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Vital Statistics Records

The purpose of the Ontario Vital Statistics Records is to provide genealogists a free resource for sharing information about details contained on microfilmed Vital Stats and in Newspapers in Ontario.

Marriages in York (Toronto)

Marriage Registers of St. James Anglican Church/Cathedral,York (Toronto), 1800 to 1896, as recorded in Landmarks of Toronto : a collection of historical sketches of the old town of York from 1792 until 1837 and of Toronto from 1834 to [1914] ; volume 3, pp.395 ff., by John Ross Robertson 1894(includingbiographical notations on some individuals and families by J.R.R.) Source: Internet Archives Public Domain

Marriages Performed by H. J. GRASETT, B.A., Asst. Min.4 January, 1837, by license, William GRAHAM, of the townshipof Vaughan,bachelor, and Matilda TAYLOR, of the township of York,spinster. Witnesses, Thomas HODGSON, John BROWN.


4 January, 1837, by license, William DRAKE, bachelor, andJulia AnneMACK, spinster, both of this parish. Witnesses, Anne SCOTT,JohnWHEATLEY.

5 January, 1837, by license, George DAVIS, of the townshipof Scarboro',bachelor, and Margaret STREET, of the same place, spinster. Witnesses,Richard HONCK, Seneca PALMER.

12 January, 1837, by license, William BURROWS, and MarySOLLITT,spinster, both of the city of Toronto. Witnesses, JohnCHARLTON, MaryA. MYERS. William Burrows was for many years a resident ofJarvisstreet, on the east side, north of Queen street. He was apainter andglazier, in a good way of business.

12 January, 1837, by license, Mark MOSSINGTON, of thetownship ofGeorgina, bachelor, and Elizabeth Georgina COMER, of thesame place,spinster. Witnesses, John COMER, Eliza BARBER.

12 January, 1837, by license, Daniel INGRAM, of Oakville,bachelor, andHannah SEARS, of the same place, spinster. Witnesses, JamesCharlesINGRAM, William T. GODD.

22 January, 1837, by license, William CHEARNLEY, of the cityof Toronto,bachelor, and Mary Anne PHIPPS, of the same place, spinster.Witnesses,W.N. PHIPPS, Bridget CHEARNLEY.

22 January, 1837, by license, Jonathan CURREN, of the cityof Toronto,bachelor, and Mary Anne NELSON, of the same place, spinster.Witnesses,Robert CAMERON, Richard CHEARNLEY.

25 January, 1837, by license, John CARTER, of the townshipof Tecumseth,bachelor, and Ellen BELL, of the township of Essa, spinster.Witnesses,James HAMILTON, John SOTHERN.

26 January, 1837, by license, Richard TRUDGEN, of thetownship ofMarkham, bachelor, and Martha WATSON, of the same place,spinster. Witnesses, G.D. RUDY, Daniel MEWSE.

26 January, 1837, by license, Andrew GRAHAM, of the townshipof Toronto,bachelor, and Maria SHAW, of the township of York, spinster.Witnesses,Thomas GRAHAM, George GRAHAM.

26 January, 1837, by license, John LAWRENCE, of the townshipof Vespra,bachelor, and Clarissa ARMSTRONG, of the same place, widow. Witnesses,Jane BEATTY, William LARKIN.

2 February, 1837, by license, Robert SCOTT, of the city ofToronto,bachelor, and Margaret HANNA, of the township of Albion,spinster. Witnesses, John HANNA, William KENNEDY.

6 February, 1837, by license, Patrick CARROLL, of theGarrison ofToronto, bachelor, sergeant in his Majesty's 15th Regiment,to ElizabethPATTERSON, of the city of Toronto, spinster. Witnesses,BryanSTRATFORD, Henry Hugh O'NEIL.

Marriage Performed by Henry Hugh O'NEIL, A.B.9 February, 1837, by license, James HOWDEN, of the townshipof Albion,bachelor, and Anne SPENCE, of the township of Caledon,widow. Witnesses, James DONALDSON, Wm. ATCHISON.

Marriages Performed by H.J. GRASETT, Asst. Min.13 February, 1837, Banns, Michael CONLON, widower, and AnneENGLISH,widow, both of this parish. Witnesses, James HARRIS, AnnHARRIS.

