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Surnames beginning with "M & Mac/Mc"

#    NAME           BW        OCCUPATION          DISCHARGE REMARKS

904  Mills Augustus           0541           Bookkeeper     Winnipeg  71  7
905  Moore Charles James      0542           Printer        Winnipeg  71  7
906  Millward Thomas          0543           Butcher        Winnipeg  71  7
907  Munn Robert              0544           Farmer         Winnipeg  71  3
908  Muma Alexander           0545           Farmer         Thunder   70  6
909  Martin John Alfred       0546           Shoemaker      Winnipeg  71  3
910  Mahoney James            0547           Carpenter      Winnipeg  71  5
911  Moloney John             0548           Blacksmith     Kingston  70  - 
912  Massey William           0549           Surveyor       Winnipeg  70 11 
913  Miller Henry             0550 0986      Painter        Toronto   71  7
914  Milligan Joseph          0551           Farmer         Winnipeg  71  4
915  Mills George             0552           Tailor         Toronto   71  7
916  Morissey Patrick         0553           Labourer       Winnipeg  71  4
917  Moore Thomas             0554           Tailor         Kingston  71  4
918  Madigan Daniel           0555           Labourer       Winnipeg  72  4
919  Mann (Maune) John        0556 1365      Musician       Winnipeg  72  4
920  Maranda John             0557           Nail Cutter    Toronto   72  4
921  Moisan Pierre            0558           Voyageur       ---------------
922  Maddaford Samuel         0559           Butcher        Winnipeg  72  4
923  Matheson William A.      0560           Labourer       Montreal  71  5
924  Machon Edward            0561           Blacksmith     Winnipeg  71  5
925  Maureau Jerome George    0562           Gentleman      ---------------
926  Mallen Edward            0563           Clerk          Winnipeg  71  3
927  Mannix George C.         0564           Farmer         Winnipeg  71  3
928  Mannix Arthur            0565           Farmer         Winnipeg  71  2
929  Marks Thomas             0566           Carpenter      Winnipeg  71  5
930  Mitchell George          0567           Clerk          Winnipeg  71  5
931  Moffatt George O.        0169           Fitter         Sault St. 70  6
932  Macabe George H.         0578           Carriagemaker  Winnipeg  71  4
933  Madill William James     0579           Yeoman         Winnipeg  71  2
934  Main Henry               0580           Yeoman         Winnipeg  71  4
935  Mann William Allan       0581           Artist         Winnipeg  72  4
936  Mills William            0582           Printer        Pembina   71  4
937  Mitchell John A.         0583           Druggist       Pembina   71  4
938  Montgomery James A.      0584           Yeoman         Winnipeg  72  4
939  Marasse Alfred           0585           Navigator      Winnipeg  71  5
940  Mayer F.X.               Deserted       Barber         --------  71  4
941  Melady Albert            0586           Blacksmith     Toronto   71  7
942  Michaud Isidore          0587 1087 1438 Labourer       Winnipeg  72 10
943  Miller John              0588           Labourer       ---------------
944  Murray William           0589           Storeman       --------  72  -
945  Morton Alexander         0590           Printer        Kingston  71  5
946  Mortimer John            0591           Bricklayer     Kingston  71  1
947  Marlow John              0592           Millworker     Kingston  71  5
948  Morgan Alfred            0593           Labourer       Kingston  71  5
949  Moore Richard            0594           Moulder        Toronto   71  7
950  Murphy John              0595           Groom          Kingston  71  5
951  Moylan Henry B.          0596           Soldier        Montreal  71  5
952  Melancon Napoleon        0597           Furrier        Kingston  70  9
953  Morris William           0598           Gentleman      Winnipeg  71  5
954  Marshall David           0599           Clerk          Winnipeg  71  2
955  May James                0600           Labourer       Winnipeg  71  5
956  Martin John              0568           Joiner         Winnipeg  71  6
957  Montgomery William       0569           Photographer   Winnipeg  71  4
958  Marshall John            0570           Farmer         Toronto   71  7
959  Melancon John Charles    0571           Teacher        Toronto   71  7
960  Michaud Paul             0572           Labourer       Toronto   71  7
961  Mulvaney William         0029 1086      Labourer       Winnipeg  72  4
962  Mitchell Thomas          0574           Farmer         Toronto   71  7
963  Mathews Joseph           0575           Farmer         Winnipeg  72  5
964  Marsh Hiram              0576           Labourer       Toronto   71  7
 ---  Mulholland Robert        1588           ----------     --------  77  8 
 See Note.
