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The purpose of the Ontario Vital Statistics Records is to provide genealogists a free resource for sharing information about details contained on microfilmed Vital Stats and in Newspapers in Ontario.
Marriages in York (Toronto)
Marriage Registers of St. James Anglican Church/Cathedral,York (Toronto), 1800 to 1896, as recorded in Landmarks of Toronto : a collection of historical sketches of the old town of York from 1792 until 1837 and of Toronto from 1834 to [1914] ; volume 3, pp.395 ff., by John Ross Robertson 1894(includingbiographical notations on some individuals and families by J.R.R.) Source:Internet Archives Public DomainSource:Internet Archives Public Domain
1 January, 1838, by license, John BAIN, of the town ofCobourg,bachelor, and Harriet BOICE, of the city of Toronto,spinster. Witnesses, Jno. LAWRENCE, R. BROWN.
11 January, 1838, Banns, Samuel WYNDER, bachelor, and MaryBUTLER,widow, both of this parish. Witnesses, James E. SMALL, JohnSMYTH.
21 January, 1838, by license, Daniel ORRIS, of the city ofToronto,bachelor, and Ann Elizabeth CHILMAN, of the same place,spinster. Witnesses, Richard NORTHWATE, William RASPER.
22 January, 1838, by license, John DANBY, of the township ofYork,bachelor, and Jane BRACK, of the same place, spinster. Witnesses, JohnBRACK, Effy BRACK.
23 January, 1838, by license, Charles McKITTRICK, of thetownship ofPickering, bachelor, and Margaret ARMSRONG, of the city ofToronto,spinster. Witnesses, Edward BOWES, Sarah GRASETT.
25 January, 1838, by license, Reece PETERS, of the city ofToronto,bachelor, and Anne KELLY, of the same place, spinster. Witnesses, H. G.BERNARD, David BOTSFORD.
1 February, 1838, Banns, David HOLLINS, bachelor, and LucyPATTERSON,spinster, of this parish. Witnesses, Cunningham R. TRUSS,JamesJOHNSTON.
2 February, 1838, by license, Elisha HANHAM, of the townshipofEtobicoke, bachelor, and Mary Ann KNOTT, of the same place,spinster. Witnesses, William KNOTT, Elizabeth BRIGHT.
7 February, 1838, by license, William BARNARD, of thetownship ofChinguacousy, widower, and Mary BALCH, of the city ofToronto, widow. Witnesses, John WEBSTER, John COMER.
8 February, 1838, by license, Thomas CLARK, of the townshipof Caledon,bachelor, and Mary McGOULDRICK, of the same place, spinster.Witnesses,William ASH, Bernard CECEMS.
16 February, 1838, by license, John Frederick USHER, of thetownship ofOro, bachelor, and Hannah MAIRS, of the township of Vespra,spinster. Witnesses, Jonathan LANE, Thomas MAIRS.
20 February, 1838, by license, John RITCHEY, of the city ofToronto,widower, and Adelaide Hines WRIGHT, of the same place,spinster. Witnesses, W. ANDREWS, F. HILL, M. HILL. Mr. Ritchey was awell-knownToronto builder. His name is commemorated in Ritchie'sTerrace, onAdelaide street.
22 February, 1838, by license, Adna PHERRILL, of thetownship ofScarboro', bachelor, and Mary Anne STEWARD, of the city ofToronto,spinster. Witnesses, William STEWARD, William ATKINSON.
Marriages Performed by Thomas PHILLIPS, D.D.
25 February, 1838, Banns, William WELLS, bachelor, and NorahHADLEY,spinster, both of the city of Toronto. Witnesses, W. JAMES,AnneHOWELITT.
25 February, 1838, Banns, John REYNAR, of the township ofAlbion,bachelor, and Eliza GRANT, spinster, of the city of Toronto,spinster. Witnesses, James ROBB, William FESSLOW.
Marriages Performed by H.J. GRASETT, Asst. Min.
26 February, 1838, by license, John Ferris NELSON, of thecity ofToronto, bachelor, and Kezia CUDMORE, of the same place,spinster. Witnesses, Richard CUDMORE, Jane CUDMORE.
