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Death Finds a Way: A Janie Riley Mystery
by Lorine McGinnis Schulze
Janie Riley is an avid genealogist with a habit of stumbling on to dead bodies. She and her husband head to Salt Lake City Utah to research Janie's elusive 4th great-grandmother. But her search into the past leads her to a dark secret. Can she solve the mysteries of the past and the present before disaster strikes? Available now on and
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Sources in Quebec can be divided into three categories: 1608-1763: French Regime. Certain books include Detroit and other French forts that are outside the present borders of Quebec. 1763-1901: British Regime. Vital statistics are preserved at the Archives Nationales du Québec. 1900-today: This period covers the vital statistics that are not archived.
Service des archives et de gestion des documents - Université du Québec à Montréal Les archives régionales - Université du Québec à Rimouski Note: Most original records for the Province of Quebec before 1900 are at the nine branches of the Archives Nationales du Quebec. Although microfilm copies of some records are held by all branches, there is no one central repository. Each specializes in a region, and regional boundaries do not match county boundaries exactly.
The PRDH - Le Program de recherché en demographie historique / The Research Program in Historical demography and the R.A.B. du PRDH contains over one million records of Quebec events and genealogies of French-Canadian families– births, marriages, burials etc. from 1621-1799 is also available on two CDs from Penetanguishene Museum Dictionnaire Genealogique des Famille Canadiennes by Tanguay is available on CD ROM. A few of the 7 volumes can be found at Google Books The Internet Archives also holds some digitized copies Red Drouin Books: The American French Genealogical Society (AFGS) has produced a CD-ROM containing the three volumes of the Dictionnaire National des Canadiens Français 1608-1760, also known as the red Drouin books. Loiselle Marriage Indexes on microfilm. The original index and the supplement include marriages from the mid-1600s to about 1960. The original index covers 520 Catholic parishes in Québec and a few parishes outside Québec where there were large settlements of French Canadians (such as Madawaska County, New Brunswick, and Manchester, Hillsboro County, New Hampshire). The Rivest Marriage indexes on microfilm. The Rivest Marriage Index covers Catholic marriages from 1670 to 1972 Dictionnaire Genealogique Des Familles Canadiennes at Dictionnaire Genealogique des Familles Canadiennes Depuis la Fondation de la Colonie Jusqu'a Nos Jours at Dictionnaire genealogique des familles du Quebec (French Edition) at
Canada Parliamentary Marriage and Divorces, 1867-1919 From 1867 to 1919, civil divorces in Ontario, Quebec, Alberta, Saskatchewan, and Manitoba were granted by private acts of the Parliament of Canada. This database includes the names of the spouses, places of residence at the time of the marriage and divorce, other marriages (if noted), and dates of marriage and divorce (the date when the act became law) for divorce acts from this period. The original records may include additional information such as other places of residence, occupations, additional court action taken, and number of children (and occasionally their names or genders), if any. The very restrictive grounds for the cost of a divorce made them quite rare; the records are, however, worth obtaining when they apply.
St. Lawrence July 1865 Passenger List London to Quebec Boreas 1865 Passenger List Ireland to Quebec Northcote Porsgrunn Telemark May 1865 to Quebec Tamworth Skien Telemark 7 April 1866 Montreal Inga Kragerø Telemark 14 April 1866 to Quebec Rinde Kragerø Telemark 25 June 1866 to Quebec Rjukan Skien Telemark ??? to Quebec Rjukan Skien Telemark 14 June 1868 to Quebec Rjukan Skien Telemark 11 June 1869 to Quebec Skien Skien Telemark 15 April 1869 to Quebec Medway 1869 Passenger List London to Quebec Skien Skien Telemark 12 April 1870 to Quebec Rjukan Skien Telemark 5 June 1870 to Quebec Names of 1,877 Home Children sailing from England to Canada in 1871 [NAC online database, more details available on their site] Skien Skien Telemark 8 June 1871 to Quebec Rjukan Skien Telemark 31 May 1871 to Quebec Laurdal Porsgrunn Telemark 21 April 1872 to Quebec Skien Skien Telemark 8 June 1872 to Quebec Adalia 1872 London to Quebec via Plymouth Names of 1,298 Home Children sailing from England to Canada in 1873 [NAC online database, more details available on their site] Nordhavet Skien Telemark 26 May 1873 to Quebec Mennonite Immigrants on Quebec Passenger Lists: 1881-1896 Numidian May 1895 bringing orphaned boys from Liverpool Catholic Children Protection Society to Quebec Mennonite Ship Passengers Arriving in Canada: 1900-1914 (Halifax, St. John & Quebec arrivals) <Sarmatian 1903 Glasgow to Quebec Corsican Glasgow Scotland to Montreal Quebec 1915 Groote Beer Rotterdam to Quebec 1957
Dictionnaire généalogique des famillescanadiennes depuis la fondation de lacolonie jusqu'à nos jours par l'abbé C. Tanguay,... Province de Québec (Montréal) : E. Sénécal, Imprimeur-éditeur, 1871-1890. 7 v.
Index of Fichier Origine The "Fichier Origine" is a computerized database of birth and baptism records found in the course of theQuebecois research project on the family origins of French and foreign emigrants who establishedthemselves in Canada.
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