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Surnames beginning with "I, J & K"

#    NAME           BW        OCCUPATION          DISCHARGE REMARKS

733  Issacson Alfred G.       0454           Law Student    Winnipeg  71  4 
734  Ingram Elias             1181           Valet          Winnipeg  74 11
735  Irvine Acheson G.        0453           Officer        Winnipeg  74 12
736  Irwin William Henry      1294           Lawyer         Winnipeg  75  5
737  Jones John               Deserted       Carpenter      --------  71  4
738  Jackson Anson            0456           Trunkmaker     Toronto   71  7
739  Jennings William Henry   0457           Carpenter      Winnipeg  71  4
740  Jackson Robert           0458           Farmer         Winnipeg  72  4
741  Jamieson Robert A.       0459           Labourer       Winnipeg  71  4
742  Jones James S.           0460           Railwayman     Toronto   71  7
743  Jaffray William          0461           Jeweller       Toronto   71  7
744  Jones Wellington         0462           Tinsmith       Winnipeg  71  3
745  Jeffrey Henry James      0463           Printer        Winnipeg  70 12
746  Jones Richard Inglis     0040           Yeoman         Winnipeg  72  4
747  Jenkins Byron            0464           Farmer         Winnipeg  71  5
748  Jenkinson Joseph         0465           Porter         Kingston  71  5
749  Johnston Thomas          0466           Sailor         Kingston  71  5
750  Jones Walter             0467           Sawyer         Kingston  71  5
751  Jeffreys Thomas Edward   0468           Painter        Winnipeg  71  3
752  James Thomas             0469           Bookbinder     Winnipeg  71  5
752A Jessop Robert            0470 1494      Shoemaker      Winnipeg  72  5
753  Johnstone Daniel         Deserted       ----------     Kingston  70  8
754  Johnson William R.       1383           None           Winnipeg  72  6
755  Johnstone Charles E.A.   1075           None           Winnipeg  72 10
756  James Valentine W.       1143           Labourer       Winnipeg  72 10
757  Jackson John             DNFT           Blacksmith     Winnipeg  73  5
758  Jones Henry T.           1182           Groom          Winnipeg  74 11
759  Jones Henry E.           1183           Labourer       Winnipeg  74 11
760  Jones William            DNFT           Clerk          Winnipeg  73  5
761  Jones Frederick G.       1184           Groom          Winnipeg  74 11
762  Johnstone Thomas         RTJ            Groom          ---------------
763  Johnson John             Deserted       Labourer       --------  73 10
764  Johnson Robert           1298           Shoemaker      Winnipeg  75  6
765  Julian Alfred            1295           Engineer       Winnipeg  75  5
766  Johnson James            1296           Labourer       Winnipeg  75  5
767  Johnston Hugh            1297           Plasterer      Winnipeg  75  6
768  Jarvis Samuel Peters     0455           Officer        --------  71  7
769  Jackson William          DNFT           Blacksmith     Winnipeg  77  8
770  Jackson Samuel Fairbairn ----           Carpenter      Winnipeg  77  8

#    NAME           BW        OCCUPATION          DISCHARGE REMARKS

771  Kneen Mathias            0041           Blacksmith     Winnipeg  71  4
772  Keller Henry Baron       0472           Clerk          Winnipeg  71  3
773  Kilvington Samuel S.     0473           Gardener       Winnipeg  71  3
774  Keenan John              0474           Farmer         Winnipeg  71  3
775  Karney James             0475           Farmer         Winnipeg  71  4
776  Kidd Frederick           0476           Farmer         Winnipeg  71  4
777  Kerr George              0477           Harnessmaker   Winnipeg  71  4
778  Kerr John Andrew         0479           Photographer   Winnipeg  71  4
779  King Henry               0478           Farmer         Winnipeg  71  3
780  King George              0480           Farmer         Montreal  71  5
781  Kelly Henry              0481           Clerk          Winnipeg  71  5
782  Keenan John              0482           Farmer         Winnipeg  72  4
783  Keates William           0483           Pressman       Toronto   73  7
784  Kelly Joseph             0484           Plumber        Toronto   70  6
785  Kearl Francis            0485           Farmer         Kingston  71  5
786  Kemp Alfred Charles      0486           Surveyor       Kingston  71  5
787  Keates Richard           0488           Saddler        Winnipeg  71  5
788  King Henry Thomas        0487           Gentleman      Winnipeg  71  6
789  Kelland George           0489           Carpenter      Winnipeg  71  2
790  Kett Elijah B.           0490           Blacksmith     Winnipeg  71  5
791  King David Alexander     0491           Farmer         Toronto   71  7
792  Kent William             0492           Clerk          Toronto   71  7
793  Kennedy John             DNFT           Telegrapher    Toronto   71  7
794  Keernan Michael          0493           Labourer       Kingston  71  5
795  Keating James            0494           Labourer       Kingston  71  4
796  Keely Samuel             0978           Carpenter      Winnipeg  72 10
797  Kellock William Murdoch  1076           Painter        Winnipeg  72  9
798  Knox John                1385           Labourer       Winnipeg  72  4
799  Kelly Hugh               DNFT           Farmer         Winnipeg  72  4
800  Kane James               RTJ            Carpenter      ---------------
801  Kerns William Joshua     Deserted       Telegrapher    Winnipeg  73  1
802  Keith John               RTJ            Carpenter      ---------------
803  Kelly Thomas C.          Deserted       Clerk          --------  73  4
804  Kerr James               1384           Tinsmith       Toronto   73  7
805  Kilby William            1186           Stableman      Winnipeg  74 11
806  King Henry               1431           Clerk          Winnipeg  75  9
807  Kearly William           1185           Blacksmith     Winnipeg  74 11
808  Kinmond Thomas           Deserted       Gardener       --------  73 10
809  Keely George Alexander   1299           Moulder        Winnipeg  75  6
810  Keely Samuel             1300           Carpenter      Winnipeg  75  6
811  Knox Albert              I-DNFT         Druggist       Winnipeg  74  9
812  Kelly James              1464           Clerk          Winnipeg  75 10
813  Kelly Patrick            1301           ----------     Winnipeg  75  6
814  Kennedy William Nassau   0007 0471      Officer        Winnipeg  72  5 
815  Keane James Alfred       ----           Clerk          Winnipeg  77  8
816  Kennedy James            DNFT           Blacksmith     Winnipeg  76  6

Copyright © September 30, 1996 Fred J. Shore
For full copyright information and restrictions, refer to Introduction & Copyright

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A ~ B ~ C ~ D ~ E ~ F ~ G ~ H ~ I ~ J ~ K ~ L ~ M ~ N ~ O ~ P ~ Q ~ R ~ S ~ T ~ U ~ V ~ W ~ X ~ Y ~ Z


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