965  Martineau Herman         0573           ----------     Toronto   71  7
         " (same person)      1142           Officer        -------   76  7 
966  Moore R.J.               0577           ----------     Toronto   71  4
967  Mahoney George           1080           Labourer       Winnipeg  72 10
968  Means William H.         1387           Engineer       Winnipeg  72  6
969  Meagher Augustine(MD)    1081           Doctor         Winnipeg  72  9
970  Meagher Thomas Francis   0985           Clerk          Winnipeg  72 10
971  Moffatt David            1083           Blacksmith     Winnipeg  72  9
972  Mitchell Hillyard        1082           Student        Winnipeg  72  9
973  Macey George             1084           Blacksmith     Winnipeg  72  9
974  Marchand Albert H.       1085 1437      Clerk          Winnipeg  72 10
975  Mulrany Peter            DNFT           Groom          Winnipeg  72  9
976  Madden Thomas            1435 1489      Labourer       Winnipeg  75  9
977  Maffrey Frederick A.     1388           Machinist      Toronto   73  7
978  Martel Edouard           ----           Cabinetmaker   Winnipeg  75  6
979  Martin John A.           DNFT           Tailor         Winnipeg  75  6
980  Melville Charles         1434           Bookkeeper     Winnipeg  75  9
981  Metcalf Edward           1192           Labourer       Winnipeg  74 11
982  Mills William Henry      DNFT           Farmer         Winnipeg  74  6
983  Minckler Charles         1195           Farmer         Winnipeg  74 11
984  Moody Charles            Died           Compositor     Winnipeg  74  2 
Froze to death
985  Morrison David           I-DNFT         Moulder        Winnipeg  73  5
986  Morry Thomas             1193           None           Winnipeg  74 11
987  Mostyn Thos. Geo. Edwin  1433           Machinist      Winnipeg  75  9
988  Muller George            1432           Farmer         Winnipeg  75  9
989  Moore Jean-Baptiste      1196           Carpenter      Winnipeg  74 11
990  Muity Henry              Died           Carpenter      Winnipeg  75  4
991  Murray Charles           1389           Groom          Toronto   73 11
992  Marc Eugene              RTJ            Joiner         ---------------
993  Maras Alfred             1194           Labourer       Winnipeg  74 11
994  Morrissette Jean-Bte     Died           Soldier        Winnipeg  74  4 
995  Mariaggi Francois        DNFT           Soldier        Winnipeg  74 11
996  Michaud Joseph           Hanged         Stone Cutter   Winnipeg  74  8 
By civil power
997  Morin Edmond             1390           Stone Cutter   Toronto   75  7
998  Maher James A.           1310           Shoemaker      Winnipeg  75  5
999  Moore John               1391           Labourer       Winnipeg  74  9
1000 Moire Daniel             1314           Carpenter      Winnipeg  75  5
1001 Mathews Charles          1311           Labourer       Winnipeg  75  5
1002 Merlin John              1312           Labourer       Winnipeg  75  5
1003 Mazerall William         1313           Lumberer       Winnipeg  75  6
1004 Munroe John              DNFT           Axemaker       Winnipeg  75  9
1005 Moore Samuel James       Died           Clerk          Winnipeg  74  9 
In service
1006 Morse Joseph             1319           Sailor         Winnipeg  75  6
1007 Macklem Thomas           0537           Officer        --------  71  7
1008 Morice J.F.B.            0538 1135      Officer        --------  75  3
1009 Mulvey Stewart           0539           Officer        Winnipeg  71  7
1010 Morrison Angus Gilmor    0540           Officer        --------  71  7
1011 Mowatt George            DNFT           Moulder        Winnipeg  75  9
1012 Malhiot Ovila            DNFT           Shoemaker      Winnipeg  76  6
1013 Murphy Peter             DNFT           Bookkeeper     Winnipeg  77  8
1014 Meiney James             ----           Butcher        Winnipeg  77  8
1015 Mordant Frederick        DNFT           Sailor         Winnipeg  76  6
1016 Morris William           ----           Cabinetmaker   Winnipeg  77  8
1017 McArthur James           0610           Bookkeeper     Winnipeg  70 10
1018 MacGregor James C.       0611           Clerk          Winnipeg  71  4
1019 McCoy Robert             0612           Farmer         Toronto   71  7
