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Emigrants From England 1773-1776

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Emigrants From England 1773-1776 Surnames S

The following index to names is for Emigrants to USA from England, 1773 to 1776. The numbers beside each name are page numbers from the Fothergill book (see below). To find complete details for an individual you must refer to any one of the following sources:

Sabin, Thomas; 116
Sabouren, Daniel; 111
Sacker, John; 139
Sacquetin, Francis; 69
Sadler, George; 105
Sadler, Ralph; 118
Sadler, William; 148
Sale, Joseph; 135
Salisbury, Charles; 173
Salisbury, Edward; 63
Salisbury, Robert; 173
Salisbury, Thomas; 62 173
Salmon, Elizabeth; 52
Salmon, John; 77 106 153
Salter, Robert; 111
Salton, William; 31
Salver, Thomas; 104
Sammonds, Thomas; 131
Sammony, George; 24
Samms, Richard; 55
Sampell, James; 147
Sampson, Rachel; 146
Samuel, Gilbert; 131
Samuel, Robert; 113
Samuel, Samuel; 37
Sanbatch, John; 110
Sanders, see Saunders
Sanderson, John; 110
Sandlant, William; 65
Sanger, Stephen; 24
Sangster, John; 5
Sangster, William; 117
Sanson, Luke; 39
Santerin, Jacobina; 171
Sargood, John; 91
Sarratt, George; 121
Satchwell, Thomas; 167
Saul, John; 119
Saul, Mary; 119
Saul, S. L.; 119
Saunders, Daniel; 135
Sanders, John; 5 27 30 110
Sanders, Roxana; 17
Sanders, Thomas; 54
Sanders, William; 52 148
Sausseleer, David; 171
Sautteer, Johan Michale; 171
Savage, Anthony; 48
Savage, Elizabeth; 48
Savage, John; 40 48
Savage, Joseph; 102
Savage, Thomas; 146
Savage, William; 21
Savatier, John; 32
Savigny, Elizabeth; 105
Savin, Charles; 107
Sawyer, William; 134
Sayer, John; 33
Sayer, William; 158
Scandred, Edward; 59
Scarborough, James; 106
Scarf, John; 137
Scarr, George; 148
Schaw, Charles; 118
Scholar, Hannah; 162
Schomberg, Roman; 34
Schott, John P.; 26
Scotland, James; 93
Scotland, Robert; 134
Scotney, Susanna; 129
Scott, ____Mrs.; 16 176
Scott, Agnes; 172
Scott, Catherine; 49
Scott, Henry; 49
Scott, James; 160 172
Scott, John; 40 45 a72
Scoot, Joseph; 20
Scott, Margaret; 34 172
Scott, Mary; 49 172
Scott, Robert; 58
Scott, Samuel; 177
Scott, Thomas; 75
Scott, William 34 160 172
Scouler, Jasper; 106
Screech, Joseph; 24
Scrymgerim, H. Y.; 17
Scudder, Jesse; 106
Scully, Barnaby; 18
Scurr, Alice; 46
Scurr, Charles; 46
Scurr, Elizabeth; 46
Scurr, Thomas; 46
Scurr, William; 46
Seabright, Joseph; 89
Sealy, Charles; 137i
Sealy, James; 55
Seaton, Andrew; 61
Seaton, R.; 95
Seaton; Thomas; 51
