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0800; Marietta; Jacob Kiersted; Lucinda Harder; 01/03/1858; 10/02/1858; (d.10/03/58)
0801; Franklin Ashton; Austin Fay; Dibbie C. Fay; 05/16/1858; 10/06/1858;
0802; Charles Eli; Wm. Gehi Van Etten; Angeline Van Etten; 08/28/1858; 10/10/1858;
0803; Wilson; William Henry Van Etten; Barbary Ann Van Etten; 12/13/1858; 05/02/1859;
0804; Adelaide; Jacob Kiersted; Lucinda Harder; 07/27/1859; 08/12/1859;
0805; Franklin; James Edward Wolvens; Nelly C. Hendricks; 01/24/1859; 12/28/1859;
0806; Watson Seymour; John C. Wolvens, Junr; Charlotte Blackwell; 08/29/1859; 01/15/1860;
0807; Lydia Maria; Peter Plough; Margaret Winne; 04/17/1859; 11/30/1859;
0808; Irus; Jeremiah Wolven; Catharine Lane; 08/11/1858; 01/25/1860;
0809; Crawford; Matthew Short; Margaret Wolven; 11/06/1859; 04/01/1860;
0810; Crawford; Leonard Van Gaasbeck; Dinah Ann Van Etten; -----; -----; (d. 03/03/1860)
0811; Christina; Wm. Winne; Sara Eliza Van Etten; 07/28/1848; 04/??/1860;
0812; Eugene; Wm. Winne; Sara Eliza Van Etten; 05/11/1850; 04/??/1860;
0813; Emma J.; Wm. Winne; Sara Eliza Van Etten; 09/20/1852; 04/??/1860;
0814; Salina Frances; Charles E. Vanderveer; Christina Wolven; 01/01/1860; 04/29/1860;
0815; Ellen; David Decker; Rebecca Carle; Aug.; 08/30/1860; memb. 1st DRC Kingston
0816; Jane Catharine; Lewis Cashdollar; Margaret Van Aken; 07/08/1860; 09/22/1860;
0817; Henry Nehere (adult); -----; -----; -----; 10/06/1860;
0818; Charles Hardenburgh; Benjamin De Graff; Eliza De Graff; 08/13/1860; 11/04/1860;
0819; David Henry; Benjamin De Graff; Eliza De Graff; 10/11/1855; 11/04/1860;
0820; Charles; Leonard Van Gaasbeck; Dina Ann Van Etten; 11/12/1860; 11/16/1860;
0821; Louisa; Henry S. S. Short; Hannah R. Wolven; 08/25/1860; 12/16/1860;
0822; Isaac Wilson; George H. Buckman; Martha Jane Van Etten; 09/06/1859; 03/06/1861;
0823; Ida Ann; J. C. Wolven, Junr.; Charlotte Blackwell; 09/29/????; 09/29/1861;
0824; Sarah Russell; Peter Van Etten; Catharine Wolven; 02/17/1860; 10/27/1861;
0825; Henrietta; Wm. H. Van Etten; Barbary Ann Van Etten; -----; 11/24/1861;
0826; Peter William; Wm. L. Snyder; Rebecca L. Wolven; 10/11/1861; 02/02/1862;
0827; Harry Smith; Charles E. Vanderveer; Christina Wolven; 01/23/1862; 07/20/1862;
0828; Abigail; Rufus Van Etten; Carrie Hunt; -----; 09/14/1862;
0829; William Dunbar; Frederick Clapper; Sally Rachel Clapper; 02/09/1863; 07/10/1863;
0830; Hannah Margaret; Lewis Cashdollar; Margaret Van Aken; 09/14/1862; 08/19/1863;
0831; Edward R.; Rensellaer Vredenburgh; ----------; 08/??/1863; 11/27/1863;
0832; George Wilson; Alvin Short; Sarah France; 09/10/1863; 04/24/1864;
0833; Abby Lee; Matthew Short; Margaret Wolven; -----; 05/22/1864;
0834; Julietta; [John Moe in army]; Hannah Moe; 09/07/1855; 06/02/1864;
0835; William Riseley; [John Moe in army]; Hannah Moe; 10/13/1856; 06/02/1864;
0836; Isaac Wilson; [John Moe in army]; Hannah Moe; 08/01/1860; 06/02/1864;
0837; John Ellsworth; [John Moe in army]; Hannah Moe; 07/25/1862; 06/02/1864;
0838; Silas; Leonard Van Gaasbeck; Dinah Ann Van Etten; -----; 06/02/1864;
0839; Mary Alice; Bennet Morris; Sarah M. France; 06/29/1863; 07/03/1864;
0840; John S.; Wm. H. Van Etten; Barbary Ann Van Etten; 03/03/1863; 07/19/1864;
0841; Carrie; Peter Van Etten; Catharine Wolven; 10/21/1862; 09/18/1864;
0842; Sarah Lee; James Edward Wolven; Nelly Ann Hendricks; 02/07/1864; 09/18/1864;
0843; Harriet; Jacob A. Kiersted; Lucinda Harder; 07/27/1859; 08/12/1859;
0844; Elizabeth; Rufus Van Etten; Carrie Hunt; 10/24/1863; 10/16/1864;