27 February, 1838, by license, John CRAIG, the younger, ofthe townshipof Adjala, bachelor, and Jane McCULLOCH, of the same place,spinster. Witnesses, William PEONY, Sarah Maria GRASETT.
27 February, 1838, Banns, John BARNES, sergeant in theQueen's Rangers,and of the city of Toronto, widower, and Martha FULLER, ofthe sameplace, spinster. Witnesses, John GINN, Catherine GINN. TheQueen'sRangers, mentioned here must not be confounded with Simcoe'sfamouscorps. They were a local militia regiment raised forservice during therebellion of 1837, and disbanded in 1838-39.
27 February, 1838, by license, James VICKERS, of the city ofToronto,bachelor, and Sarah JUDAH, of the same place, spinster. Witnesses, JohnMANUEL, Anne MELLOW.
3 March, 1838, by license, Joseph SHUTER, of the city ofToronto,bachelor, and Jane REID, of the same place, spinster. Witnesses, JohnPHIBBS, Bertie SHEPHERD. Shuter street, Toronto, was calledafter thebridegroom mentioned here, he owning some of the propertynear it.
5 March, 1838, by license, Thomas GRAHAM, of the Township ofToronto,bachelor, and Mary Ann MORRISON, of the same place,spinster. Witnesses, David HAYLOR, George MORRISON.
7 March, 1838, by license, Thomas COOK, of the township ofVaughan,bachelor, and Margaret TAYLOR, of the township of York,spinster. Witnesses, John TAYLOR, Jas. NIGHTINGALE.
Marriage Performed by Rev. Dr. John STRACHAN
7 March, 1838, by license, Frederick HALKETT, captain in theColdstreamGuards, bachelor, and Elizabeth Margaret MOODIE, spinster,both of thisparish. Witnesses, F. B. HEAD, Alexander WOOD, James M.STRACHAN. Captain Halkett only survived his marriage a very briefperiod. Inaddition to Sir Francis Bond Head's signature to themarriage is that ofCapt. Strachan, a son of Bishop Strachan.
Marriages Performed by H.J. GRASETT, Asst. Min.
8 March, 1838, by license, William SLEIGHTHOLM, of the Goreof Toronto,bachelor, and Mary FOX, of the township of Chinguacousy,widow. Witnesses, John VERNON, Sarah M. GRASETT.
10 March, 1838, Banns, John MORTSON, bachelor, and SarahBENNS,spinster, both of this parish. Witnesses, John LIGSWORTH,EllenMcDONNELL.
14 March, 1838, by license, Thomas NATTRESS, of the townshipof Toronto,in the Gore, bachelor, and Anne WATSON, of the township ofVaughan,spinster. Witnesses, James POWELL, John MOTHERWELL.
22 March, 1838, by license, John NICOL, of the township ofToronto,bachelor, and Margaret TOPHAM, of the same place, spinster. Witnesses,William TOPHAM, Joseph WARD.
24 March, 1838, Banns, Joseph LOWRY, bachelor, and AnneSMYTH, spinster,both of this parish. Witnesses, John GUINAN, James SMYTH.
27 March, 1838, by license, John WRIGHT, of Amherstburgh, inthe Westerndistrict, and Elizabeth Anne Bell, of the city of Toronto,spinster. Witnesses, John BELL, George HOUGHTON, Thomas BELL, jr.,R.B. MILLER, G.IRONSIDE.
12 April, 1838, Banns, William McGUIRE, bachelor, andHarriet BUTLER,spinster, both of this parish. Witnesses, Joseph SMITH,WilliamPRESTON.
14 April, 1838, by license, Samuel PEARSALL, of HoggsHollow, bachelor,and Amelia LEWIS, of the same place, spinster. Witnesses,Daniel LEWIS,Elizabeth SMITH.
17 April, 1838, by license, Thomas GRAHAM, the younger, ofthe townshipof Toronto, bachelor, and Martha TOWNLEY, of the sametownship,spinster. Witnesses, George GRAHAM, George RUTLEDGE.