Secker, Thomas; 116
Seddon, George; 44
Sedel, Bridget; 149
Sedel, Francis; 149
Sedel, Mary; 149
Sedel, Sarah; 149
Sedgewick, John; 42
Sedly, Francis; 106
Seedon, Jacob; 92
Seegar, Joseph; 170
Selby, C. I.; 146
Selley, John; 169
Serogie, John; 36
Severn, Samuel; 8r
Sewell, ____Mrs.; 177
Sewell, Charles; 35
Sewell, John; 39
Sewell, Robert; 177
Sewell, Thomas; 4
Sewthwait, Richard; 53
Seymour, Christopher, 167
Seymour, William; 95
Shackford, Josiah, 175
Shadforth, Whitaker; 173
Shakespear, William; 52
Shannon, Robert; 81
Shark, Thomas; 79
Sharman, Robert; 155
Sharpe, Charles; 12
Sharp, Thomas, 132
Sharrow, George; 66
Shaw, James; 79
Shaw, John; 164
Shaw, Owen; 83
Shaw, Robert; 63
Shaw, William; 158
Shean, Timothy; 37
Sheeham, Dennis; 75
Sheen, Patrick; 144
Shenirn, Elizabeth; 17
Shepherd, Elizabeth; 56
Shephard, John; 24 56 147
Shephard, Molly; 56
Shephard, Roger; 148
Shephard, Samuel; 52
Shephard, William; 10
Shermer, William;61
Sherry, Samuel; 147
Sherwood, William; 66
Sheston, John; 126
Shield, Martin; 86
Shiels, Daniel; 96
Shillingford, William; 4
Shine, John; 112
Shipley, Elizabeth; r8
Shipley, Sarah; 48
Shipley, Thomas; 48
Shipton, Thomas; 31
Shires, William; 67
Shirey, Beavis; 163
Shobrooke, Philip; 90
Shopshire, Robert; 37
Short, John; 24 83
Short, Samuel; 140
Shove, John; 153
Shuring, William; 127
Shute, Joseph; 124
Sibery, William; 30
Sidell, Ralph; 50
Sievens, Mary; 128
Silk, James; 161
Silver, James; 19
Sim, see Symes
Simmel, Joel; 104
Simmer, Sarah; 56
Simmons, Henry; 22
Simmonds, John; 96 163
Simons, Joseph; 38
Symonds, Mary; 149
Symonds, Paul; 123
Symonds, Thomas; 55 58
Simpson, Ann; 44
Simpson, Catherine; 114
Simpson, Charles; 46
Simpson, Francis; 29
Simpson, James; 130
Simpson, John; 96 164
Simpson, Joseph; 124
Simpson, Mary; 47
Simpson, Matthew; 108 149
Simpson, Peter; 76
Simpson, Robert; 111
Simpson, Thomas; 167
Simpson, Walter; 10
Simpson, William; 59
Sims, see Symes;
Sinclair, Diana; 9
Single, William; 51
Singleton, Charles; 136
Singleton, William; 69
Sinsgreen, John; 23
Sinton, William; 50
Sirright, David; 17
Sisson, William; 108
Skelly, William; 148
Skelton, Ann; 46
Skelton, Jane; 150
Skelton, John; 68 150
Skelton, Ralph; 174
Skelton, Thomas; 65
Skinner, Charles; 80
Skinner, Elizabeth; 62
Skinner, James; 27
Skinner, Matthew; 125
Skirrey, William; 13
Skroger, James; 15
Slack, Ann; 164
Slade, Daniel; 80
Slade, John; 90
Slade, Thomas; 131
Slater, John; 134
Slee, John; 47
Slowcuna, John; 128
Sly, John; 55