0845; Philip Clarence; Austin Fay; Debby C. Hommel; 12/21/1864; 03/13/1865;
0846; Menda ?; Abrm. Short; Sarah France; 02/02/1865; 03/18/1865;
0847; Alonzo Tilson; John France; Maria C. Short; 02/05/1865; 03/18/1865;
0848; Charles Arden; Washington Myers; Sarah E. Fiero; 08/17/1865; 12/09/1865;
0849; Jennie Wyckoff; Peter Van Etten; Catharine Wolven; 08/15/1865; 03/09/1866;
0850; Ellen Lavia?; Henry Eckler; -----; 05/01/1851;05/05/1866; See note 4 0851; Ella Vesta; Rufus Van Etten; Caroline L. Hunt; 08/19/1865; 06/15/1866;
0852; Franklin P.; Peter Van Debogert; Catharine Sax; 11/27/1862; 06/15/1866;
0853; Sarah Elizabeth; John S. Brink; Margaret L. Wolven; 05/13/1856; 06/18/1866;
0854; Phebe Ella; John S. Brink; Margaret L. Wolven; 05/05/1859; 06/18/1866;
0855; Mary Augusta; John S. Brink; Margaret L. Wolven; 11/27/1861; 06/18/1866;
0856; Margaret Aniz; John S. Shultis; ----- Yerry; 01/26/1857; 07/08/1866;
0857; Lois Ainey; John S. Shultis; ----- Yerry; 01/01/1860; 07/08/1866;
0858; Isaac Wilson; John S. Shultis; ----- Yerry; 11/28/1862; 07/08/1866;
0859; Rebekah Arton?; John S. Shultis; ----- Yerry; 12/14/1865; 07/08/1866;
0860; Edward; Matthew H. Short; Margaret L. Wolven; 12/17/1865; 09/07/1866;
0861; Cornelius Emerick; Rev. Dewitt B. Wyckoff; Jane C. Emerick; 07/28/1866; 12/07/1866;
0862; Ann Eliza; Peter Joy, Jr.; Lana Myer; 09/09/1866; 01/15/1867;
0863; Martin Luther Louis; Jacob Cashdollar; Margaret Van Aken; 09/12/1866; 04/??/1867;
0864; Carrie; William H. Cashdollar; Mary Bogardus; 01/23/1865; 04/??/1867;
0865; Benjamin; Benjamin M. Joy; Christina C. Brink; 12/23/1862; 06/02/1867;
0866; Hiram; Benjamin M. Joy; Christina C. Brink; 08/04/1865; 06/02/1867;
0867; Sheldon; Van Rensellaer Vredenburgh; Leah Van Etten; 06/27/1867; ??/??/1867;
0868; Mary H. Hunt (wife of Washington Riseley); -----; -----; 08/11/1832; 04/15/1868;
0869; Emmeline Fiero (adult) (she is an invalid); -----; -----; 05/18/1832; 06/13/1868;
0870; Carrie; John Wolven; Caroline Peterson; 06/22/1868; 07/24/1868;
0871; Melissa Burdy (wife of J. A. H. Elwyn); -----; -----; -----; 09/27/1868;
0872; Jennie Darling; Rev. Cornelius Blauvelt; Maria E. Riseley; 08/09/1868; 09/30/1868;
0873; Cornelius Neher; Aaron Riseley; Anne Neher; 08/11/1868; 09/30/1868;
0874; John Benjamin; Peter Joy, Jr.; Laura Myer; 06/03/1868; 11/29/1868;
0875; Clarenda; Christian Bovee; Jennie Joy; 07/24/1865; 11/29/1868;
0876; Oscar F.; Benjamin De Graff; Eliza Jane Hardenbergh; 05/06/1865; 09/??/1868;
0877; Ella S.; Benjamin De Graff; Eliza Jane Hardenbergh; 02/13/1868; 09/??/1868;
0878; Jason (colored); Hiram Canine; Sarah Ann Van Gaasbeck; 05/14/1867; 03/11/1869;
0879; William Gehi; Van Rensellaer Vredenburgh; Leah Van Etten; 11/06/1868; 03/12/1869;
0880; Givagno ?; John Williams; Harriet Van Gaasbeck; 07/23/1864; 04/15/1869;
0881; Cameron; John Williams; Harriet Van Gaasbeck; 12/07/1866; 04/15/1869;
0882; Charles .; Peter Van Debogert; Catharine Sax; 07/23/1868; 06/18/1869;
0883; Cornelia Elizabeth; Clapper; -----; 03/26/1866; 06/18/1869;
0884; Charles; Clapper; -----; 07/19/1868; 06/18/1869;
0885; Frances; Calvin Winne; Catharine H. Hudler; 03/14/1865; 09/17/1869;
0886; Solomon Hudler; Calvin Winne; Catharine H. Hudler; 11/07/1867; 09/17/1869;
0887; Wilhelmina; Calvin Winne; Catharine H. Hudler; 04/17/1869; 09/17/1869;
0888; Wyckoff; Abraham Van Etten; Rebekah A. Riseley; 04/17/1869; 09/17/1869;
0889; Libbie C.; Isaiah ? Wolven; Laura M. Wolven; 05/31/1869; 09/17/1869;
0890; Harriet Bertha; Rufus Van Etten; Caroline L. Hunt; 04/27/1869; 09/17/1869;