20 April, 1838, by license, HENRY BEST, of the city ofToronto,bachelor, and Susannah McMULLEN, of the same place,spinster. Witnesses, Peter A. MOSS, Wm. FREDSON.
25 April, 1838, by license, William ARMSTRONG, of the cityof Toronto,widower, and Catherine BROWN, of the same place, widow. Witnesses,Robert H. TROTTER, Edward SMYTH.
3 May, 1838, by license, George LEVENS, of the township ofAdjala,bachelor, and Anne Webb, of the same place, spinster. Witnesses, MartinBURNS, Sarah Maria GRASETT.
3 May, 1838, by license, John WILKINSON, of Prescott, in thedistrict ofJohnston, bachelor, and Anne PRESCOTT, of the city ofToronto,spinster. Witnesses, William HARRIS, Mary Ann HENDERSON.
5 May, 1838, by license, Richard HALL, of the city ofToronto, bachelor,and Elizabeth MEALLY, of the same place, spinster. Witnesses, AndrewGIBSON, James ARFORD.
9 May, 1838, by license, James BARTON, of the township ofToronto,bachelor, and Mary BECKWITH, of the same place, spinster. Witnesses, H.DANIELL, James DANIELL.
9 May, 1838, by license, Charles NORTHCOTE, of the city ofToronto,bachelor, and Elizabeth DUNNINGTON, of the same place,widow. Witnesses, Thomas WHITLAW, Harriet WHITLAW.
12 May, 1838, by license, William ASH, of the city ofToronto, widower,and Hannah MARKS, of the same place, spinster. Witnesses,BernardCEARNESS, William HOARE.
12 May, 1838, by license, James RUSK, of the township ofCavan, in thedistrict of Newcastle, bachelor, sergeant in the Queen's OwnMilitia,and Mary Ann McGILL, of the city of Toronto, spinster. Witnesses,Samuel McGILL, Joshua REYNOLDS.
14 May, 1838, Banns, George MOORE, of the township of Oro,bachelor,Corporal in the Royal Forresters Militia, and MargaretBARRY, of thecity of Toronto, spinster. Witnesses, George MOORE, JohnJONES.
14 May, 1838, Banns, Dennis HENNESSY, of the township ofEmily, widower,corporal in the Queen's Own Militia, and Anne ChristinaDavidson NOWLAN,of the city of Toronto, spinster. Witnesses, John O'CONNON,MarkCONNOLLY.
18 May, 1838, by license, Thomas SPEERS, the younger, of thetownship ofCaledon, bachelor, and Martha SNELL, of the township ofMono, spinster. Witnesses, George SNELL, Jane SPEERS.
18 May, 1838, Banns, William PURDY, of the township ofVaughan,bachelor, and Mary Ann YARHAM, of the same township,spinster. Witnesses, William YARHAM, Sarah BRIGHT.
22 May, 1838, by license, Thomas ROBINSON, of the city ofToronto,bachelor, and Anne JACKSON, of the same place, spinster. Witnesses,William WILSON, Jane FLANAGAN.
23 May, 1838, by license, William HOPKINS, of the city ofToronto,bachelor, and Rebecca BIRD, of the same place, spinster. Witnesses,Robert BROADLEY, Jane ROONEY.
24 May, 1838, by license, Archibald BLAIR, of Cayuga, in thedistrict ofNiagara, widower, and Emma WAINWRIGHT, of the same place,spinster. Witnesses, James GEORGE, George WAINWRIGHT.
27 May, 1838, by license, Thomas WHITESIDES, of the townshipofDumfries, in the district of Gore, bachelor, and AliceCOOPER, of thetownship of Toronto, spinster. Witnesses, James PRICE,James COOPER.
20 May, 1838, by license, John PUDNEY, of the city ofToronto, widower,sergeant in the Queen's Rangers, and Elizabeth MARKS, of thesame place,spinster. Witnesses, John WHITE, William ASH.