19 February, 1837, Banns, John HOWARTH, widower, and MaryAnnePATTERSON, widow, both of this parish. Witnesses, RobertHODGSON, W.ANDREWS.

23 February, 1837, by license, Henry ROWE, of the townshipof Toronto,in the Gore, bachelor, and Catherine BEAMISH, of the sameplace,spinster. Witnesses, John JERMYN, J. Gamble GEDDES.

1 March, 1837, by license, Richard WIGGLESWORTH, of thetownship ofToronto, bachelor, and Anne SMITH, of the same place,spinster. Witnesses, Jeremiah JORDAN, George WIGGLESWORTH.

Marriage Performed by Rev. Dr. John STRACHAN2 March, 1837, by license, Colley FOSTER, junior, Esq.,barrister-at-law, and Elizabeth Charrington HUMPHREYS,spinster, both ofToronto. Witnesses, J. Domley HUMPHREYS, S. WASHDOWN, JuliaFOSTER,Elizabeth FOSTER.

Marriage Performed by H.J. GRASETT, B.A., Asst. Min.3 March, 1837, by license, Thomas ARMSTRONG, of the townshipofPittsburg, in the Midland district, bachelor, and MatildaARMSTRONG, ofthe same township, spinster. Witnesses, O. STRONG, PhilipMAYERSHIFFE.

Marriage Performed by Rev. Dr. John STRACHAN7 March, 1837, Richard NASH, Esq., of the city of Toronto,bachelor, andAnn COOK, of the township of York, spinster. Witnesses, Wm.SPORING,J.D. WELLS, Cecil GIVENS, Mary Ann BILLINGS. Mr. Nash was awell-knownman in Toronto. He was in business as a brewer on Frontstreet west.

Marriages Performed by H.J. GRASETT, B.A., Asst. Min.9 March, 1837, by license, Charles HUNT, of the city ofToronto,bachelor, and Harriet LOOSE, of the same place, spinster. Witnesses,John MEEK, Sarah MEEK.

11 March, 1837, by license, John MITCHELL, of the town ofHamilton, inthe district of Gore, bachelor, and Charlotte CARR, of thetownship ofTrafalgar, in the same district, spinster. Witnesses,George BAKER,David CARR.

13 March, 1837, by license, John WEATHERLEY, of the city ofToronto,bachelor, and Mary Anne JACKSON, of the same place,spinster. Witnesses, Thomas J. PRESTON, Mary Anne PRESTON, WalterPRESTON.

16 March, 1837, by license, James CREIGHTON, the younger, ofthetownship of York, bachelor, and Margaret McLEAN, of the sametownship,spinster. Witnesses, James WOUGH, James McLEAN.

Marriage Performed by Rev. Dr. John STRACHAN17 March, 1837, by license, Matthew BLACK, bachelor, andSarah WALLACE,spinster, both of Toronto. Witnesses, Helen BAILEY, AgnesA. STRACHAN,John WALLIS.

Marriages Performed by H.J. GRASETT, Asst. Min.23 March, 1837, by license, Thomas IRWIN, of the city ofToronto,bachelor, and Anne SCOTT, of the same place, spinster. Witnesses,Edward LANDERS, Anne IRWIN.

24 March, 1837, by license, Francis BAMBRIDGE, of thetownship ofTecumseth, bachelor, and Susannah COOPER, of the same place,spinster. Witnesses, Wm. CAMPBELL, George CLAMPIE.

27 March, 1837, by license, Winston SCANKS, of the townshipofEtobicoke, bachelor, and Elizabeth QUAILE, of the sameplace, spinster. Witnesses, John W. DUNKINS, James FULTON.

27 March, 1837, Banns, Robert DIXON, of the township ofYork, bachelor,and Sarah McLEAN, of the same place, spinster. Witnesses,Henry LIVOCK,Catherine LIVOCK.

4 April, 1837, by license, William Henry WOODALL, theyounger, of thecity of Toronto, bachelor, and Jane BEATTY, of the sameplace,spinster. Witnesses, Charles G. PARKS, Ransom WOODALL.

