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Quarantine Hospital Staten Island 1849 - 1850

published on Olive Tree Genealogy with kind permission of Friends of Abandoned Cemeteries, Inc. Staten Island. F.A.C.S.I. maintains many obscure records, original correspondence, maps, etc. for a 200 year period for Staten Island as well as New Jersey.

Between 1799-1858 most of those that died while in quarantine were buried at two locations. One site in the St. George section of Staten Island (cemetery operated between 1799-1849). The other known Staten Island Quarantine Cemetery (operated 1849/50-1858) is located at what is now the Silver Lake Golf Course.

List of those who died while in Staten Island Quarantine May 1849 - Dec. 1850

1850 Richmond County Census of Irish Immigrant Patients at the Marine Hospital compiled by Jennifer Hyatt-Morgan
Name  Age           Sex Bldg #
Ahearn, Jane 50 Female 769
Allen, George 25 Male 770
Besley, Margaret 26 Female 768
Blake, Margaret 25 Female 775
Booke (O), James 28 Male 768
Boylan, Mary 21 Female 769
Brady, Bridget 4 Female 769
Brady, John 32 Male 770
Brady, Mary 9 Female 769
Brady, Rose 29 Female 769
Brennan, Bridget 20 Female 769
Brennan, Thomas 20 Male 770
Brien, Mary 20 Female 775
Broderick, Patrick 26 Male 770
Brown, Ann 29 Female 775
Brown, John 25 Male 770
Buckley, Johana 18 Female 775
Bulger, Mary 23 Female 775
Burnes, Alice 30 Female 768
Butler, Mary 20 Female 769
C?, Margaret 38 Female 768
C?, Patrick 55 Male 773
Campton, Judy 21 Female 769
Canfield, Ann 17 Female 769
Carmody, Michael 16 Male 770
Carney, Richard 19 Male 773
Carrigan, Edward 50 Male 770
Carter, William 23 Male 770
Caslin, Ann 12 Female 768
Clancy, Michael 30 Male 768
Clancy, Owen 35 Male 768
Clark, Patrick 41 Male 773
Clark, Peter 20 Male 770
Clusky, Mary 20 Female 775
Cochran, Richard 23 Male 770
Cody, Thomas 11 Male 770
Cohill, Anne 10 Female 768
Cohill, Bridget 7 Female 775
Cohill, John 16 Male 770
Collender, Adam 21 Male 770
Collins, Mary 24 Female 768
Collins, Mary 21 Female 768
Conner, Michael 18 Male 771
Conners, Margaret 30 Female 768
Conners, Maria 23 Female 768
Conners, Mary 20 Female 768
Connolly, Maria 18 Female 775
Connor, Michael 2 Male 771
Conroy, Jane ? Female 768
Costelo, Thomas 24 Male 770
Cotton, William 30 Male 768
Coyle, Margaret 17 Female 775
Crawley, James 29 Male 771
Crawley, Mary 20 Female 768
Crosby, J.R. 40 Male 768
Crosby, Mary 30 Female 768
Crotty, Owen 30 Male 768
Crowley, Nicholas 22 Male 773
Cuddyha, Michael 40 Male 773
Culleman, John 7 Male 771
Cullen, Anastacia 7 Female 769
Cullen, Bridget 30 Female 769
Cusock, Bridget 16 Female 769
D?, Patrick 22 Male 770
D?, Thomas 40 Male 773
Davids, Mary 27 Female 769
Day, Margaret 36 Female 775
Delancy, Ann 17 Female 769
Delancy, Elsey 20 Female 768
Dillon, Mary 30 Female 768
Dolphin, John 26 Male 770
Donnell, James 25 Male 770
Donohoe, Catherine 40 Female 768
Donovan, Michael 30 Male 770
Doyle, James 21 Male 770
Dray, Andrew 35 Male 770
Du?, Catherine 23 Female 775
Du?, William          3mo Male 775
Duffy, Ann 26 Female 775
Duffy, Catherine 4 Female 775
Duffy, Frances 6 Female 775
Duffy, John 6 Male 768
Duffy, Patrick 32 Male 768