7 June, 1838, Banns, William SWITZER, of the township ofMedonte,corporal, in the Royal Forresters, Militia, bachelor, andSarah CURRY,of the city of Toronto, spinster. Witnesses, Thomas BOYD,W.B.D.MAOR.
10 June, 1838, Banns, Robert RACKHAM, bachelor, and MaryYARHAM, widow,both of the township of Toronto. Witnesses, John YARHAM,Sarah PURDY.
11 June, 1838, by license, Thomas FOSTER, of the city ofToronto,bachelor, and Elizabeth MINNIS, of the same place, widow. Witnesses,John ABBOTT, David WIER.
22 June, 1838, by license, John SMYTH, of the township ofYork,bachelor, and Isabella WILKINSON, of the same township,spinster. Witnesses, William MONTGOMERY, Richard WILKINSON.
30 June, 1838, Banns, Andrew MATTHEWSON, widower, and MaryELLIOT,spinster. Witnesses, James HENDERSON, Ann HENDERSON
1 July, 1838, Banns, Henry CLARGO, of the township ofToronto, widower,and Mary Anne MARJORAN, of the same township, widow. Witnesses, ConradMcPHELLY, Emma TIPLING.
2 July, 1838, by license, Thomas HARRISON, of Newmarket,bachelor, andAnn DAWSON, of the township of West Gwillimbury, spinster. Witnesses,Peter RHIND, Robert WILKINSON.
2 July, 1838, Banns, Anthony LEWIS, of the city of Toronto,private ofthe Queen's Rangers, Militia, bachelor, and Mary Anne RAY,of the sameplace, spinster. Witnesses, William HANDY, Dorothy BANKS.
5 July, 1838, by license, John BROCK, of the township ofChinguacousy,bachelor, and Margaret CRAIG, of the same place, spinster. Witnesses,Joseph CRAIG, David CLEGG.
7 July, 1838, Banns, John DAWSON, of the city of Toronto,private in theQueen's Toronto Guards, widower, and Phoebe CRASKE, of thesame place,widow. Witnesses, Robert COLBY, Mary HOLME.
7 July, 1838, by license, Richard OWEN, of the city ofToronto, widower,and Esther MALLEY, of the same place, widow. Witnesses,Ralph SMITH,Francis BERRY.
7 July, 1838, by license, William SMITH, of the city ofToronto,bachelor, and Sarah ROWE, of the same place, spinster. Witnesses, JamesAUSTIN, James CONMAY.
Marriage Performed by Rev. Dr. John STRACHAN
12 July, 1838, by license, Edward NIXON, bachelor, and ElizaMcNICOL,spinster, both of Toronto. Witnesses, Margaret SWELL, N.ADIE.
Marriages Performed by H.J. GRASETT, Asst. Min.
18 July, 1838, by license, Charles LOUGHEED, Sergeant in theQueen'sRangers Militia, of the township of Albion, bachelor, andMary QUIN, ofthe city of Toronto, spinster. Witnesses, Samuel HENRY,RobertLOUGHEED.
21 July, 1838, by license, George BOYER, of the city ofToronto,bachelor, and Anne Gibbs CULL, of the same place, spinster. Witnesses,Edward Lefroy CULL, Anna CULL.
21 July, 1838, by license, Matthew BOWSER, of the townshipof Markham,bachelor, and Catherine SHOOKERHILL, of the same place,spinster. Witnesses, Robert WILLIAMSON, Mary O'BRIEN.
24 July, 1838, by license, Thomas ARMSTRONG, of the townshipof Vaughan,bachelor, and Mary RIDDLE, of the same place, spinster. Witnesses,Isaac RIDDLE, Sarah Maria GRASETT.
26 July, 1838, by license, John COATES, of the city ofToronto,bachelor, and Bridget JOICE, of the same place, spinster. Witnesses,Richard LATTY, Joanna ROWAN.
7 August, 1838, by license, John HEAFFY, of the city ofToronto,bachelor, and Mary GALLAGHER, of the same place, spinster. Witnesses,Wm. HEGOTER, Alexander AHERN.