5 April, 1837, by license, William MACKIE, of the townshipof WestGwillimbury, bachelor, and Anne Caroline LAW, of thetownship ofTecumseth, spinster. Witnesses, George SLOAN, ThomasHURST.

5 April, 1837, by license, Edward CARTER, of the township ofTecumseth,bachelor, and Mary Jane MANNING, of the city of Toronto,spinster. Witnesses, J.D. ORR, Thomas M. MANNING.

11 April, 1837, Banns, James COOPER and Catherine McKAY. Witnesses,Edward BLEVINS, Jane BLEVINS, Catherine SLOAN.

15 April, 1837, by license, John NICHOLSON, of the city ofToronto,widower, and Mary CROWLEY, of the same place, spinster. Witnesses,William BOLTON, Richard TINNING.

Marriage Performed by Rev. Dr. John STRACHAN29 April, 1837, by license, John ESMONDE, bachelor, andDeborah WARREN,widow, both of Toronto. Witnesses, A. Jane BAILEY,FrederickBICKERSTAFF.

Marriages Performed by H.J. GRASETT, Asst. Min.1 May, 1837, by license, Charles Garner PARKS, of the cityof Toronto,bachelor, and Mary Anne JOHNSTON, of the same place,spinster. Witnesses, Sidney S. HAMILTON, Mary Ann DOYLE.

20 May, 1837, Banns, Joseph GILKINSON, bachelor, and MaryLANG, widow,both of Toronto. Witnesses, Jane ALEXANDER, CordeliaTOWNS.

24 May, 1837, Banns, James PIGGOTT, of the city of Toronto,bachelor,and Lavinia GARBUTT, of the township of Toronto, spinster. Witnesses,Chas. PIGGOTT, Mary GARBUTT.

May 24, 1837, by license, John SMITH, of the city ofToronto, bachelor,and Elizabeth TINSLEY, of the same place, widow. Witnesses,Wm. BOLTON,Francis CLARKSON.

24 May, 1837, by license, James MULLEN, of the city ofToronto,bachelor, and Hannah TURTON, of the same place, spinster. Witnesses,William TURTON, Maria TUFFIELD.

Marriage Performed by Rev. Dr. John STRACHAN1 June, 1837, by license, Thomas William McGRATH, Esq., ofthe townshipof Toronto, bachelor, and Wilhelmina Frederica Augusta ROSE,of the cityof Toronto, spinster. Witnesses, Rebecca DUNN, Chas.McGRATH, JamesMcGRATH.

Marriages Performed by H.J. GRASETT, Asst. Min.2 June, 1837, by license, Thomas HOWE, of the township ofYork,bachelor, and Mary HOLE, of the city of Toronto, spinster. Witnesses,Thomas PHIPPS, Robert HOLE.

3 June, 1837, by license, Samuel PLATT, of the city ofToronto,bachelor, and Eliza LOCKHART, of the same place, spinster. Witnesses,John SMITH, Sarah SMITH.

5 June, 1837, Banns, Robert LEATCH, of the city of Toronto,bachelor,and Margaret YOUNG, of the same place, spinster. Witnesses,AnnePHIBBS, John FIGAN.

7 June, 1837, by license, William SPLATT, of the township ofPickering,widower, and Anne ERNEST, of the city of Toronto, widow. Witnesses,Thomas GARLICK, Mary GRAY.

13 June, 1837, Banns, Edward THOMPSON, bachelor, and MaryHAMILTON,widow, both of this parish. Witnesses, Richard MITCHELL,FANNY LEWIS.

16 June, 1837, Banns, James BAILEY, bachelor, and MaryBAILEY, spinster,both of the city of Toronto. Witnesses, Andrew KEILLY, MaryAnn GRAY.

17 June, 1837, by license, Alfred BOSWORTH, of FitzroyHarbour, in thedistrict of Bathurst, bachelor, and Sarah HOWELL, of thetownship ofPickering, in the Home district, spinster. Witnesses,Nicholas HOWELL,jr. Mr. Bosworth died in 1850. His only son became aprominent man inStratford, Ont.

18 June, 1837, Banns, Edwin HILLMAN, corporal in HisMajesty's 24thRegt., Toronto Garrison, bachelor, and Joanna BRODIE, ofthis parish,spinster. Witnesses, F. MALIN, J. WALLACE.

