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New Netherland New York Genealogy
Notes from Peter Divine:
v.1 1776-1845
Long Island Collection
Peter Vandervoort, Ann Bussir, Getta Aletta, 1/12/1800
Daniel Riker, Debora Leverich, John Repelye, 4/6/1800
James Reed, Maria Springsteen, Glorina & Anathe & Jane & Maria & Elizebeth & Gl(?)re & & Leonard & James, 4/6/1800, Anathe Springsteen
David Springsteen, Famethe Stryker, Elizabeth, 4/6/1800
Nicholas Rider, Hannah Lane, Maiky, 5/4/1800
Abraham Brinkerhoff, Johanna Laton, David, 5/4/1800
John Reppelye, Maria Larance, Daniel Larance, 5/4/1800
Cornelius Luyster, Catharine Larance, Jane, 6/29/1800
Isaac Brinkerhoff, Rhode Ferman, Hannah, 6/29/1800
Theodorus Colyer, Jane Debevoice, Jacobus, 6/29/1800
James Suydam, Adrean Repple, Jane Maria, 6/29/1800
Andrew Bergaw, Nelly Wiltse, Catherine, 6/29/1800
Elbert Luyster, Catherine Larance, Anna, 6/29/1800
Tunes Brinkerhoff, Catherine Reppelye, Jacobus Debevoice, 6/29/1800
Cornelius Remson, Catherine Brinkerhoff, Jane Catherine, 6/27/1800
John Wycoff, Mary Lott, William, 12/14/1800
Abraham Painter, Elizabeth Brinkerhoff, Catherine Brinkerhoff, 12/14/1800
Jacob Reppelyea, Maria Ditmas, Dowe Ditmas, 1/1/1801
Isaac Schenck, Maria Repelyea, Abraham Repelyea, 1/1/1801, Nelly Repelyea
John Bottlevolk, Susan Cornish, Samuel Morris, 1/25/1801
Frances Deryea, Eva Debevoice, Angenitie, 2/22/1801
Aaron Brinkerhoff, Nelly Barga, Derick, 2/22/1801
William Raman, Patty Cane, William, 3/12/1801
Abraham Volk, Feby Way, Burland Way, 3/22/1801
Jacob Reppelyea, Ann Reppelyea, Sarah Ann, 4/19/1801
James Reed, Maria Springsteen, Carity, 6/14/1801
Johannes Debevoice, Eva Van Nallen, Georges, 7/12/1801
Isaac Repelya, Jannetie De bevoice, Eva, 3/7/1802, France Deryea, Eva Debevoice
Abraham Repplyea, Agnus Scyenck, Daneil, 3/7/1802
Willit Raynor, Catherine Brinkerhoff, Ann Momfort, 3/7/1802
Abraham Ramson, Elizabeth Reppelyea, Daneil Reppelyea, 4/4/1802
John Folk, Susannah Cornish, Samuel Morris, 5/2/1802
Peter Van Dervoort, Ann Burris, William, 5/2/1802
Theodorus Kolyer, Jane Debevoice, Johannes, 7/25/1802
Jacobus Debevoise, Alette Rapplyea, John Rapplyea, 10/31/1802
New Fields: Born, Bapt. Parents, Child
10/22/1802, 10/31/1802, Aaron Brinkerhoff, Nelly Bragaw, Ellen
10/19/1802, 11/28/1802, Abraham Brinkerhoff, Johanna Latham, Abraham
Sept, 11/28/1802, Thomas Folk, Susan Moral, Hannah
11/2/1802, 11/28/1802, Andrew Brogaw, Nelly Wilsey, Susannah
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