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Try an Ancestry.com Free Trial and Ancestry.ca Free Trial Genealogy Mystery Book!Death Finds a Way: A Janie Riley Mystery by Lorine McGinnis Schulze Janie Riley is an avid genealogist with a habit of stumbling on to dead bodies. She and her husband head to Salt Lake City Utah to research Janie's elusive 4th great-grandmother. But her search into the past leads her to a dark secret. Can she solve the mysteries of the past and the present before disaster strikes? Available now on Amazon.com and Amazon.ca Genealogy NewsletterJOIN the FREE Olive Tree Genealogy Newsletter. Be the first to know of genealogy events and freebies. Find out when new genealogy databases are put online. Get tips for finding your elusive brick-wall ancestor.
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SHIPS PASSENGER LISTS TO CANADAShips' Passenger Lists, Return of 74 Families Germans Shipped on board the SPEEDWELL for Halifax in Nova Scotia the 11th May 1751Contributor: Catherine DiPietroSource: Historic Saga of LeHeve by Ruth E. Kaulback, 1970. The surnames are original spellings from the English clerk recording German and French speaking people so the actual spelling varies. Almost everyone on the passenger lists are foreign protestants, recruited by the British to populate Nova Scotia with loyal, fresh tax payers. These folks were victualled in Halifax for two to three years before founding and populating Lunenburg County, Nova Scotia. Return of 74 Families Germans Shipped on board the SPEEDWELL, Joseph Wilson, master, for Halifax in Nova Scotia the 11th May 1751 Name Origin Occupation Julius AISSENS Friesland Farmer T. ANSHUTZ ~~~~ Cook Henry BECKER Swiss Farmer Fredk. BERTLING Berlin Shoemaker Heendrick BEYER Saxony Farmer Andrew BOWEN Strasbourg Farmer Gertje BRUINS Freesland Farmer Christian BRUISE Gr"onenongen Farmer Hans BRUMBTER Alsace Farmer N. BUGLEMEYER --- Miner Mathew CARVER Wertemberg Mason Hendrick CLAASEN Groenique Joiner Stiefen CLAIR Swiss Farmer John CREVER Saxony Farmer Ian DENNEMAN --- Shoemaker Bernard DE MAYER Friesland Farmer Johan DOHN Swiss Sadler Caspar DRILLIOT Swiss --- Pierre d'ORSIELLE Swiss Farmer Conrad FREDENBERG --- Smithy Gelle GERTZENS E. Friesland Joiner Francois GUIO #32;Normandy Farmer John HALPIN Terland Brasier ? HAMMER Saxony Shoemaker Conrad HATT Swiss Smithy Jacob HATT Swiss Smithy Michael HOOKE Wertemberg Cooper Christop. HUMB --- Miner Adam ISLER Alsace Farmer Martin ISLER Alsace Farmer Thomas ITSINGER Friesland Watchmaker Hendert JANSE E. Friesland Farmer Bern't JANSEN Hambourg Tailor Hekke JANSEN E. Friesland Farmer Abraham JENSEN Gr"onenongen Farmer Christian JESSEN Hambourg Wine Cooper Gothart JESSEN Hambourg Wine Cooper I. Lawrence KELLER Friesland Schoolmaster And. Christ. KREVER Saxony Farmer Daniel LEEMANS Groenique Shoemaker Louis LE ROY Wertemberg Surgeon Joseph LEY Swiss Farmer Michael SMITH alias LEY Swiss Smithy Hendrick LEYSTERBACH Groenique Plazier Caspar LIBSDORFF Hambourg Shoemaker Johan Andrew LUHTZ Saxony Farmer Geritt LUTJES Friesland Farmer Petter MASSER Swiss Farmer Alexander METLER Swiss Farmer Ulrick METZELAR Hambourg Butcher George MEY Berlin Shoemaker Jacob MUSEN Swiss Smithy Christian NEWHAUS Hessian --- Frantz RAADBACHER Shrasboury Huntsman Gottlieb RANNEVELD Desou Tailor Bruin ROMKIES Groenique Wool Comber Christian ROSTY Swiss --- Wm. ROSTY Swiss --- Jacob SCHERENBERG Hambourg Butcher Christop. SCHMID --- Miner T. SCH"OMACHER Hambourg Candidate in Theology Ianse SCHOONVELD Gr"onenongen Farmer Hans Jung SCHOTER Wertemberg Shoemaker John Paul SCHRYNER Saxony Farmer Gottlieb SEIDLER Hambourg Shoemaker Philip SLYTER Hollstein Tailor George STAAL --- Miner Hendrick STHAL Saxony Miller George SUDERUSCH Groenique Shoemaker Johannes SYMONS Hessian Farmer Hendrick TIMMENSISON E. Friesland Farmer Fredk. VAN OLTHOFF Sweden Cadet George WELSCH Wertemberg Brewer Adolph WIEDERHOLD Marbourg Late/Sgt - Sgd. John Dick
Look for ancestors in ships passenger lists arriving in Canada:1400-1800 | 1800-1820 | 1820-1850 | 1850-1864 | 1865-presentSearch Ships Passenger Lists to New Brunswick | to Nova Scotia | to Quebec Ontario
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