel Robert NEWBIGGING, died inToronto inFebruary, 1898.

16 February, 1834, Banns, Michael WOOD, widower, of OxfordWest, LondonDistrict, and Jane ROBINSON, widow, of York. Witnesses, M.KEATING andJohn MUNNS.

16 February, 1834, Banns, Thomas STINYER, bachelor, and MaryELSON,spinster, both of York. Witnesses, E. ELSON and JohnTUNISBY.

Marriage Performed by George J. GWYNNE25 March, 1834, Banns, Isaac WINTER, and Mary CHRISTNER,spinster, bothof Etobicoke.Witnesses, Moses CHRISTNER, Elizabeth DEVINS.[Note: this is the first marriage that is recorded as havingtaken placein "Toronto" as opposed to "York".]

Marriages Performed by Rev. Dr. John STRACHAN13 April, 1834, Banns, William MULLER, bachelor, and JuliaDWYER,spinster, both of this parish. Witnesses, John MURPHY,Thomas GRAY.

13 April, 1834, Banns, Andrew WILSON, bachelor, and JuliaPLUNKETT,widow, both of this place. Witnesses, John MURPHY, ThomasGRAY.

24 October, 1835, James SHARPE, of the township of Leeds, intheJohnston District, bachelor, and Elizabeth MIDDLETON, of thecity ofToronto, spinster. Witnesses, William SWOAFF and JohnBATTLE.

11 May, 1834, Banns, John MOORE, widower, and Mary MACAULAY,spinster,both of this parish. Witnesses, Charles MOORE, BridgetCARROLL.

13 May, 1834, Banns, John SMITH, bachelor, of Markham, andMarySPARKHALL, spinster, of Toronto. Witnesses, Joseph CHILOES,MariaSPARKHALL.

14 May, 1834, Banns, John SEDGEWORTH, bachelor, and MarySIMPSON,spinster, both of this parish. Witnesses, Thomas WILLIAMS,RachelBILTON.

15 May, 1834, by special license, Thomas SCALES, bachelor,and MariaMcDONALD, spinster, both of this parish. Witnesses, ThomasMARA,Susannah ORNET.

29 May, 1834, Banns, Kerr BRUCE, bachelor, and MariaMERLING, spinster. Witnesses, Thomas HAMILTON, Susanna ARLET.

2 June, 1834, by special license, George BARRY, bachelor,and MaryFISHER, spinster. Witnesses, Sarah FISHER, John PeterFISHER.

9 June, 1834, Banns, William CARSWELL, bachelor, andMargaret CRAIG,spinster, both of this parish. Witnesses, Eliza CRAIG,Henry SWOCK.

11 June, 1834, by special license, John STUART, Esq., of thetown ofLondon, in the district of London, bachelor, and ElizabethVanRanssalaer POWELL, of the city of Toronto, spinster. Witnesses,Charlotte Bleeker POWELL, G. C. STRACHAN.

14 June, 1834, by special license, Major BRAITHWAITE, of thetownship ofMarkham, bachelor, and Ann MATHEWS, of the same place,spinster. Witnesses, Samson BRAITHWAITE, Mary MAULESON.

17 June, 1834, Banns, Henry SWOCK, bachelor, and CatherineOBRIER,spinster, both of the township of York. Witnesses, JamesWALLIS, ThomasFINGALE.

22 June,1834, Banns, William HIGGINS, bachelor, and MaryMcGUIRE,spinster, both of this parish. Witness, S. McSTRAVICK.

8 July, 1834, by special license, John BELL, bachelor, andMary JaneBROWN. Witnesses, John PIKE and George BELL.

14 July, 1834, by special license, James WINGROVE, bachelor,residing inSt. Catharines, district of Niagara, and Sarah BELL,spinster, of thiscity. Witnesses, Richard GREY, Elizabeth THOMPSON.

14 July, 1834, Banns, Robert SMITH, bachelor, and AnnMICHAEL, spinster,both of this city. Witnesses, David BURN, Mary AnnHUNTER.

15 July, 1834, by special license, Robert McCOLLUM, of thetownship ofToronto, bachelor, and Jane STEVENSON, of the city ofToronto,spinster. Witnesses, Mary Ann STEVENSON, Thomas GUINTY.

15 July, 1834, by special license, Henry G. PAPST, of thetownship ofYork, bachelor, and Elizabeth BURKE, of the same place,spinster. Witnesses, Daniel PAPST, Emma SNIDER.

