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Ships' Passenger Lists, Swiss on board Gale from Rotterdam Germany to Halifax Nova Scotia 1751

Contributor: Catherine DiPietro
Source: Historic Saga of LeHeve by Ruth E. Kaulback, 1970. The surnames are original spellings from the English clerk recording German and French speaking people so the actual spelling varies.

Almost everyone on the passenger lists are foreign protestants, recruited by the British to populate Nova Scotia with loyal, fresh tax payers. These folks were victualled in Halifax for two to three years before founding and populating Lunenburg County, Nova Scotia.

Listes des Swisses Abord du Vaisseau le GALE embarques a Rotterdam pour le Nouvelle Ecosse 20 May 1751 - Thomas Casson, Master

Guilluame AMIET         Laboureur               de Boudry
Nicolas BARROIS         Chaudronnier            de Hasby, Berne
 Daniel David BLANCHE    Laboureur               de Grand Cour, Berne
Claude Josh BILLERAY    Laboureur               de la Brevine Cte de Neufchatel
Louis CARTIER           Boulanger               d'Orbe
Jo. David DUBOIS        Laboureur               des Ponts
Jon. Fran. DUBOIS       Laboureur               des Ponts
Pierre DUBOIS           Laboureur               de la Chauxdefond
Abraham FORTEL          Horloger                de Harnay
Henry GALLANDRE         Laboureur               de Neufchatel
 Jacques GIRARD          Laboureur               d'Orbe
Hector JACOD            Chirurgien              du Lode Comte de Neufchatel
J. Pierre MALHERBE      Laboureur               de Chavornay
David MARTIN            Laboureur               de Ste. Croix, Berne
Pierre MEGNIN           Laboureur               de Crudefin
Daniel PALETON          Meunier                 de Noiraugue
Abraham PEDERMAN        Ouviier en Indinnes     de Hiefs Canton de Berne
Jacob PELATON           Laboureur               de Naraique Cte de Neuf.
Jacques RAYMOND         Laboureur               des A Mandemants d'Aigle
Abraham ROUBLEY         Laboureur               de Schuy, Berne
Christian VANZERIED     Laboureur               de Berne
Antoine VIGNEUL          Laboureur               de Nyon, Berne
Jacob VURMLEY           Laboureur               de Zurich

"Germans" on the GALE 12 June 1751 from Rotterdam to Halifax, Nova Scotia with Thomas Casson, Master