24 June, 1837, by license, John RODDY, the younger, of thecity ofToronto, widower, and Alice OWEN, of the same place, widow. Witnesses,Thomas MOORE, Sarah MOORE.

2 July, 1837, Banns, John LAUGHLIN, bachelor, and PhoebeDUDLEY,spinster, both of this parish. Witnesses, John KELLY, JanetHALL.

3 July, 1837, by license, Thomas McKEAND, of the city ofToronto,widower, and Bridget KELLY, of the same place, widow. Witnesses,William WALLIS, Eliza JOLLAND.

12 July, 1837, by license, Joseph CAMPION, of the townshipof York,bachelor, and Anne LAW, of the Gore of Toronto, spinster. Witnesses, Francis CLARKSON, Richard AGAR.

15 July, 1837, by license, Nathan EGLIN, of the township ofEsquesing,in the district of Gore, bachelor, and Joann CHRISHOLM, ofthe sameplace, spinster. Witnesses, Thomas CHRISHOLM, Jr., MarthaBELL.

17 July, 1837, by license, John ATKINSON, of the township ofMarkham,bachelor, and Jane FOSTER, of the same place, spinster. Witnesses, John THOMPSON, William BLAIN.

Marriage Performed by Rev. Dr. John STRACHAN19 July, 1837, by license, John JOSEPH, of the city ofToronto,bachelor, and Ann Elizabeth HAGERMAN, of the same place,spinster. Witnesses, Madeline SAMPSON, Harriet SCOTT, F.B.HEAD, F.HALKETT. Mr.Joseph was clerk to the Executive Council. His wife was adaughter ofHon. C. HAGERMAN and a sister of Mrs. John BeverleyRobinson. Among thewitnesses were Sir Francis Bond Head, theLieutenant-Governor, and hisA.D.C., Capt. HALKETT. The last of these two died inToronto, and isinterred in St. James' churchyard.

22 July, 1837, by license, John HARRIES, of the township ofEtobicoke,bachelor, and Sarah TAYLOR, of the city of Toronto,spinster. Witnesses, Helen VALENTINE, William HARRIES.

25 July, 1837, by license, William MUNS, of the city ofToronto,bachelor, and Elizabeth Johanna GORDON, of the township ofKing,spinster. Witnesses, James OXFORD, Elizabeth BENNETT.

27 July, 1837, Banns, Joseph SMITH, of the town ofBrantford, bachelor,and Lucinda CARROLL, of the city of Toronto, spinster. Witnesses, Wm.R. ABBOTT, W.B. HARRIS.

31 July, 1837, Banns, John FRIEND, bachelor, and ElizabethRAINBOW,spinster, both of this parish. Witnesses, Alexander LEWIS,WilliamJOHNSON.

5 August, 1837, by license, John MOORE, of the township ofPickering,widower, and Hannah WILLISON, of the same place, widow. Witnesses, John C. SCHOFIELD, Mary MANBROW.

6 August, 1837, by license, John Squire HAMLIN, of the cityof Toronto,bachelor, and Elizabeth WARREN, of the same place,spinster. Witnesses, W. HAMLIN, Mary HAMLIN.

12 August, 1837, Banns, Robert ARFORD, of the township ofYork,bachelor, and Sarah DYER, of the city of Toronto, spinster.Witnesses, George FARLEY, Elizabeth MILES.

14 August, 1837, by license, Robert BRITTON, of the city ofToronto,bachelor, and Eliza ELLIOTT, of the liberties of the saidcity,spinster. Witnesses, John BOND, Sarah BOND.

18 August, 1837, by license, John BLACK, of the city ofToronto,bachelor, and Isabella STEVENSON, of the same place,spinster. Witnesses, Thomas ARMSTRONG, John ANDERSON.

Marriage Performed by George MACKIE, Officiating Minister3 September, 1837, Banns, James McCORD, of the city ofToronto,bachelor, and Jane BEATTY, of the same place, spinster. Witnesses, James McSTAVICK, George McSTAVICK, Rosalie McSTAVICK.

