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Janie Riley is an avid genealogist with a habit of stumbling on to dead bodies. She and her husband head to Salt Lake City Utah to research Janie's elusive 4th great-grandmother. But her search into the past leads her to a dark secret. Can she solve the mysteries of the past and the present before disaster strikes? Available now on Amazon.com and and Amazon.ca
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Death Finds a Way: A Janie Riley Mystery
by Lorine McGinnis Schulze

Janie Riley is an avid genealogist with a habit of stumbling on to dead bodies. She and her husband head to Salt Lake City Utah to research Janie's elusive 4th great-grandmother. But her search into the past leads her to a dark secret. Can she solve the mysteries of the past and the present before disaster strikes? Available now on Amazon.com and Amazon.ca


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Records of the Reformed Dutch Churches of Hackensack and Schraalenburgh, New Jersey Part 1, Vol. 1

FHL film #16559 [microfilmed book]
Holland Society of New York 1891
Transcribed and Copyrighted by Scott R. Mills 2009. Published on OliveTreeGenealogy.com with transcriber's permission

Front of book contains a listing of the various RDC churches and records that were known to exist at the time of the writing (1891). Also contained in the front is a very nice explanation of Dutch names and naming practices along with English equivalents.

Hackinsack marriages (1695-1802) pages 25-71

Hackinsack Baptisms (1686-1802) pages 73-287 (note: pages 180 and 181 were apparently not scanned onto the film and these records are missing as a result. The last date before the missing pages is 23 Sept 1739 and the first date on age 182 is 22 June 1740.

Consistory records pages 287 312

Records end on page 312


Please choose from the following Records of the Reformed Dutch Churches of Hackensack and Schraalenburgh, New Jersey

Consistory Records of Ackensack

20 May 1701

Samuel De Maree elected elder

2 May 1706

Jn De Maree eleceetd elder

Samuel De Maree elected churchmaster

May 1707

David De Maree elected elder

May 1709

Samuel De Maree elected elder

David De Maree elected deacon

9 May 1711

David De Maree elected elder

14 May 1713

Samuel De Maree elected elder

Jacobus De Maree elected churchmaster

May 1715

Jacobus De Maree elected deacon

30 May 1717

David Samuelse De Maree elected churchmaster

May 1721

Jan De Groot elected churchmaster

May 1723

Wiert Banta elected churchmaster


David Pieterse De Maree elected church house master


David P. De Morest elected deacon


David P. De Morest elected deacon

Please choose from the following Records of the Reformed Dutch Churches of Hackensack and Schraalenburgh, New Jersey


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