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Death Finds a Way: A Janie Riley Mystery
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Janie Riley is an avid genealogist with a habit of stumbling on to dead bodies. She and her husband head to Salt Lake City Utah to research Janie's elusive 4th great-grandmother. But her search into the past leads her to a dark secret. Can she solve the mysteries of the past and the present before disaster strikes? Available now on Amazon.com and Amazon.ca


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* Find Ancestors on Ships Passenger Lists by Year of Arrival


Sailed from London May 16, 1843, arrived Quebec July 4, 1843 with 196 passengers

Folio 295

Letter from the Rye Poor Law Union, to the Poor Law Commission about Beckley parish emigration. Paine informs the Commission that the absent guardian for Beckley had sent an application to the meeting of the guardians of the Rye Poor Law Union on 8 May 1843 that widower Jesse Piper, 32, his son David, 3½ and his elderly mother should be allowed to emigrate to Montreal, Canada on board the ship Toronto. The Toronto is due to sail on 16 May 1843.

Paper Number: 6065/B/1843. Poor Law Union Number 484. Counties: Sussex and Kent. Covering dates 1843 May 9

Folio 296

Draft letter from the Poor Law Commission to the Rye Poor Law Union, about emigration from Beckley. The Commission refers to Paine's letter of 9 May 1843 notifying it that Jesse Piper, and his son David are about to emigrate from Beckley to Canada on the ship Toronto. The Commission has not authorised any expenditure for this emigration and therefore informs Paine that a meeting of ratepayers and owners should be held to obtain consent to this expenditure. Paper Number: 6065/B/1843. Poor Law Union Number 484. Counties: Sussex and Kent. Covering dates 1843 May 15

Folios 626-629

November 1843. A printed list and description of those persons who emigrated from Bexley in the Rye Poor Law Union to Montreal, Canada. Those listed are Jesse Piper, Widower, Agricultural Labourer and his son David Piper who emigrated on the 'Toronto' in May 1843.

Paper Number: 15036/B/1843. See also Paper Number: 10915/B/1843. Poor Law Union Number 484. Counties: Sussex and Kent. Date 8 Nov 1843 Catalogue reference MH 12/13080/395

Folio 386

Draft letter to Rye Poor Law Union. The Commission has received, through Messrs Carter & Bonus, a certificate from the chief emigration agent at Quebec confirming that the emigration agreement to take 24 poor people from the parish of Iden to Canada on the ship Toronto has been carried out.

Paper Number: 9095/A/1843. Poor Law Union Number 484. Counties: Sussex and Kent. Date 12 Aug 1843 Catalogue reference MH 12/13080/245

Immigrants to Canada states the Toronto sailed May 16, 1843 and arrived July 4, 1843

Choose another ship at Poor Law Union Immigration to Canada Index & Explanation Page

Did you find an ancestor's name? You can order the full records from National Archives UK. You'll find details on the Explanation Page (Index)


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