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Pequannock NJ Town Officers 1741 - 1749

Contibuted by Kevin Riley on 2 March 2001
Source: From the Pequannock Town Book 1741-1754

March the 10 , 1741
"It being ....ginaral town meeting appointed by Law and the inhabitants of Pacquannack Being Meet on that account in chusing the followeth viz:

Marten vanduin, town clark and town Book keeper
Pieter Rome, asseser
Paul vanderbeck, colector
Abraham vanduin, henry vannese, freeholders
hartman vreland, yeles Manderviel, Survaers of the highways
Abraham vanduin, henry Manderviel, oversiers of the poor
Maretn Berrey, Issac vanderhoof, overciers of the high ways
Adam Miller, James Jacobus, Constables

March the 9-1742
Marten vanduin, asseser
Robert gould, colector
Abraham vanduin, henry vanness, freehoulders
Robert gould, Marten Kenney, survaers of the highways
Fredrick Remout, Samuel Berrey, overciers of the poor
Pieter Rome, Isaac Vanderhoof, overciers of the highways
Frederick Remout, Isaac Mouerson, Constables
March the 8-1743
John Cambell, town clark and town Book keeper
Garret DeBough, asseser
fradrick temout, colector
Jonathan Stills Senier, Robert gould, freehoulders
Paul vanderbeck, Abraham vanduin, survaers of the high ways
Jonathan Stilles sinier, Robert gould , overciers ofthe poore
henry vandercook , Cornelius Dereamus, overceirs of the high ways
Peter young junier, Abraham Jacobus Constables
March the 13-1744
John Cambell, town Clark and town Book keeper
Garret Debugh, asseser
Maretn vanduin , colector
Robert gould, Samuel Berrey , freehoulders
henry vannes, henry maderviel, survaers of the highways
Marten vanduin , Robert gould, overceirs of the poor
Pieter fisher, James Jacobuse , overceirs of the high ways
Jacob mouerson, Pieter hylar, Constables
March the 12-1745
Marten vanduin, town clark and town book keeper
Garret Debough, asseser
Marten vanduin, colector
Samuel Berrey, Robert gould , freehoulders
Abraham Jacobus, Pieter young junier, survuers of the high ways
Pieter freadrick, Pieter Rome, overceirs of the poor
James Jacobusse , Robert gould , overceirs of the high ways
Jonathan Stills junier, Pieter freadrick, Constables
January the 31-1746
Maretn vanduin, town clark and town book keeper
Garret Debough, asseser
Marten vanduin , colector
Samuel Berrey, Robert gould, freehoulders
hendrick Demott , Jacob mouerson, Survaors of the high ways
Pieter Rome, Pieter freadrick, overceirs of the poor
Pieter mouerson, .......l Berrey , overceirs of the highways
adam Miller, Jacob Vanderhoff, Constables
March the 10-1747
Marten vanduin, town clark and town book keeper
garret Deboo, asseser
Marten vanduin , colector
Samuel Berrey, Robert gould , freehoulders
James Jacobusse , Cornelus Deamus , survaers of the high ways
Pieter freadrick , Pieter Rome , survaers of the high ways
Pieter freadrick , Pieter Rome , overcers of the poore
Paul Berrey, nicoles hyler , overceirs of the high ways
John Dereamus, Ephraim Stills , Constables
March the 8-1748
Marten vanduin , town clark and town book keeper
Garret Deboue , asseser
Maretn vanduin , colector
Samuel Berrey, Robert gould , feehoulders
Cornelus Doreamos, James Jacobusse, survaers of the high ways
Pieter Rome , Pieter freaderick, overceirs of the poore
Pieter young , Thomas peere , overceirs of the highways
Ephraim Stills, henrey cook, Constables
March the 14-1749
Marten vanduin , town clark and town Book keeper
Jonathan Stills junier , asseser
Marten vanduin , colector
Samuel Berrey, Robert gould , freehoulders
John Devenport , Nicoles hylar, survaers of the high ways
Pieter Rome , Mycal vandercook , overceirs of the poor
henry vannes, Jacob peer , overceirs of the high ways
.....raham pier, .....uel Rome , Constables

Source: Some Early Records of Morris County , New Jersey by Kenn Stryker-Rodda p.19-31


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