Marriages Performed by Charles MATHEWS, A.M., OfficiatingMinister7 September, 1837, by license, Joseph HUMPHREY, bachelor, ofthe city ofToronto, in the Home district, and Lucinda TODD, of the sameplace,spinster. Witnesses, Laura HOWARD, P. HUMPHREY.

7 September, 1837, by license, Edward THOMPSON, of thetownship ofToronto, Home district, bachelor, and Mary ALLEN, of thesame place,spinster. Witnesses, Thomas REID, John ALLEN.

Marriages Performed by Rev. Dr. John STRACHAN11 September, 1837, Banns, Thomas PALLISER, widower, andMary GREEN,spinster, both of the township of York. Witnesses, AndrewTALLANCE,James RICHARDSON.

7 September, 1837, by license, George PHIBBS, bachelor, andAnn SEWARD,spinster, both of this parish. Witnesses, Anne PHIBBS, Wm.AXLEY.

12 September, 1837, by license, John CAESAR, bachelor, ofthe townshipof Chinguacousy, and Eliza CALBECK, of the city of Toronto,spinster. Witnesses, Ann Maria PERRY, William CALBECK.

28 September, 1837, by license, William JOYCE, bachelor, andHelen BEST,widow, both of Toronto. Witnesses, James THUTIN, MaryHUTON.

30 September, 1837, Banns, James KNIGHTS, bachelor, andSarah PURDY,spinster, both of this parish. Witnesses, Mary AgnesYARKER, RobertCARMAN.

5 October, 1837, Banns, Marmaduke HARDY, bachelor, andIsabella TAYLOR,both of York township. Witnesses, William HARDY, MarmadukeGERRARD.

7 October, 1837, Banns, William HUNT, bachelor, andElizabeth MILES,spinster, both of this parish. Witnesses, George FAIRLY,Jean FAIRLY.

10 October, 1837, James ROBINSON, bachelor, and MaryTOWNROW, spinster,both of the township of Chinguacousy. Witnesses, ThomasTOWNROW,Andrew NEWCOME.

18 October, 1837, by license, James CAMERON, Esq., bachelor,and RebeccaDREAN, spinster, both of this parish. Witnesses, MaryPOWELL, AgnesSTRACHAN, Mary SEWELL, Alexander BUCHANAN, James PATERSON.

24 October, 1837, by special license, Richard HUTCHINSON, ofthetownship of Vaughan, bachelor, and Elizabeth ARMSTRONG, ofthe sametownship, widow. Witnesses, John ARMSTRONG, SusanARMSTRONG.

24 October, 1837, Banns, Jacob WHITMORE, bachelor, of thetownship ofYork, and Mary Ann GODFREY, spinster, also of the townshipof York. Witnesses, William McCAUSLAND, Harriet CLARK.

27 October, 1837, Banns, Francis Shelley BAILEY, township ofYork,bachelor, Sarah Anne LONG, of the same place, spinster. Witnesses, A.NEILLY, Ann HALLES.

Marriages Performed by H.J. GRASETT, Asst. Min.11 November, 1837, by license, Thomas WRIGHT, of the city ofToronto,bachelor, and Matilda ROBERTS, of the same place, spinster. Witnesses, Richard CUDMORE, John HAMILTON.

15 November, 1837, by license, Robert ALDERDICE, of the cityof Toronto,bachelor, and Isabella BENNETT, of the same place, spinster.Witnesses, Humphrey BENNETT, James BENNETT.

Marriage Performed by Rev. Dr. John STRACHAN18 November, 1837, by special license, Samuel ProudfootHURD, Esq.,widower, and Anne Mary PRATT, spinster, both of this parish.Witnesses, Fraloince HURD, J.M. SINGER, William HAWKINS.

Marriages Performed by H.J. GRASETT, Asst. Min.22 November, 1837, by license, William BROWN, of the city ofToronto,widower, and Mary HEARTFIELD, of the same place, spinster. Witnesses, John NOTT, Emma NOTT.

30 November, 1837, by license, James WALLIS, of the townshipof York,widower, and Esther HODGSON, of the city of Toronto,spinster. Witnesses, Thomas SPOTSWOOD, John GRAHAM.

30 November, 1837, Banns, Anthony McKAY, widower, and MaryBERRY,spinster, both of the township of York. Witnesses, CharlesC. MALL,William SPRING.


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