Jon. Gabriel ALBRECHT           Berlin          Sadler
Jacob ANDRIES                   Kampen          Weaver
Geo. Fredk. ATT (or ALT)        Wurtenberg       Butcher
Nicholas BARIOS                 Swiss           Butcher
Johann BAUHOFFER                Puisse          Carpenter
Carl Jensen BECKER              Holstein        Glover
Heinrich BERGMANN               Hessia          Farmer
Johannes BERGMANN               Hornbach         Furrier
Johann Christof BORNMAN         Saxony          Shoemaker
James BROWN                     England         Servant
Barbara BUCHER                  ---             ---
Elizabeth BUCHER                ---             ---
Peter CLATTENBERGER             Darmstad        Taylor
Christoph. CLUFATEL             Wurtenberg      Joiner
Jan DE BRUYN                    Danemarc        Sailor
Anna Cath. DE FRIES             ---             ---
Alexandre DE RODAHAN            Mons            Surgeon
Jacob DECKER                    Weisfenstein    Taylor
Johann Jacob DEMSTER            Koingsberg      Ruban Maker
Amas DOSSER                     Inhalt          Farmer
Pierre DU BOIS                  Swiss           Workman
Abraham DUPASQUIER              ---             ---
plus 20 of DUPASQUIER's people  ---             ---
Jacob Freidrich EISELE          Wurtenberg      Farmer
Johann Joachim ESTORFF          Hannover        Starchmaker
Christof Carl FALKENHAYN        Saxony          Peltry Worker 
Christian FINCK                 Wurtenberg      Smith
Matthew FINER                   Frusinheim      Farmer
George FREILIG                  Heissen         Farmer
 Philip Jacob FOUSEL             Wittenberg      Farmer
Louis GOUDRON                   Tourcle         Baker
Joh. Christof GRIMMERICH        Geno of Jeno    Bookbinder       
Andreas HAAS                    Darmstad        Shoemaker
Joahnnes HAAS                   Darmstad        Shoemaker
Geo. Heinrich HAREIN            Eringen         Farmer
Christopher HARNISH             Gavera          Brewer
Jacob HEIT                      Darmstad        Farmer
Michael HEIT                    Darmstad        Farmer
Jacob HORN                      Darmstad        Farmer
Johann HORN                     Strasburg       Butcher
Joh. Adam H"UHN                 Nurnberg        Miller
Joh. Jacob HUTH                 W"urtenberg     Stone Cutter & Architect
John Wilhelm HUY                Palatinate      Farmer
Hans KAPLER                     Darmstad        Taylor
Geo. Samuel KAYSER              Anspach         Butcher
Joj. Christof KAYSER            W"urtenberg     Glover
Freidrich Ludwig KOHL           Itstein         Joiner
Johann Philip KOHN              Itstein         Joiner
Joh. George K"OPPER             Strasberg       Baker
Johann Geo. Willhelm KRAHL      Weymar          Gun Smith
Joh. Jac. K"UHN                 W"urtenberg     Taylor
Johann Paulus LAMPRECHT          Anspach         Miller & Baker
Magdalene LANDSCHEIT            ---             ---
Mr. LE DERNIER                  ---             ---
Johann Leonhard LEITZE          W"urtenberg     Taylor
Johann Jacob LIBERICH           Manheim         Merchant
Martin LINK                     W"urtenberg     Farmer
Joh. Matthew L"UTGENS           Lubeck          Surgeon
Joh. George MATZ                Wittenberg      Farmer
Johann Heinrich MEICHANER       L. Schorlau     Miller & Baker
Geo. Wilhelm MELL               Worms           Shoemaker
Michel MENADIS                  Geneve          Silversmith
Johann Christian METZLER        Palatinate      Tanner
Christian Gottlieb M"UHLIG      L. Schorlau     Miller & Baker
Johann Heinrich M"UHLIG         L. Schorlau     Miller & Baker
Johann Christian M"UKLICH       L. Schorlau     Miller & Baker
Joh. Wilhelm M"ULLER            Kampen          Taylor
Johannes M"ULLER                Darmstad        Taylor
Johannes M"ULLER                Mayance         Farmer
Johann George PALM              Eringen         Farmer
George POLLEVER                 Darmstad        Farmer
Andreas PRIEBTZ                 Dresden         Wax Blender & Candle Maker
Conrad Wilhelm RADERS           Hamburg         Clark
Leonard REIFF                   Anspach         Farmer
Just. REIMER                    Holstein        Shoemaker
Lorentz RISCHBACK               Regensberg      Miller
Justinus Fredk. RHULAND         Erfenach        Tanner
Johann Georges SCHAFFRATH       Eringen         Miller
Johann Freidrich SCHAIBLEN      Wurtenberg      Sawmiller
Catharina SCHALLIS              Inhalt          ~~~~
Nicholas SCHMIDT                Alsace          Mason
Johann Jacob SCHUHMAN           Itstein         Joiner
George SCH"UTZ                  Darmstad        Farmer
Joh. Ulrich SEEGER              Wurtenberg      Farmer
Johann Ulrich SEYSSER           W"urtenberg     Butcher
Andreas SPANNAGEL               Strasburg       Nail Smith
Joh. Abr. STEIN                 Heilbrun        Farmer
Joh. George THETTOFF            Waldeck         Farmer
Frantz Joseph TIMMING           Juisfe          Stocking Weaver
Johannes van HOBOCKEN           Dort.           Baker
Johann Tobias V"OLKER           Erfenach        Tanner
Christof Matthew WAGNER         Saxonny         Farmer
Conrad WALLENHAUPT              Hessia          Stocking Weaver
Joh. Peter WALLER               Heilbrun        Mason
Andreas WANGEMANN               Hanover         Taylor
August Ferdinand WEGSCHIEDER    Braunsweig      Dyer
Leopold WEILAND                 Schwabach       Farmer
Joh. Jacob  WEINMAYER            Ersurth        Stocking Weaver
Sebastian Samuel WENIGERKIND    Saxony          Musician
Daniel WUESTER                  W"urtenberg     Butcher
Maria Agnes WURTZEN             W"urtenberg     ---
Caspar Tillemans ZAHN           Itstein         Baker
Johannes ZIEGLER                Saxony          Mason
Abraham ZIMMER                  Palatinate      Farmer

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1400-1800 | 1800-1820 | 1820-1850 | 1850-1864 | 1865-present

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Ontario Immigration (Peter Robinson Settlement, Kingston Emigrant Records, Hawke Papers) | Canada-U.S. border crossing records (Saint Albans Lists) | J.J. Cooke Shipping Agent Records | Filling in the Gaps 1850-1857

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