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Canadian census for Ste. Catherine de Portneuf, Quebec, page 1 of 10

COUGHLIN, JohnFarmerSt. CathRC32
(son of James & Elenore Sweeny)    
Maher, MargaretWifeSt. Cath28
(daughter of Patrick & Ellen Donovan)    
Coughlin, JohnFarmerSt. Cath14
Coughlin, James***sonnewborn
BOUGHEN, HonoraWidowIreland35
Connors, ElizabethDaughterSt. Cath10
Connors, ThomasSonSt. Cath9
Connors, EllenDaughterSt. Cath7
Connors, JuliaDaughterSt. Cath 5
CULLEN, MosesFarmerCo.Wexford34
Anderson, JuliaWifeSt. Cath30
Kingston, ElizabethServantSt. Cath18
Pender, JamesServantSt. Cath13
TEMPOLE, GeorgeFarmerCo. Cork38
Collins, CatherineWifeCo. Cork38
Tempole, JohnSonSt. Cath13
Tempole, JamesSonSt. Cath12
Tempole, WilliamSonSt. Cath10
Tempole, TimothySonSt. Cath5
Tempole, PatrickSonSt. Cath2
CULLEN, JamesFarmerSt. Cath25
Murphy, Ellen (widow Lawrence)MotherCo. Wexford60 W
Cullen, Lawrence SadlerSonSt. Cath23
Cullen, MargaretDaughterSt. Cath19
Cullen, CatherineDaughterSt. Cath17
Henchy, CatherineWardSt. Cath9
CULLEN, DavidFarmerCo. Wexford39
(son of Lawrence & Ellen Murphy)    
Gurry, MaryWifeSt. Cath30
Cullen, PatrickSonSt. Cath10
Cullen, EdwardSonSt. Cath8
Cullen, EllenDaughterSt. Cath7
Cullen, LawrenceSonSt. Cath5
Cullen, MargaretDaughterSt. Cath3
Cullen, CatherineDaughterSt. Cathnewborn
BARRON, EustacheFarmerCo. Waterford45
Hennessey, EllenWifeCo. Cork40
Barron, WilliamSonSt. Cath20
Barron, Mary AnnDaughterSt. Cath19
Barron, PierceSonSt. Cath17
Barron, ElizabethDaughterSt. Cath14
Barron, HenrySonSt. Cath10
Barron, RichardSonSt. Cath5
**Coughlin, James- died prior to census taking, but was recorded under births and deaths for census year    
Pelltier, Louis & Family    
POOR, JohnFarmerCo. WaterfordRC50**
(on ’51 census Poor, on ’61 census Power)    
King, Bridget WifeCo. Waterford50**
(on ’51 census King, on ’61 census Sheehan)    
Poor, ElizabethDaughterSt. Cath20
Poor, EllenDaughterSt. Cath17
Poor, BridgetDaughterSt. Cath15
Poor, AnnDaughterSt. Cath10
McKENNA, DenisFarmerCo. MonaghanRC65 W
(on ’51 listed as McKeaney, Denis spouse Mary McKenna)    
McKenna, DenisGrandson 8
McKenna, PatrickGrandson 6
McKenna, JamesGrandson 4
McKenna, EdwardGrandson 2
McKenna, WilliamGrandson 
[child of Denis missing from this Census: James b. 1827 in Quebec, these are possibly his children further investigation req'd]    
McCARTHY, TimothyFarmerSt. CathRC27
(child of John & Mary Lahey)    
Donovan, HonoraWifeSt. Cath23
(child of John & Mary O’Neill)    
CONWAY, ThomasFarmerSt. Gabriel de ValcartierRC20
(child of Francis & Mary Landers)    
O’Carroll, MargaretWifeSt. Gabriel de Valcartier20
(child of Thomas & Margaret Green)    
Driscoll, LawrenceServantSt. Cath17
(child of Thomas & Margaret Duggan)    
McCARTHY, Thomas (son)FarmerSt. CathRC18
Lahey, Mary (widow John)**MotherCo. Kilkenny46 W
McCarthy, JaneDaughterSt. Cath20
McCarthy, MaryDaughterSt. Cath16
McCarthy, PatrickSonSt. Cath15
McCarthy, CorneliusSonSt. CathRC14
McCarthy, DenisSonSt. CathRC10
McCarthy, CatherineDaughterSt. CathRC7
KINGSTON, Thomas (son)FarmerSt. CathRC28
Lannin, Elizabeth (widow)MotherCo. CorkRC53 W
Kingston, MaryDaughterCo. CorkRC30
Kingston, John SonSt. CathRC26
(shows name as James on ’51 census)    
**McCarthy, John, listed on census as having died in the Census year of 1861 from disease in the heart.    
McCARTHY, DenisFarmerCo. CorkRC40
McCabe, MaryWifeQuebecRC32
McCarthy, JaneDaughterSt. CathRC13
McCarthy, TimothySonSt. CathRC11
McCarthy, EdwardSonSt. CathRC9
McCarthy, DenisSonSt. CathRC7
McCarthy, JohnSonSt. CathRC5
McCarthy, MaryDaughterSt. CathRC3
DRISCOLL, DenisFarmerCo. CorkRC75
Fitzgerald, JuliaWifeCo. WaterfordRC50
Driscoll, JohannaDaughterSt. CathRC27
Driscoll, CatherineDaughterSt. CathRC25
Driscoll, JohnSonSt. CathRC23
Driscoll, JuliaDaughter St. CathRC21
Driscoll, ElizabethDaughterSt. CathRC20
Driscoll, DenisSonSt. CathRC16
GARDNER, JamesFarmerRenfrew, ScotlandRC59
Robinson, JohannaWifeRenfrew, ScotlandRC55
Gardner, MaryDaughterQuebecRC36
Gardner, JohnSonSt. CathRC20
Gardner, AlexanderSonSt. CathRC18
Gardner, ThomasSonSt. CathRC16
TAYLOR, AndrewFarmerCo. KilkennyAnglican50
Doherty, MaryWifeCo. AntrimAnglican50
Taylor, CharlesSonSt. CathAnglican28
Taylor, ThomasSonSt. CathAnglican19
O’GRADY, M. Parish PriestIrelandRC55
Walsh, BridgetHousekeeperIrelandRC55
Kehoe, HelenBorderIrelandRC40
O’Grady, JohnBorderIrelandRC15
Reynolds, BridgetServantSt. CathRC20
Finnegan, JohnServantSt. CathRC16
Burke, AliceServantSt. CathRC10
King, PatrickServantIrelandRC50
  ..next page

Last Updated on 02/06/03
By Janice Copeman
The Irish in Quebec


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