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Death Finds a Way: A Janie Riley Mystery
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Janie Riley is an avid genealogist with a habit of stumbling on to dead bodies. She and her husband head to Salt Lake City Utah to research Janie's elusive 4th great-grandmother. But her search into the past leads her to a dark secret. Can she solve the mysteries of the past and the present before disaster strikes? Available now on and
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Baptisms in Gravesend, New York Church Records 1789-1794
The following is a transcription by Peter Divine, July 2001, from LDS Microfilm #1016877, Item #2. This is a microfilm of a handwritten transcript (p. 129-195) in possession of the Holland Society of New York, New York City. The transcription of original records was done by Dingman Versteeg into 2 ledger books which are items 1 & 2 on the microfilm. Only the front-side of each leaf was used (only the odd-numbered pages). The first book contains most of the records of the Dutch Reformed Church (Tarrytown, New York). The second book consists of the remainder of the Tarrytown records (pages 1-127) followed by the Gravesend records (pages 129-195). The Gravesend records are for baptisms, 1715-1720, 1743-1750, 1762-1805; members, 1763-1774, 1783-1805; elders and deacons, 1763-1805. Gravesend, Kings County, New York, is now a part of the Borough of Brooklyn in the city of New York.
1. "do" means "ditto", used in place of re-writing the surname of the previously mentioned individual.
2. Notes and question marks in brackets [?] were inserted by Peter Divine in places where the microfilm was damaged or the handwriting of Dingman Versteeg was unreadable.
3. All other notes and question marks, including those in parenthese (), were inserted by Dingman Versteeg.
4. I did not transcribe the lists of elders and deacons (pages 129-137).
Churchbook of the Reformed Dutch Church of J. Christ gathered at Gravesend
Containing election and ordination of Consistories, names of the baptized, members, and marriages.*
*No record of marriages could be found in the register
Records are the format: Child, Date, Parent, Parent, Witness, Witness, Witness
Gravesend Baptisms Page 169
Maria, March 1 1789, Petrus Low, Sally do
Roulf, March 25, John Van Nuyse, Rebecka do
Jan,, John Johnson, Elisabeth do, Barend Johnson, Hitje do
Ferdinand, July 1, Ferdinand V Sicklen, Cornelia do, Geertje Ryder
Maria, Aug 20, Joseph Coningham, Femmetje do
Femmetje, Oct 22, Johannis Van Pelt, Sara do, Elisabeth Borculo
Grietje, Nov 20, Hendrik Van Cleff, Ida do, Barend Johnson, Grietje do
Steven, Feb 6 1790, Wilhelmus Stoothoff, Aaltje do, Maria Hubbard
Rutgert, Feb 28, Richard Stillwell, Maria do
Kasparus, March 20, Valentine Kasper, Sally do, Chrisper Kasper, Maria do
Steven, April 18, John Schenck, Antje do, Heiltje Williamson
Bernardus, Oct 17, Court Lake, Ida do, Bernardus Ryder, Femmitje do
Maria, Oct 17, Isaac Van Brunt, Annatje do
Lucke,, John Eldrick, Catriena do
Gravesend Baptisms Page 171
Abraham, Dec 13 1790, Abraham Emmans, Sytje do, Antje Hubbard
Antje, Dec 26, John Johnson, Elisabeth do, Hermanus Casper
Catriena, Feb 12 1791, William Howard, Moya do
John,, Stephen Donly, Neeltje do
Cornelia, April 22, Jaques Denyse, Ida do, Isaac Denyse, Seytje do
Daniel, May 28, Peter Williamson, Aaltje do
Ida, July 17, Peter Antonides, Ida do
Catriena,, Jose Cunningham,, Catriena Eldrick
Stephanus, Sep 15, John Voorhees, Jannitje do, Stephen Voorhees, Phebe do
Elisabeth, Nov 18, Lourance Ryder, Catriena do
Neeltje,, Richard Stillwell, Maria do, Daniel Lake, Neeltje do
Isaac, Feb 2 1792, John Denyse, Phebe do, Isaac Denyse, Sytje do
Rem, June 9, Hendrik, V. Cleef, Ida do
Sara, July 9,,. Crisper Crosper, Jannitje do
Gravesend Baptisms Page 173
William Griggs, July 20 1792, William V Dyck, Jannitje do
Phebe, Feb 24 1793, Abraham Emmans, Sytje do, Stephen Voorhees, Phebe do
Isaac, March 30, Jaques Denyse, Ida do, Isaac Denyse
Neeltje, June 2, Stephen Donly, Neeltje do
Annatje, June 2, John Eldrick, Jeanne do
Johannis, June 23, Court Lake, Ida do
Annatje,, Peter Waters, Maria do
Ned, Aug 5, Joost Cunnningham, Ruth* do, *Root
John, Aug 24, Peter Williamson, Aaltje do
Cornelis, Sep 12, Cornelis Stryker, Maria do
Grietje, Oct 20, Evert Sherman, Maria do
Eva, Dec 20, John Denyse, Phebe do
Jaques, March 23 1794, Richard Stillwell, Maria do
William, April 6, John Johnson, Elisabeth do, William Johnson
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