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Death Finds a Way: A Janie Riley Mystery by Lorine McGinnis Schulze Janie Riley is an avid genealogist with a habit of stumbling on to dead bodies. She and her husband head to Salt Lake City Utah to research Janie's elusive 4th great-grandmother. But her search into the past leads her to a dark secret. Can she solve the mysteries of the past and the present before disaster strikes? Available now on Amazon.com and and Amazon.ca |
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Try an Ancestry.com Free Trial and Ancestry.ca Free Trial Genealogy Mystery Book!Death Finds a Way: A Janie Riley Mystery by Lorine McGinnis Schulze Janie Riley is an avid genealogist with a habit of stumbling on to dead bodies. She and her husband head to Salt Lake City Utah to research Janie's elusive 4th great-grandmother. But her search into the past leads her to a dark secret. Can she solve the mysteries of the past and the present before disaster strikes? Available now on Amazon.com and Amazon.ca Genealogy NewsletterJOIN the FREE Olive Tree Genealogy Newsletter. Be the first to know of genealogy events and freebies. Find out when new genealogy databases are put online. Get tips for finding your elusive brick-wall ancestor.
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New Netherland New York Genealogy
Quakers of New York City, Jamaica, Queens Co., New Town, Hempstead, Oyster Bay 1755Donated by Murray McCombsEnrolled in the office of Town clerk of and in the City of New York, in Lib. No 1 of Quakers &c. Pursuant to an Act of Assembly, Entituled an Act, for Regulating the Militia of the Colony of New York; mad & Published the 19th day of February Last, vrzt: To the 19th of May 1755 Augt V. Cortland Clk Co. City of New YorkThomas Dobson of the City of New York New York merchantSamuel Brown of do. do. do. Henry Haydock of do. do. do. James Burling of do. do. Distiller John Laurence of do. do. Bustler Caleb Laurence of do. do. Merchant William Palmer of do. do. Joiner Hugh Ryder of do. do. Shopkeeper Walter Frankling of do. do. do. Issac Martin of do. do. Tallow Chandler Thomas Frankling of do. do. Merchant John Frankling of do. do. Shopkeeper Thomas Frankling Junr. of do. do. Hatter William Field of do. do. Shopkeeper John Burling of do. do. Merchant John Burling Junr of do. do. Miller Robert Murray of do. do. Shopkeeper
Enrolled May 10th A List of all the Money Taken from the Quakers in Queens co. Persuant to tow Acts of General Assembly of the Province of New York. Dec ye 1st 1756. Town of FlushingJohn Thorn 2 pdJames Burling 2pd James Bowne 2 pd Benj Doughty 2 pd Stephen Hedger 2 pd Danll Bowne 2 pd James Persons 2pd Danll Lathum 2pd Samil Thorn 2pd Caleb Field 2pd John Thorn 1pd New TownJohn Vanwick 2pdJohn Way 2pd Samil Way 2pd Robert Alsop 2pd William Betts 2pd James Way 2pd Richard Hollet 2pd Samil Burling 2pd Jamacia TownRobert Doughty 2pdTown of HempsteadStephen Lines 2pdThomas Seaman 1pd 10s William Lines 2pd Joseph Clements 2pd Adam Mott 2pd Stephen Mott 2pd William Mott 2pd Nathaniel Pierceall 2pd Samuel Titus 2pd William Titus 2pd Stephen Titus 2pd James Mott 2pd James Titus 2pd Samuel Willis Jur 2pd Francis Nash 1pd Thomas Alsop 1pd Oysterbay TownJospeh Wood 2pdIsrael Pierceal 2pd Isaac Dory 2pd Abraham Underhill 2pd Joseph Underhill 2pd Joha Powel 2pd John Wilson 2pd John Wilson Jr 2pd Ridhard Alsop 2pd Jacob Cock 2pd Clark Cock 2pd Samil Cock 2pd Henry Cock 2pd Reece Cock 2pd John Mott 2pd Henry Titus 2pd Obadiah Seaman 2pd. john Willett late treasurer of Queens county Came before me Francis Filkin - and made oath that this is a true list as aforesaid according to the best of his knowledge. John Willett. Sworne in New York Dec 16: 1756 before - Fra Filkin Justice
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