15 July, 1834, by special license, Robert JOHNSTON, ofToronto,bachelor, and Catherine TAYLOR, of the same place, spinster.Witnesses, Mary SCOTT, James HUGHES.

16 July, 1834, by special license, John BISHOP, senr.,widower, andRobina GARSEDE, widow, both of this parish. Witnesses, Joseph PRICE,Maria PRICE.

16 July, 1834, by special license, Thomas SMITH, bachelor,and JaneTHOMPSON, spinster, both of this parish. Witnesses, Elizabeth BAKER,John BAKER.

16 July, 1834, by special license, Joseph CLARKE, bachelor,and Mary AnnBLOOR, spinster, both of this parish. Witnesses, SarahBLOOR, S. AMOS.

19 July, 1834, by special license, Thomas MEREDITH, of thetownship ofWestminster, London district, bachelor, and CatherinePOWELL, of thecity of Toronto, spinster. Witnesses, John SHAW, MargaretHENDERSON.

22 July, 1834, by special license, Lennox RUDYERD, paymasterto theRideau Canal, of Bytown, bachelor, and Caroline LauraCOLMAN, ofToronto, spinster. Witnesses, Thomas COLMAN, M. T.COLMAN.

22 July, 1834, by special license, Robert SWALES, bachelor,of thetownship of Toronto, Home district, and Hannah HOYELL, ofthe sameplace, spinster. Witnesses, James BENTLY, S. BROCK.

23 July, 1834, Banns, Thomas AIDER, widower, and IsabellaCAMERON,spinster, both of Toronto. Witnesses, John ROBINS, WilliamBEATLE.

30 July, 1834, by special license, Thomas BURKE, bachelor,and CatherineDOHEY, spinster, both of Toronto. Witnesses, John EDMONDE,RobertFOWLER.

28 August, 1834, Banns, William LAUDER, bachelor, and MaryAnn SEAMAN,spinster, both of the township of Toronto. Witnesses, JohnMcCANDLESS,Catherine SLOAN.

6 September, 1834, by special license, Thomas Gibbs RIDOUT,widower, andMatilda Ann BRAMLEY, spinster, both of the city of Toronto. Witnesses, W. A. BALDWIN, Geo. SMITH, Mary RIDOUT. Mr. RIDOUT was sonofSurveyor-General RIDOUT. He served in the war of 1812, andfor morethan 40 years subsequently was cashier of the Bank of UpperCanada. Hedied in 1861.

8 September, 1834, by special license, Joseph BEATTY,bachelor, and JaneCAMPBELL, spinster, both of this parish. Witnesses, EllenBEATTY, Wm.E. SMITH.

18 September, 1834, by special license, William MORLEY,bachelor, andAnne BROWN, spinster, both of this parish. Witnesses, William ORMOND,George BROWN.

22 September, 1834, by special license, Robert PURK, of thetownship ofCavan, Newcastle district, and Mary MURDOCH, of Toronto,spinster. Witnesses, Francis WEST, Margaret McLEAN.

27 September, 1834, by special license, Thomas MAY,bachelor, and AnnCOTTON, spinster, both of this parish. Witnesses, ElizaCOTTON, JamesTODD.

7 October, 1834, by special license, James SWITZER, ofEsquisey, GoreDistrict, bachelor, and Maria KENT, of the same township,spinster. Witnesses, Francis KENT, Joseph MITHAND.

9 October, 1834, by special license, Robert CARRUTHERS,bachelor, andElizabeth WEBB, widow, both of the township of York. Witnesses, H.PALMER, Elizabeth CARRUTHERS.

10 October, 1834, by special license, William JEFFERY, ofthe townshipof Whitby, widower, and Ann HALL, of the same place, widow. Witnesses,George JACKSON, William HALL, Mary Ann JACKSON.

11 October, 1834, by special license, William SIMPSON,widower, and MaryCONNOR, spinster, both of this parish. Witnesses, ElizaCOTTON,Benjamin MILLS.

13 October, 1834, by special license, Ephraim WilliamBURKLEY, widower,and Maria STEVENSON, widow, both of this parish. Witnesses,ThomasMATTHEWS, Charlotte MATTHEWS.

15 October, 1834, by special license, William BeverleyHEWARD, of thecity of Toronto, bachelor, and Mary COCKBURN, of the sameplace,spinster, both of this parish. Witnesses, Wm. A. CAMPBELL,E. L.LICARE, H.C. HEWARD, John FENTON.