0891; Wilbur; William H. Cashdollar; Mary Bogardus; 07/03/1868; 09/17/1869;
0892; George; Draffen; -----; 09/09/1865; ??/??/1870;
0893; Eunice; Draffen; -----; 02/15/1866; ??/??/1870;
0894; Davide; Draffen; -----; 01/08/1869; ??/??/1870;
0895; Anne Katrina; Nieles Nielson; C. Agaasmussen ?; 11/19/1866; 06/??/1870;
0896; Arthur; Hiram Canine; Sarah Ann Van Gaasbeck; 03/18/1870; 10/07/1870;
0897; Orison; Alexander Longyear; Marrietta Brinkerhoff; 01/07/1862; 08/??/1870;
0898; William A.; Alexander Longyear; Marrietta Brinkerhoff; 07/11/1869; 08/??/1870;
0899; Lizzie Jane; Aaron Riseley; Anne Neher; 01/28/1870; 09/??/1870;
4 The following text follows the entry:
"Note to the above. Rev. C. Blauvelt while visiting
this people was called to converse with this lady who
was thought to be near death-- He was gratified to find
this sick person rejoicing in hope of everlasting bliss
+ [trying]? to depart to be with Christ. She
was desirous of receiving the sacrement of Holy Baptism,
whereupon the Minister Baptised her upon her profession
of her faith - I had heard nothing of her illness -
Comments from submitter:
The above records were taken from secondary sources and I cannot guarantee the accuracy
of the information.
1939) and v.15 (November 1946). The November 1946 volume credits Louise Hasbrouck Zimm.
The remaining information was from LDS microfilm # 1405479, REFORMED DUTCH CHURCH RECORDS
I have tried not to change the entries (with the exception of adding a number to the
beginning of the entries and putting the dates in the MM/DD/YYYY format). In addition,
I have left out text indicating who performed the baptisms and where they were performed
if not in the church. It was very tempting to standardize the spellings of names,
but I have resisted and have not intentionally done so. This means that you will have
to try different spellings.
Some examples:
0188; Hannah; Abraham Wolfen, Junr; Anna Richtmeyer; 02/01/1818; -----;
0231; Maria; Abraham Wolfen Junr.; Anna Rightmyer; 01/09/1820; -----;
0341; Abraham; Abraham Wolfen Junr; Anna Rightmier; 08/19/1826; -----;
0375; Sally; Abraham Wolven Junr; Anna Rightmyer; 01/24/1828; 03/23/1828;
0421; Peter; Abram Wolven; Anna Rightmour; 05/06/1830; -----;
0022; William; Peter Vredenburgh; Polly Hoogen; 03/08/1806; -----;
0066; Rebacca; Peter Vrendenbergh; Polly Hagens; 03/20/1808; -----;
0129; Levi; Peter Vredenbergh; Polly Hogen; 11/07/1812; -----;
0271; Lucy Harriet; Peter Vredenberg; Polly Hogen; 04/26/1822; -----;
0324; Eliza Margaret; Peter Vredenbergh; Maria Hogen; 09/30/1824; -----; bpt. by Rev. Jno
0609; Almira; Peter Van Etten; Catharine Wolvin; -----; 03/22/1840;
0652; Leah; Peter Van Etten; Catharine Wolvin; 05/07/1842; -----;
0709; Gehi; Peter Van Etten; Catharine Wolven; 11/20/1845; 01/04/1846;
0729; Eliza Catharine; Peter Van Etten; Catharine Wolfin; 05/01/1848; 07/17/1848;
0746; John Hopkins; Peter Van Etten; Catharine Wolfin; 06/21/1850; 11/24/1850;
0773; Webster (bp "John Hendrick"); Peter Van Etten; Sally Ann Wolfin; 12/18/1851;
0782; Mary Adaline; Peter Van Etten; Catharine Wolvin; 11/24/1852; 10/09/1853;
0792; Emily Ann; Peter Van Etten; Catharine Wolvin; 01/14/1855; 08/17/1856;
0797; Peter Anson; Peter Van Etten; Catharine Wolvin; 06/08/1857; 04/18/1858;
0824; Sarah Russell; Peter Van Etten; Catharine Wolven; 02/17/1860; 10/27/1861;
0841; Carrie; Peter Van Etten; Catharine Wolven; 10/21/1862; 09/18/1864;
0849; Jennie Wyckoff; Peter Van Etten; Catharine Wolven; 08/15/1865; 03/09/1866;
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