9 August, 1838, Banns, Joseph McKEE, widower, private, inthe Queen'sToronto Guards, and Anne O'NEILL, of the city of Toronto,widow. Witnesses, David SANDS, Grace PERROTT.
14 August, 1838, by license, William Conway KEELE, of thecity ofToronto, and Mary CLEAVER, of the same place, spinster. Witnesses,Henry James CASTLE, Anne SUTHERLAND, Sophia Matilda CASTLE,MarthaPATRICK. Mr. W. C. Keele was a provincial solicitor and theauthor ofmore than one legal handbook. He lived in the Torontotownship, west ofthe city, where Toronto Junction now is. Keele street inthe Junctionis named after him.
16 August, 1838, by license, William WRIGHT, of the city ofToronto,bachelor, and Margaret BURGESS, of the same place, spinster.Witnesses,Richard CHURCH, Nancy McCANN.
16 August, 1838, Banns, John HARRISON, of the township ofEsquesing,bachelor, and Catherine LAMB, of the city of Toronto,spinster. Witnesses, Robert HAWKE, Joseph DIXON, James MACKLIN.
21 August, 1838, by license, Richard WOON, of the townshipof Whitby,bachelor, and Barbara HURD, of the same place, spinster. Witnesses,Robert WILCOCKSON, Sarah M. GRASETT.
21 August, 1838, Banns, Edward GASKINS, bachelor, and MaryKEELER,spinster, both of this parish. Witnesses, Joseph TIMBUS,Anne EDWARDS.
26 August, 1838, Banns, Andrew CRAIG, bachelor, and JanePETIPICE, bothof the parish. Witnesses, Witnesses, Michael NUNEGLE, JohnPHIBBS.
Marriage Performed by Rev. Dr. John STRACHAN
29 August, 1838, (marriage took place at Lenton Park,Township of York,U.C.), by special license, D'Arcy Edward BOULTON, Esq., ofCobourg,district of Newcastle, bachelor, and Emily May CarolineHEATH, of thetownship of York, Home district, spinster, youngest daughterof the lateColonel Charles HEATH, 7th Regt., East India NativeInfantry, deceased. Witnesses, Wm. T. BOULTON, G.W. HEATH, Elizabeth HEATH,Sarah AnneBOULTON. The bridegroom was for many years a prominentmilitia officer,and when he retired in 1896 had more than 60 years' service.He wasfather of Senator C.A. BOULTON.
Marriages Performed by H.J. GRASETT, Asst. Min.
1 September, 1838, Banns, William JONES, bachelor, and ElizaKING,spinster, both of this parish. Witnesses, James WAUDLE,Elizabeth KING.
2 September, 1838, by license, John SWALLOW, of the city ofToronto,bachelor, and Sarah CASWELL, of the same place, spinster. Witnesses,John LARK, Margaret McCORD.
4 September, 1838, Banns, John SIMPSON, bachelor, andCatherine MADDEN,spinster, both of this parish. Witnesses, William McKEE,DanielDONNIGAN.
12 September, 1838, by license, John ELGIE, of the city ofToronto,bachelor, and Anne BLENKINSOP, of the same place, widow. Witnesses,Francis TIERSON, Fanny JACKSON.
17 September, 1838, by license, Stephen MARTIN, of thetownship of Mono,bachelor, and Mercellia BRETT, of the same place, spinster. Witnesses,Abraham MARTIN, Elizabeth BRETT.
17 September, 1838, by license, William WILSON, of the cityof Toronto,widower, and Anne RYAN, of the same place, widow. Witnesses, WilliamHARPER, Sarah LENNOX.
19 September, 1838, by license, Hugh LITTLE, of Hamilton, ofGoreDistrict, widower, and Elizabeth THOMPSON, of the sameplace, widow. Witnesses, Anne PARSONS, Mary Anne CLARKE.
20 September, 1838, by license, Robert GRANGER, of thetownship ofToronto, bachelor, and Phoebe SHUNK, of the same place,spinster. Witnesses, William GRANGER, Joseph GRANGER.