16 October, 1834, by special license, Thomas WALKER,bachelor, andElizabeth JOHNSON, spinster, both of the township ofToronto. Witnesses, William JOHNSON, Martha BEATTY.

17 October, 1834, by special license, John GRANT, bachelor,andCatherine PARTINGTON, widow, both of this parish. Witnesses, JamesHAMILTON, John ORMONDE.

29 October, 1834, Banns, James TAYLOR, bachelor, and SarahSMITH,spinster, both of this parish. Witnesses, Elisa SMITH,John PIRRITTE.

3 November, 1834, by special license, John McMILLAN, of thetownship ofLancaster, Eastern district, widower, and Grace McCALLUM, ofthetownship of Erie, Gore District, spinster. Witnesses, AlexanderMcPHERSON, John McKENZIE.

7 November, 1834, by special license, John PARK, of thistownship ofYork, bachelor, and Mary Jane TAYLOR, of Toronto, spinster. Witnesses, John CUNNINGHAM, John DOWPUTY.

9 November, 1834, by special license, Thomas M. RADENHURST,Esq.,barrister at law, of the town of Perth, Bathurst district,in thisprovince, bachelor, and Lucy Edith RIDOUT, of the city ofToronto,spinster. Witnesses, Wm. RIDOUT, Mary RIDOUT, James E.SMALL. Thebride in this case was a daughter of Surveyor-GeneralRIDOUT, and sisterof Thomas Gibbs RIDOUT.

10 November, 1834, by special license, Joseph KIRKLY, ofToronto,bachelor, and Maria WILBY, of the same place, spinster. Witnesses, William LEAMING, Majory ANDERSON.

13 November, 1834, by special license, Joseph KERR,bachelor, andEleanor SHORT, spinster, both of this parish. Witnesses, JeanMcCULLOUGH, Patrick FOY.

15 November, 1834, by special license, James THOMPSON, ofthe town ofKingston, bachelor, and Winnifred GILRAY, of Toronto, widow.Witnesses,Isaiah KENNY, H. RENSON.

20 November, 1834, by special license, George HAPPER,bachelor, andMargaret COULTES, spinster, both of Scarboro'. Witnesses, WilliamCOULTES, Jane BEASWICK.

20 November, 1834, by special license, George RAWSON,bachelor, andJulia Ann PARKER, spinster, both of this parish. Witnesses,EdwardBAKER, Elizabeth BAKER.

10 December, 1834, by special license, Joseph BROWN, ofEtobicoke, andMary HAGAR, of Toronto, spinster. Witnesses, GeorgeSUNLEY, HowardCROWLEY.

12 December, 1834, by special license, William WALKER,widower, andElizabeth ARMSTRONG, spinster, both of this parish. Witnesses, MarthaARMSTRONG, Allen ROSE.

15 December, 1834, by special license, James TODD, bachelor,and ElisaCOTTON, spinster, both of this parish. Witnesses, Thos.HENRY, JohnBULL.

15 December, 1834, by special license, Arthur BROCK, of thetownship ofYork, bachelor, and Mary BURNS, of the city of Toronto,spinster. Witnesses, David BURNS, Jas. ARMSTRONG.

15 December, 1834, by special license, William CAMPBELL,Esq., bachelor,and Harriett Grace FOOT, spinster, both of the city ofToronto. Witnesses, William Campbell LORING, Lavinia FOOT.

18 December, 1834, Banns, Charles LEWIS, bachelor, and AnnUNDERWOOD,spinster, both of this parish. Witnesses, IsabellaTHOMPSON, FrancisOLDHAM.

18 December, 1834, by special license, Richard WOOD,bachelor, and MaryPHIBBS, spinster, both of this parish. Witnesses, WilliamMURRAY,Myles BOYD.

24 December, 1834, Banns, Adam GEDDES, widower, and MargaretWRIGHT,spinster, both of this parish. Witnesses, Arch. WRIGHT,IsabellaWRIGHT.

25 December, 1834, Banns, Philip HULL, single, and MarySTARR, spinster,both of this parish. Witnesses, William SHAW, HarrietWILSON.

27 December, 1834, by special license, Charles YOUNG,widower, andIsabella ANDERSON, spinster, both of this parish. Witnesses, MaryCAMP, Charles BELL.

Vital Statistics Records

The purpose of the Ontario Vital Statistics Records is to provide genealogists a free resource for sharing information about details contained on microfilmed Vital Stats and in Newspapers in Ontario.



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