Smart, Jane; 107
Smee, Thomas; 73
Smith, Andrew; 23
Smith, Ann; 156
Smith, Benjamin; 6
Smith, Charles; 18 23 136
Smith, Charleton; 162
Smith, Christopher; 11u
Smith, Daniel; 19 108
Smith, David; 54 59 110
Smith, Edward; 19
Smith, Elizabeth; 20 45 75
Smith, Esther; 63 117
Smith, Francis; 46 118
Smith, George; 41 104 120 136
Smith, Grace; 79 164
Smith, Henry; 39 54
Smith, Hugh; 78
Smith, James; 8 95 117
Smith, James Edward; 157
Smith, John; 7 17 20 22 27 37 41 45 48 61 82 83 92 117 119 126 144 158 166
Smith, Joseph; 73 78 92 112
Smith, Margaret; 23
Smith, Martha; 129
Smith, Mary; 41 48 117 138
Smith, Nathaniel; 45
Smith, Rachel; 46
Smith, Robert; 45 60 79 161
Smith, Samuel; 54 83 90 135
Smith, Sarah; 164
Smith, Thomas; 10 22 53 63 85 124 136 137 140 152 158 177
Smith, William; 4 21 40 41 64 74 78 79 83 85 88 112 127 128 131 148 162 175
Smith, Willoughby; 8
Smithson, John; 92
Snape, Robert; 119
Snead, Henry; 86
Snead, William; 127
Snell, Elizabeth; 56
Snell, Major; 56
Snell, Richard; 52
Snook, Joseph; 58
Snow, John; 38
Snowden, Pickering; 43
Snowden, Ralph; 56
Snuvre, William, 130
Soley, Elizabeth; 9
Soley, Henry; 13
Sollicoffre, John; 102
Solomon, Joseph; 37
Somersal, John; 107
Somerskill, John; 61
Somerville, Elizabeth; 134
Soul, Samuel; 75
South, Alexander; 91
Sougham, Robert; 169
Southward, James; 17
Southwell, Susanna; 149
Sowden, John; 61
Sowerbutts, Marsh; 38
Sowersby, William; 88
Sparrow, William; 102
Spate, Richard; 174
Spath, Peter; 8
Speakman, John; 167
Speirs, Elizabeth; 120
Spence, Elizabeth; 94
Spence, Henry; 8
Spence, James; 147
Spence, Philip; 116
Spence, Robert; 81
Spence, William; 61
Spencer, Benjamin; 10
Spencer, James; 140
Spencer, Jos.; 51
Spencer, Mary; 44
Spencer, Thomas; 163
Spencer, William; 13 149
Spingen, C.; 107
Sprague, John; 142
Spray, John; 166
Spree, James; 116
Spriggs, Thomas; 69
Spring, William; 139
Sproule, Adam; 45
Squiar, Samuel; 126
Squires, George; 133
Stacey, Jerimiah; 30
Stacey, Nathaniel; 121
Stacey, Sarah; 70
Stacks, George; 51
Stafford, John; 121
Stainer, Mary; 148
Staines, Mary; 134
Stallard, John; 102 109
Standen, John Hipsley; 107
Stanfold, ___Rev. Mr.; 178
Stanley, John; 57 149
Stanley, Mary; 166
Stanton, John; 92
Stanton, Samuel; 19
Stape, Thomas; 5
Staples, Susanna; 115
Staples, William; 135
Stapleton, ____; 67
Stapleton, Susanna; 137
Stavely, Richard; 43
Stavely, Robert; 43 72
Stead, Edward; 108
Steed, Elizabeth; 90
Steed, Thomas; 105
Stear, Nicholas; 140
Stedell, Henry; 28
Steed, see Stead
Steel, Alexander; 45
Steel, John; 66
Stephens, see Stevens
Stephenson, see Stevenson
Stepney, John; 164
Sterling, Robert; 33
Sterriker, Hannah; 43
Stevens, Charles; 113
Stephens, Dorothy; 113
Stephens, George; 126
Stephens, Hugh; 130
Stephens, John; 18 27 125
Stephens, Oliver; 120
Stephens, Patrick; 158
Stephens, Robert; 23 78
Stiphens, Thomas; 27
Stephens, William; 94 113
Stephens, William George; 10
Stevenson, Alexander;30
Stephenson, John; 136
Stephenson, Joshua; 6
Stephenson, Thomas; 15 21
Stewart, Alexander; 30
Steward, Charles; 127 151
Stuard, David; 120
Stuard, Donald; 33
Stuard, Eliza; 128
Stuard, George; 77
Stuard, James; 10 84 105
Stuard, Jane; 128
Stuard, Richard; 73
Stuard, Thomas; 25
Stuard, William; 20 171 174
Stibbins, Ralph; 67
Stickland, Benjaamin; 147
Stile, James, 161
Styles, Reuben; 64
Still, James; 126
Stoakes, see Stokes
Stobbs, Charles; 57
Stockdale, Joseph; 48
Stockier, James; 40
Stockley, William; 119
Stockwell, William; 73 96
Stoddart, William; 81
Stokell, John; 37
Stokes, James; 10
Stoakes, William; 97
Stone, Charles; 108
Stone, Edward; 14
Stone, Henry; 112
Stone, Richard; 28
Stone, William; 105
Straham, James; 109
Strange, Caleb; 82
Strang, Elizabeth; 129
Strang, Maria; 82
Strattard, John; 148
Straw, James; 79
Streat, John; 19
Strickland, Edward; 126
Strickland, John; 132
Strong, John; 98
Strong, Valentine; 121
Stroud, William; 21
Strudwick, Henry; 163
Stuard, see Stewart
Stuteville, Charles; 96
Styles, see Stile
Suffrin, George; 123
Sugars, William; 126
Suggett, Ann; 43
Suggett, Christopher; 43
Suggett, John; 43
Sugget, Mary; 43
Suggett, William; 43]
Sullivan, Dennis; 144
Sullevan, Philip; 28
Sullevan, Thomas; 121
Sully, William; 27
Summerfield, Ann; 82
Summers, John; 20 78
Sunmary, John; 167
Surr, George; 170
Suter, Francis; 62
Sutherland, James; 29
Sutherland, John; 126
Sutton, Andrew, 35
Sutton, Edward; 130
Sutton, John; 75 138 160
Swallow, James; 90
Swan, Clifford; 66
Swan, Peter; 142
Swanick, Thomas; 137
Swanston, Sherland; 122
Swanton, Henry; 80
Sweatman, Susanna; 157
Sweenan, Richard; 38
Sweeny, Morgan; 21
Sworde, William; 13
Syle, Hugh;55
Symes, Francis; 15
Sim, James; 10
Sims, Jane; 34
Sims, Thomas; 169
Sims, William; 34 41
Symonds, see Simmons

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