Marriage Performed by Rev. Dr. John STRACHAN
27 September, 1838, by license, Richard MASON, of the cityof Toronto,bachelor, and Ellen BAILEY, of the same place, spinster. Witnesses,James M. STRACHAN, Agnes A. STRACHAN, Jabez BARBER, AnneJane BAILEY.
Marriages Performed by H.J. GRASETT, Asst. Min.
27 September, 1838, Banns, Alexander McCAIG, of the townshipof Toronto,bachelor, and Margaret BLACK, of the same township,spinster. Witnesses, Andrew FLEMING, Thomas HARDY.
2 October, 1838, by license, William WILLIAMS, of the cityof Toronto,bachelor, and Anne DONOVAN, of the same place, spinster. Witnesses,Patrick O'ROUKE, James WALSH.
3 October, 1838, by license, James TUCK, of the city ofToronto,bachelor, and Anne CROWN, of Yonge street, in the libertiesof the saidcity, spinster. Witnesses, Ann McCULLOUGH, Edward CROWN.
5 October, 1838, Banns, Joseph TIMBUS, of the city ofToronto, bachelor,and Anne EDWARDS, of the same place, spinster. Witnesses,EdwardGASKINS, Mary Ann GASKINS.
6 October, 1838, by license, James NICHOLS, of the townshipofWhitchurch, bachelor, and Jane BROWN, of the city ofToronto, spinster. Witnesses, Richard ROBINSON, Mary BROWN.
Marriage Performed by Rev. Dr. John STRACHAN
9 October, 1838, by license, Samuel RIDOUT, Esq., of thecity ofToronto, widower, and Mary Hardwicke HUMPHREYS, of the sameplace,widow. Witnesses, George RIDOUT, Thomas G. RIDOUT, CharlesG. SMALL,Julia FOSTER, Elizabeth FOSTER, John FOSTER. Mr. SamuelRidout was forsome time sheriff. His residence was on Queen street, eastofSherbourne street.
Marriages Performed by H.J. GRASETT, Asst. Min.
18 October, 1838, by license, John SHAW, of the city ofToronto,bachelor, and Eliza ANDREWS, of the same place, spinster. Witnesses,Thos. COYNE, Charles McDERMOTT.
20 October, 1838, Banns, Samuel SPILLETT, of Newmarket,bachelor, andLydia GLADISH, of the city of Toronto, spinster. Witnesses,Henry DAY,Caroline DAY.
24 October, 1838, by license, William BALDWIN, of thetownship of York,bachelor, and Elizabeth RICH, of the same township,spinster. Witnesses, John FINDALE, Elizabeth NIGHTINGALE.
25 October, 1838, by license, James BOLTON, the younger, ofthe townshipof Albion, bachelor, and Ellen GODBOLT, of the same place,spinster. Witnesses, William NOBLE, George GODBOLT.
3 November, 1838, Banns, William COLBY, bachelor, and MaryAnne NICOLLS,spinster, both of this parish. Witnesses, John FRITHER,Susan NICOLLS.
6 November, 1838, by license, Anderson SMITH, of the city ofToronto,bachelor, and Henrietta CARTER, of the same place, spinster.Witnesses,A. HAMILTON, Rachel THOMAS.
6 November, 1838, by license, Michael BARRETT, QuarterMaster 1st Regt.of Simcoe Militia, of the city of Toronto, bachelor, andEllen MarthaMcCALLUM, of the same place, spinster. Witnesses, JamesMcCALLUM,Richard GREGORY. Michael Barrett afterwards studiedmedicine and becamea master at Upper Canada College. He died at an advancedage.
7 November, 1838, by license, James GIVIN, of the city ofToronto,widower, and Mary BURNS, of the same place, widow. Witnesses, EdwardMcGIBBON, Ann GRAHAM.
7 November, 1838, by license, Charles JONES, Esq., of FortErie, in thedistrict of Niagara, bachelor, and Mary SEWELL, of the cityof Toronto,spinster. Witnesses, Kenneth CAMERON, E. DUNFORD.
