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* Find Ancestors on Ships Passenger Lists by Year of Arrival

Ship Elizabeth from Cork Ireland to Quebec

Journal of the Transport Ship Elizabeth between 4 May 1825 & 21st July 1825 during which time the said ship has been employed in conveying the Irish Emigrant Settlers from Cork to Quebec.

This journal is 55 pages of detailed notes on each of the 21 Irish passengers Surgeon Power treated. I have extracted the names, ages, dates of admission, whether the patient died or recovered and a few notes for some patients. Most patients have their illnesses noted in detail, along with medicines given, reaction of patient and other data.

It was quite distressing to read the surgeon's detailed accounts of their suffering, especially for the children. I have not included any such details in this extraction. It was very interesting reading the common medical treatments of the time, and also reading brief notes about conditions on board ship, food, accomodation etc.

  • May 10, 1825 at Cork waiting for wind to sail. Vaccinated 14 children
  • May 26, 1825 at sea. Repeated vaccinations as the first failed
  • June 8, 1825. All vaccinations failed
  • July 1, 1825 ship arrived Quebec
  • July 4, 1825 at LeChienne [Lachine] Barracks where they rested for a week
  • July 12, 1825 Took Batteaux up the river
Surname; First Name; Age; Admission Date; Discharged or Died; Surgeon's Notes

Buckley; Mrs.; 25; May-15; Recovered; Taken in while in Cork. In labour with first child - a boy born 11 am appearing stillborn with cord around neck but surgeon revived child. Mother and child recovering

Burke; Mrs.; 26; Jun-04; Recovered; Pregnant, near due date. Had male child born on road to Prescott, Upper Canada on 12 July 1825

Connell; Billy; 7; Jun-08; Recovered; Whooping Cough. Surgeon notes 10 cases currently on board ship. All but 2 recovered - a 16 month and 18 month old died of diarhea on the St. Lawrence River a few days before the road to Prescott. No names given

Downey; Mrs.; 34; Jun-26; Recovered; delicate constitution, aborted in 9th month of pregnancy

Dwyer; Mary; 19; May-27; Recovered; delicate constitution

Dwyer; Richard; 19; Jul-14; Recovered; Hard day of labour dragging boat up the rapids of the Cedars. Pains head and back

Egan; Pat; 30; Jul-14; ?; Hard day of labour dragging boat up the rapids of the Cedars. Fell ill. Turned over to Dr. Reade at Prescott on July 21

Flynn; Michael; 32; Jun-07; Recovered;

Holahan; James ; 15; Jun-11; Died; Died 4 pm June 29

Lee; John; 4; Jun-03; Recovered;

Lynne; William; 27; May-26; Recovered; Strong and muscular

Madigan; Ellen; 14; Jun-22; Recovered;

Madigan; Js or Is; 22; Jul-07; Recovered; Walking about at Prescott on July 20th

Madigan; Mary; 24; Jun-22; Recovered; Typhus. Strong and hearty woman. Entire family ill

Madigan; Maurice; 26; May-29; Recovered ; delicate constitution

Madigan; W.; 26; Jul-05; Recovered; Madigan family given own batteaux and ordered to keep astern of other boats

McCarthy; Ellen; 12; Jun-15; Recovered; Vomited 87inch worm brought to surgeon by mother on 18th June, a few days later vomited a 13 1/2 inch worm and a 7inch worm

Nagle; Mrs.; 58; Jul-05; Died; Delicate. Nursed 12 children [Lorine's note: It is not clear what this means. Was she the mother of 12 children or did she care for 12 of the sick children on the voyage?]. Seasick entire voyage. Died 20 July 1825

Pegotte; John; 62; Jul-01; ?; Taken to hospital in Prescott

Quinlan; Pat; 42; May-26; Recovered; pneumonia.

Trickley; Mary Ann; 27; May-27; Recovered

A total of 4 Irish Emigrants died of the 210 passengers on board. 2/3 had bowel problems, 18 had whooping cough. The Surgeon's Journal reflects only the more serious cases but he notes that approximately 2/3 of the passengers needed medical attention at some point. Surgeon Powell noted that this was the "most harrassing and disagreeable" duty he'd ever undertaken and the job of "preserving order and cleanliness amongst them was great beyond description".

He continues "They would not or could not help themselves" and complains that he was overburdened by his duties. He explains that the "Madigans brought fever on to the ship" and thus his job was made even more difficult as he had to attempt to keep them apart from the rest of the passengers. States that whenever the weather permitted, the immigrants were ordered to take their meals on deck but "it was no easy task to enforce obedience..."

Please see Sue Swiggum's Peter Robinson Settlers from Cork to Canada 1823 & 1825 for a list of passengers compiled from 2 National Archives of Canada microfilm. A comparison of names and details can be made with this list from the Surgeon's Log. As an example the ""Mrs. Nagle age 58"" on the Surgeon's list, having died on 20th July, is not on Sue's list unless she is 40 year old Catherine Nagle. You should also view Olive Tree Genealogy's Ships Passenger List for Elizabeth and compare names from that list, which used a completely different source.

Source: ADM 101/76/9 downloadable .pdf file from National Archives UK

Search Irish Records
* Ireland, Indexes to Wills, Probate Administration, Marriage Bonds and Licences, 1591-1866
* Ireland, National School Registers, 1847-1959
* Ireland, Court of Chancery Records, 1633-1851
* Ireland, Census Fragments, 1821-1851
* Ireland, Poor Law and Board of Guardian Records, 1839-1920
* Ireland, Valuation Records, 1824-1856
* Ireland, Church of Ireland Search Forms for Baptisms, Marriages and Burials, 1731-1870
* Ireland, Wills and Grants of Probate, 1858-1900

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