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Jacob Hallenback's Company in Albany New York 1757

Posted on the Dutch-Colonies Mailing List by Ray Hollenbeck February 2000
Source: Upstate New York in the 1760's Tax Lists and Selected Militia Rolls of Old Albany County 1760-1768 by Florence Christoph

Captain Jacob Halenbeck's Company

Capt. Jacob Halenbeck
Leut. Theunis V: Vechten, Jun'r
Leut. Lambert V: Valkenburgh
Insine: Casper J. Halenbeck
Clark Peter A. Fonda
Mathaies Van Loon Jun Sargent
Johannis Jansie Sargent
Louwrens Van Boskerken Sargent
Fredrieck Lantman Sargent
Jacob V: Boskerck
Jacob Van Hoesen
Samuel Prevoest
Casparis Van Hoesen
Johannis Martin
William Groom
Jury Kleauw
Edward Groom
Nieclaes Bronck
Joseph Groom
John C. Halenbeck
Johannis Brandoer
William C. Halenbeck
William Brandoer
Cornelis C. Halenbeck
Thomas Conklin
David Logen
Thomas Conklin, Jun'r
Evert Dewiet
Jan Persen
Robert Petterson
Jacob Ten Broeck
Harramanis Flaker
Peter Scheut
Albartus Van Loon
Ephraim Conklin
Harramanis Bont
Henry Van Garden
Mathaies Halenbeck
Peter Van Garden
Conreat Flaker
Benjemen Van Garden
John M: Van Loon
Jacob Dyes
Johannis Winnie
Henry Oothout
Jan C: Van Hoesen
Ebbert Begardus
Jan Jan Van Hoesen
Samuel Van Vechten
Jacob Van Vechten
Meikel Stenley
Johannis Souser
Philiep Schent
Petrus Souser
Jacob Van Loon
Albert Housman
Albart Van Loon Jun.
Johannis Van Loon
Jan Ja'b Van Loon
Abraham Van Loon
Johannis Decker
John John's Van Loon
Casparis Van Weurmer
Mathaies Austen
Johannis Van Weurmer
Thomas Austen
John Halenbeck
Andries Cristejaensie
Nieklaies Van Scheack
William Cudney
Johannis Reons Jun'r
Solomon Scheut
William Mey
Hendieriek Scheut
Hendierieck Smieth
Petrus Scheut Jun.
Petris Smiet
Peter Van Weurmer
Arie Stienbergen
John Berdien
Petrus Van Loon
Felter Schram
John P: Van Loon
Johannis Schermehoren
Matthewis Winnie
William Schermehoren
John Beuer
Jury Van Loon
Heubartus Van Vechten
Willaim Van Loon
Nieclaes Spoer
Isaak Van Loon Conreat Jansie
Casperis Kleauw Petrus Jansie
William Kleauw
Reollief Jansie
Frans Kleauw Jun'r
John Spoer
Isaak Prevoest
Isaak Spoer
William Schream
Nieclaes Perray
William Schream Junr
Casper Perray
Fredrieck Schream
William Becraft
Johannis Freliegh
William Becraft, Jun'r
Clement Freliegh
Hendierieck Heining
Jacob Freliegh
Daniel Woelf
John Eversen
John Wallie
Jacob Egbertsen
Peter Lantman
Mathaies Warner
Stephanis Lantman
Roelief Schermehoren
Gudfrey Brandoer
Cornelis Schermehoren
Johannis Brandoer Jun'r
Johannis Riemer
Hendierieck Lantman
Jacob Smiet
Benjemen Smiet
William Smiet

The date is twientieth Day of Agust in the thirty first year of the Reign of King Gorge the Second this is Date of Commissions in the year one thousand Seven hundred and fifty Seven.

Capt. 1
Luts. 2
Insin 1
Sargents 4
Ranck & file 120


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