Dunham, Mary 20 Female 775
Dweyer, Cornelius 28 Male 771
Dwyer, Johana 26 Female 775
Dwyer, John 20 Male 771
Dwyre, Richard 21 Male 770
Eagan, Ann 20 Female 775
Eagan, Ann 18 Female 775
Eagan, Catherine 12 Female 769
Eagan, Michael 27 Male 770
Egan, David 4 Male 769
Empernion, Patrick 18 Male 770
Empernion, Patrick 35 Male 770
F?, Mary 21 Female 769
Fagan, S. 24 Female 775
Farrell, Catherine 21 Female 775
Fielding, Sarah A. 26 Female 776
Finnegan, Patrick 13 Male 770
Fitsgerald, James 30 Male 770
Fitspatrick, Barneby 22 Male 770
Fitspatrick, William 21 Male 773
Flack, Robert 24 Male 773
Flannagan, John 35 Male 773
Fleet, Sarah 17 Female 769
Flin, Mary 20 Female 768
Flood, Rose 27 Female ?
Floyde, C. 30 Male 773
Flynn, Mary 20 Female 768
Fox, James 40 Male 770
Fulton, Mary 20 Female 769
G?, Bridget 13 Female 768
G?, Mary 19 Female 768
Gaffney, Thomas 27 Male 776
Galligan, Susan 19 Female 769
Garrity, James 20 Male 771
Gilkington, Thomas 19 Male 771
Glynn, Bridget 23 Female 775
Gorey, Elisabeth 4 Female 772
Gorey, Patrick 18 Male 773
Gorphy, Richard 18 Male 770
Gough, Bridget 25 Female 776
Grady, Mary 56 Female 775
Graham, Thomas 21 Male 773
H?, Bridget 23 Female 769
H?, James 40 Male 769
H?, Mary 22 Female 769
Hallahan, Michael 4 Male 775
Hallahan, Mary 19 Female 775
Hallahan, N. 1 Female 775
Halligan, Patrick 50 Male 773
Halligan, Thomas 20 Male 773
Halloran, John 36 Male 770
Hamilton, Ellen 20 Female 769
Hammill, Peter 25 Male 770
Hanlan, Patrick 18 Male 773
Hanley, Matthew 40 Male 770
Hannon, Joseph 26 Male 770
Harnott, William 26 Male 771
Hogan, Thomas 24 Male 770
Hopkins, Elisa 19 Female 768
Howe, Mary 20 Female 769
Kavanaugh, Philip 38 Male 770
Keinhan, Mary 24 Female 768
Kelly, Bridget 24 Female 775
Kelly, Thomas 21 Male 773
Kelsey, Ellen 25 Female 768
Kennedy, Dennis 20 Male 773
Kilfoyle, William 18 Male 771
L?, Bridget 14 Female 769
Lavin, Bridget 16 Female 769
Lawrence, Henry  20 Male 771
Leary, James 24 Male 770
Lenhard, Ann 20 Female 768
Levy, Ann 37 Female 768
Mara, William 28 Male 770
Marshall, Robert 21 Male 773
Martin, Mary 28 Female 769
Martin, Mary 25 Female 769
Matthew, Patrick 30 Male 770
McAuliff, 45 Male 770
McCabe, Mary 50 Female 775
McCarty, John 26 Male 770
McConley, Patrick 42 Male 770
McDade, John 15 Male 771
McFarlane, Philip 18 Male 770
McG?, Patrick 23 Male 770
McGinnis, Patrick 50 Male 768
McGrath, James 28 Male 770
McKay, Ann 16 Female 775
McKenny, Catherine 32 Female 768
McLewry, John 40 Male 770
McManus, Mary 27 Female 775
McMenamin, Bridget 30 Female 775
Melia, Bridget 27 Female 769
Melia, Mary 18 Female 769
Mitchel, Samuel 14 Male 775
Mohan, Bridget 16 Female 775
Mohan, James 18 Male 771
Mohan, John 24 Male 773
Mohan, Mary 26 Female 768
Moody, Mary 30 Female 769
Moran, John 21 Male 770
Moran, Rose 24 Female 775
Morrow, Michael 10 Male ?
Mullen, Thomas 14 Male 773
Murphy, Hanorah 30 Female 768
Neagle, Patrick 28 Male 768
Neal, William 53 Male 770
Niblo, James 52 Male 770
O'?, Morris 37 Male 773
O'Brian, James 30 Male 770
O'Brian, John 16 Male 770
O'Brien, William 36 Male 773
O'Dea, Catherine 22 Female 775
O'Hogan, John 50 Male 770
O'Loughlin, Mary 18 Female 768
O'Neal, Andrew 35 Male 770