8 November, 1838, by license, Samuel WAINWRIGHT, of PortHope, in thedistrict of Newcastle, bachelor, and Mary Jane DARLING, ofthe city ofToronto, spinster. Witnesses, Robert DARLING, CarryCOULSON.
14 November, 1838, by license, John PICKERING, of the cityof Toronto,bachelor, and Eliza ABRAHAM, of the township of Scarboro',spinster. Witnesses, Henry James WELSH, Margaret ABRAHAM.
14 November, 1838, by license, James COLE, of the city ofToronto,bachelor, and Isabella NOBLE, of the same place, spinster. Witnesses,William SWITZER, Bernard CEARNE.
15 November, 1838, by license, John LITTLE, of the townshipofChinguacousy, bachelor, and Anne BARBER, of the same place,spinster. Witnesses, George WILSON, George ADAIR.
22 November, 1838, by license, William BAKER, of the city ofToronto,bachelor, and Sarah CROWN, of the same place, spinster. Witnesses,Edward CROWN, Mary BAKER.
27 November, 1838, by license, Dickinson FLETCHER, of theGore ofToronto, bachelor, and Sarah CHASE, of the township ofVaughan, widow. Witnesses, Hugh ROBINSON, Julia BOWER.
28 November, 1838, by license, John ARMSTRONG, of thetownship ofToronto, bachelor, and Elizabeth FALLS, of the city ofToronto,spinster. Witnesses, John CRAWFORD, Elizabeth CRAWFORD.
29 November, 1838, by license, Peter DUFFY, of the townshipofTecumseth, bachelor, and Jane VIRTUE, of the same place,spinster. Witnesses, John FLEMING, Samuel COULTER.
1 December, 1838, by license, John QUINN, of the city ofToronto,bachelor, and Jane HERSON, of the same place, spinster. Witnesses,William WHITELAW, Ellen QUINN.
5 December, 1838, by license, John Fennings TAYLOR, theyounger, of thecity of Toronto, bachelor, and Mary Elizabeth DENISON, ofthe sameplace, spinster. Witnesses, George T. DENISON, Wm. J.COATES. Mr.Taylor lived for many years on Lake Shore road, now thenorthwest cornerof Dundas and Queen street west. He was in the provincialservice allhis life. His wife was a daughter of G.T. Denison, ofBellevue.
6 December, 1838, Banns, William CHAPILL, of the township ofYork,bachelor, and Anne ELLIOTT, of the same place, spinster. Witnesses,William FOSTER, Elizabeth FOSTER.
6 December, 1838, by license, Thomas WINCH, of the city ofToronto,bachelor, and Martha COOK, of the same place, spinster. Witnesses,William WOOD, Alice WOOD.
7 December, 1838, by license, Archibald FRASER, of thetownship ofScarboro', bachelor, and Maria ELLISS, of the same place,spinster. Witnesses, B.L. FARROLL, Jas. ELLISS.
Marriage Performed by Rev. Dr. John STRACHAN
11 December, 1838, by license, George Taylor DENISON,bachelor, Lieut.Queen's Military Cavalry, and Mary Ann DEWSON, spinster. Witnesses, M.DEWSON, G. T. DENISON, Grant POWELL. G.T. DENISON, thebridegroom, wasthe builder and owner of Rusholme, on Dundas street. Hedied in 1873.
Marriages Performed by H.J. GRASETT, Asst. Min.
18 December, 1838, by license, Richard SEABERRY, of the cityof Toronto,bachelor, and Maria SMITH, of the same place, spinster. Witnesses,Charles FOLLIS, Geo. SHARP.
20 December, 1838, by license, Bartholomew BARKER, of thecity ofToronto, bachelor, and Jane SMITH, of the same place,spinster. Witnesses, Wm. S. BODDY, Thomas ROBINSON.
29 December, 1838, by license, Michael McQUILLEN, of thetownship ofEtobicoke, bachelor, and Mary CLIFFORD, of the township ofYork,spinster. Witnesses, E.W. ELUVINS, Biddy DONNELLY.
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