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Death Finds a Way: A Janie Riley Mystery
by Lorine McGinnis Schulze
Janie Riley is an avid genealogist with a habit of stumbling on to dead bodies. She and her husband head to Salt Lake City Utah to research Janie's elusive 4th great-grandmother. But her search into the past leads her to a dark secret. Can she solve the mysteries of the past and the present before disaster strikes? Available now on and
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English & Irish Genealogy
St. Mary's Church, Lenham, Kent England
The following vital statistics records of births, baptisms, marriages, deaths and burials at St. Mary's Church in Lenham, Kent, England was made by my mother in 2000. While on a visit to Lenham Kent England, she visited St. Mary's where she abstracted 381 surname records with a connection to our family genealogy. These are not complete records from St. Mary's, they are only a partial transcript of vital records taken from register books still held in the church.
The 381 records abstracted by my mother start in 1592 and end in 1891. Some seemingly identical records have two different dates, just days apart, and I assume that this is death date versus burial date and birth date versus baptism date, but I'm afraid my mother did not make any notations to indicate with certainty why there was a difference. Enjoy!
Marriages from St. Mary's Church, Lenham, Kent England
Date of Marriage
Bride & Groom
1754 Dec 13
Ann Golding & David Allard
1756 Jan 14
William Golding & Elizabeth Challoner
1761 Jun 9
Mary Golding & Alexander Hughes
1761 Oct 26
Thos Bolton & Mary Haywood
1768 Dec 26
Samuel Fuller & Elizabeth Higgins
1769 Aug 20
Richard Philpot & Mary Springfield
1770 Jun 20
John Philpot & Jane Bensted
1772 Aug 11
John Fuller & Mary Down
1773 Aug 7,
Edward Norris & Catherine Earl
1780 Jun 15
Thomas Golden & Mary Dodson
1780 Nov 20
Elizabeth Norris & Richard Baker
1781 Oct 17
Richard Norris & Prudence Prichard
1787 Aug 11
James Simpson & Charlotte Harris
1787 Jan 8
Lucy Greenstreet & Benjamin Coombes
1787 Oct 16
Sally Fuller & William Birch
1789 May 19
John Golden & Elizabeth Chapman
1790 Jun 5
William Bolton & Elizabeth Miller
1794 Feb 24
Elizabeth Fuller & Samuel Stephen Hodges
1795 Mar 9
Mary Golden & Joseph Russel
1796 Oct 11
Anne Fuller & John Poter
1799 Aug 20
Annie Goldsmith & Stanley Epps
1799 Feb 12
Mary Goldsmith & John Lacey
1801 Mar 14
Mary Greensmith & Philip Hunt
1801 Oct 23
John Norris & Hannah Greenstreet
1802 Apr24
Ann Maria Golden & Philip Wood
1804 Aug 11
Elizabeth Greenstreet & John Burbage
1804 Oct 7
Wlilliam Fuller & Sarah Rick
1807 Oct 13
Amy Fuller & John Greenstreet
1814 Jul 9
John Golden & Sarah Brenchley
1823 Mar 2
Edward Golden & Hannah Philpott
1827 Dec 24
James Bolton & Jane Austin
1830 May 24
George Norris & Ann Handley
1835 Dec 13
William James Golding & Ann Hanford
1841 Mar 14
John Fuller & Harriett Moon
1841 Nov 7
Thomas Fuller & Martha Friend
1844 May 25
Thomas Norris & Maria Hopkins
1851 Jan 25
Elizabeth Golding & David Skinner
1851 Mar 30
Sarah Golding & William Bolton
1852 Oct 18
Edward Norris & Sarah Norris
1858 Oct 17
Charles Fuller & Georgiana Golding
1859 May 25
Jane Golding & John Skinner
1859 Oct 30
Caroline Golding & Richard Spillett
1866 Sep 2
Charles Golding & Frances Smith
1870 Dec 22
Ellan Norris & Henry Steadman
1870 Jun 1
Thomas Golding & Sally Barton
1877 Feb 10
George Norris & Elizabeth Harris
1878 Oct 9
Louisa Jane Golding & James Bates
1880 Jun 20
Emma Susannah Golding & James Pettendon Avery
1882 Jun 16
Mene Caroline Golding & George Howes
1891 Apr 25
Francis Golding & William Turner
Looking for English or Irish Ancestors? See the following free Olive Tree Genealogy databases for English Genealogy:
Family Genealogy Books
* Caspall Family of Kent England descendants of John Caspall and his wife Mary Prigg for six generations
* Hinds Family of Kent England descendants of Thomas Hinds and his wife Sarah Ammis who married in 1693 in Canterbury
* Hubbard Family of Kent England Isaac Hubbard and Mary Ducy and descendants down four generations through their son Isaac, their grandson Philip, their greaat-grandson Philip and their great-great-granddaughter Milly Elizabeth who married John Caspall.
* Wildbore Family of Kent England descendants of George Wildbore and his wife
Alicia Pamphlett (nee Sackett) who married in Minster, Thanet, Kent
* Laming Family of Kent England six generations of descendants of William Laming born circa 1610 and his wife Mary Culmer
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