1020 McEwen William           0613           Farmer         Winnipeg  71  4
1021 McIntosh Phineas         0614           Farmer         ---------------
1022 McCloy John              0615           Farmer         Winnipeg  71  4
1023 MacNabb John C.          0616           Clerk          Toronto   71  7
1024 McBain H. William        0617           Farmer         Winnipeg  71  4 

1025 McCready William A.      0618           Farmer         Toronto   71  7
1026 McKee William            0619           Carpenter      Toronto   71  7
1027 McWilliams Terence       0620           Blacksmith     Winnipeg  71  5
1028 McEntyre George          0621           Sawyer         Winnipeg  71  3
1029 McMurchie Malcolm        0622           Farmer         Winnipeg  71  3
1030 McKenzie Malcolm         0623           Farmer         Winnipeg  71  5
1031 McDonald William         0624           Baker          Montreal  71  5
1032 McDiarmid Angus          0625           Coppersmith    ---------------
1033 McCartney Allan          0626           Architect      Winnipeg  71  5
1034 McConville John Francis  0627           Teacher        Winnipeg  71  5
1035 McIntyre John            0628           Farmer         Toronto   71  7
1036 McGinn Richard St. Leger 0629           Lumberer       Winnipeg  72  5
1037 McGregor Thomas          0630           Chairmaker     Toronto   71  7
1038 McKelvey Robert          0638           Farmer         Toronto   71  7
1039 McKelvey John            0631           Farmer         Winnipeg  71  5
1040 MacDonnell John H.       0632           None           Toronto   71  7
1041 McClellan William        0633           Yeoman         Winnipeg  71  6
1042 McDonald John            0643           Yeoman         Kingston  71  6
1043 McDonald Alexander       0645           Yeoman         Pembina   71  4
1044 McFarland Joseph         0646           Carpenter      Pembina   71  3
1045 McGovern Lawrence        0647 1441      Yeoman         Winnipeg  72  4
1046 McGregor Peter S.        0648           Carpenter      Winnipeg  71  3
1047 McKay Hector             0649           Yeoman         Pembina   71  3
1048 McKellar Donald          0650           Yeoman         Pembina   71  3
1049 McKenzie Alexander Grant 0651           Yeoman         Winnipeg  71  3
1050 McLeod Peter             0652           Cooper         Toronto   71  7
1051 McVicar Archibald        0653           Yeoman         Winnipeg  71  4
1052 McLean Alexander         0654           Yeoman         Winnipeg  72  4
1053 McBean John George       0655           Gentleman      Winnipeg  71  5
1054 McDonald Ada             0656           Farmer         Winnipeg  71  5
1055 McIver Frederick         0657           Labourer       Winnipeg  71  5
1056 McLaughlin William       Deserted       Shoemaker      --------  71  7
1057 McMannus Robert          Deserted       Clerk          Winnipeg  70 11
1058 McManus John             Deserted       Clerk          Sault St. 70  -
1059 McNicol John             0658           Butcher        Winnipeg  72  4
1060 McBride John             0659           Moulder        Kingston  71  5
1061 McFetridge John          0012           Weaver         Kingston  71  3
1062 McNeil Charles           0635           Clerk          Kingston  71  5
1063 McHaig James             0660           Farmer         Toronto   71  7
1064 MacDonald Allan          0636           Soldier        Winnipeg  71  5
1065 McNamara James           0637           Moulder        Winnipeg  71  5
1066 McCoy Patrick            0639           None           Toronto   71  7
1067 McNair John              0640           Labourer       Toronto   71  7
1068 McNearn Humphrey         0642           Labourer       Toronto   71  7
1069 McDonald John            0644           Labourer       Montreal  71  6
1070 McNicol Thomas           0641           ----------     ---------------
1071 McGarey James            0987           Labourer       Winnipeg  72 10
1072 McBeath Duncan           0988           Labourer       Winnipeg  72 10
1073 McCurdy James            0989           Bricklayer     Winnipeg  72 10
1074 McKay James              1091           Clerk          Winnipeg  72 10
1075 McLean Peter             0990           Farmer         Winnipeg  72 10
1076 McCumber Alfred          0991           Engineer       Winnipeg  72 10