O'Neil, Bernard 24 Male ?
Page, Ann 21 Female 775
Pende, Mary 18 Female 769
Pennefeather, Elisa 30 Female 768
Pennefeather, Johanna 10 Female 768
Pepper, James 27 Male 770
Perry, Ellen 21 Female 768
Peterson, Adelthaide 36 Female 769
Phillips, Catherine 18 Female 769
Powell, Mary 30 Female 775
Powell, Thomas 3 Male 775
Quinn, Catherine 20 Female 775
R?, Bridget 30 Female 768
Redmond, Catherine 21 Female 775
Regan, Bridget 23 Female 768
Rich, Elizabeth 28 Female 769
Richdale, Jane 7 Female 769
Richdale, Johnson ? Male 769
Riley, Ann 18 Female 768
Riley, Mary 22 Female 768
Riley, Philip 30 Male 773
Riley, Winifred 20 Female 775
Rourke   8 Male 771
Ryan, Alice 18 Female 769
Ryan, Ellen 18 Female 775
Ryan, Judith 40 Female 768
Ryan, Michael 24 Male 770
Ryan, Michael 15 Male 770
S?, Edward 22 Male 773
Savage, John 26 Male 773
Savage, Robert 18 Male 773
Scanley, John 35 Male 771
Scanlan, Patrick 16 Male 770
Sexton, Anthony 25 Male 770
Sexton, Margaret 24 Female 775
Simon, John 24 Male 771
Slattery, Ann 6 Female 769
Smith, Mary 35 Female 775
Smith, Rose 22 Female 768
Stewart, Samuel 40 Male 773
Sullivan, Catherine 26 Female 768
Sullivan, Daniel 36 Male 770
T?, Michael 22 Male 770
Tarseny, Nelly 22 Female 769
Tierny, Bridget 33 Female 775
Tierny, Peter 19 Male 775
Timmons, Ann 28 Female 768
Unknown, Ann 23 Female 768
Unknown, Ann 21 Female 768
Unknown, John 24 Male 770
Unknown, Margaret 25 Female 769
Unknown, Mary 30 Female 775
Unknown, Peter 22 Male 771
Victory, Hugh 27 Male 771
Walsh, Hanora 22 Female 775
Watson, Jane 18 Female 768
Wein, Ann 4 Female 769
Wein, Margaret 4 Female 769
Weir, David 50 Male 773
Welsh, Alice 3 Female 768
Welsh, James 7 Male 768
Welsh, James 25 Male 770
Welsh, Rose 35 Female 768
Welsh, Thomas 9 Male 770
Welsley, Thomas 9 Male 770
Some interesting notes on the Quarantine Hospital (Marine Hospital Staten Island) from Lynn A. Rogers Executive Director, Friends of Abandoned Cemeteries, Inc. Staten Island Rest in Peace Inc.
It is interesting to find in the files for the Quarantine Hospital (Marine Hospital Staten Island) that there is a listing of ships crew who were held in Quarantine as well. My organization is planning a trip to Grosse Point Isle in Canada to see/learn how the data was accumulated there. We would like to emulate that.

Here is a sample of 1 year.

The Annual Reports of the Commissioners of Immigration 1850 (excerpts below)

Immigration at the Port of New York is 7,902 less than in the previous year, due to diminished immigration from Germany: 45,339 persons came from that country last year.

Immigration to the Port of New York in 1850: 232,788

Irish 117,038, Germans 45,535, US Citizens 19,972, England 28,163, Scotland 6,772, 23 other countries under 4,000

The number of patients in the Marine Hospital on Jan. 1 1850 was 243. Admitted from New York City 2,241. Admitted from vessels 827. Number treated during the year 3411.

(Note: The number admitted from New York City figure comprises immigrants who did not fall sick until their ship reached the city. People found with infectious disease were sent to S.I. Quarantine Hosp).

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