1077 McKenzie Peter           0992           Farmer         Winnipeg  72 10
1078 McAdie Robert            0993           Clerk          Winnipeg  72 10
1079 McNair Robert            1088           Painter        Winnipeg  72  9
1080 McCarroll John           0994           Blacksmith     Winnipeg  72 10
1081 McCormack Thomas         1089           Painter        Winnipeg  72  9
1082 McLean Colin H.          1090           Farmer         Winnipeg  72  9
1083 McNeil Daniel            DNFT           Carpenter      Winnipeg  72  6
1084 McGranahan John          0995           Clerk          Winnipeg  72 10
1085 McLeod Torquil           Rec'd          None           Winnipeg  72 10 
As substitute
1086 McLaughlin Hugh          DNFT           ----------     Winnipeg  70  6
1087 McAree James             1201           Clerk          Winnipeg  74 11
1088 McAskill Donald          1439           Grocer         Winnipeg  75  9
1089 McDonnell James          1392           Labourer       Winnipeg  73  6
1090 McDonald Roderick        DNFT           Lawyer         Winnipeg  73  5
1091 McGinnis Kenneth         1153           Blacksmith     Winnipeg  74  9
1092 McGregor Malcolm         1467           Blacksmith     Winnipeg  75 10
1093 McKay Aeneas             1200           Clerk          Winnipeg  74 11
1094 McKay Gilbert S.         1198           Farmer         Winnipeg  74 11
1095 McKinnon John L.G.       1440           Photographer   Winnipeg  75  9
1096 McLeod James             1202           Dyer           Winnipeg  74 11
1097 McMahon Alexander        MU-DNFT        Farmer         Colling.  73  -
1098 McPherson John           1355           Clerk          Winnipeg  74  8
1099 McPherson Thomas         DNFT           Waggonmaker    Winnipeg  74  5
1100 McDermott Andrew         1197           Cabinetmaker   Winnipeg  74 11
1101 McDonnell(ald) Henry     1199           Trader         Winnipeg  74 11
1102 McGrath James            1482           Tailor         Winnipeg  75  9
1103 McCartney Thomas         1320           Mason          Winnipeg  75  6
1104 McKenzie Antoine         1361           None           Winnipeg  75  5
1105 McClellan Robert W.      DNFT           Teacher        Winnipeg  74  7
1106 McLean John              Deserted       Carpenter      Winnipeg  74  6
1107 McDonald William         1317           Labourer       Winnipeg  75  5
1108 McDonald Donald John     1315           Labourer       Winnipeg  75  5
1109 McEwen Peter             1316           Shoemaker      Winnipeg  75  5
1110 McDonald Edward          1318           Ropemaker      Winnipeg  75  6
1111 McLeod Ezekiel           1358           Printer        Winnipeg  75  7
1112 MacKay Charles           1393           Painter        Winnipeg  74  9
1113 McCaffery George         Deserted       Tinsmith       --------  73  8
1114 McElhinney William       DFBC           Carpenter      Winnipeg  74  7
1115 MacDougall Archibald     Died           Painter        Winnipeg  74  6
1116 McGuinn Charles          1466           Farmer         Winnipeg  75 10
1117 McNaughton Peter         DNFT           Machinist      Winnipeg  76  6
1118 MacDonald Alexander R.   0601           Officer        --------  71  7
1119 McMillan Daniel Hunter   0602           Officer        --------  71  7
1120 MacDonald Donald A.      0603           Officer        --------  71  7
1121 McMurty William J.       0604           Officer        --------  71  7
1122 MacDonald Hugh John      0605           Officer Lawyer Ottawa    71  7
1123 MacDonald Samuel         0606           Officer        --------  71  7
1124 McLeod James F.          0607           Officer        --------  71  7
1125 McBride Andrew           0608           Officer        --------  71  7
1126 Macdonald Allan          0609           Officer        --------  77  8
1127 McCaffery James          1230           Farmer         Winnipeg  74 11
1128 McLennan Donald Gabriel  DNFT           Plasterer      Winnipeg  75 11
1129 McMillan John A.         DNFT           Gentleman      Winnipeg  76  6
1130 McCloud Francis C.       ----           Sailor         Winnipeg  77  8

Copyright © September 30, 1996 Fred J. Shore
For full copyright information and restrictions, refer to Introduction & Copyright

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