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Death Finds a Way: A Janie Riley Mystery by Lorine McGinnis Schulze Janie Riley is an avid genealogist with a habit of stumbling on to dead bodies. She and her husband head to Salt Lake City Utah to research Janie's elusive 4th great-grandmother. But her search into the past leads her to a dark secret. Can she solve the mysteries of the past and the present before disaster strikes? Available now on and and
Death Finds a Way: A Janie Riley Mystery
by Lorine McGinnis Schulze
Janie Riley is an avid genealogist with a habit of stumbling on to dead bodies. She and her husband head to Salt Lake City Utah to research Janie's elusive 4th great-grandmother. But her search into the past leads her to a dark secret. Can she solve the mysteries of the past and the present before disaster strikes? Available now on and
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Military Genealogy & History
Choose from the following U.S.A. Military Genealogy
The Upper Canadian Volunteers (U.C.V.) were a small military unit organized at Fort George, Upper Canada, in July 1813 by Joseph Willcocks to fight with American forces during the War of 1812. The U.C.V. participated in the occupation of the Niagara peninsula July to Dec. 1813, and withdrew to the U.S. after burning Newark (Niagara-on-the-Lake) in December 1813. The unit fought in all the major battles of 1814, including the siege of Fort Erie where Willcocks was killed. After the war, its members received free land grants from the American Congress.
War of 1812 Upper Canadian Volunteers - Pay list for Soldiers Commanded by LT. COL. J. WILLCOCKS October1813 - June 1814
Name Rank Enlisted Pay/Mo Amt Due
Willcocks, Joseph Col. 1 May
Mallory, Banajah Maj. 14 Nov
Markle, Abraham Maj 12 Dec
Frisbee, Gideon Capt 18 Oct
Biggar, William Capt. 19 Oct
Baker, Joseph Adjut 1 Feb
Jackson, Sr. Samuel Q. Mstr 18 July
Grace, Oliver 1st Lieut. 12 Dec
Markle, William 2nd Lieut. 10 Dec
Duggett, Eleazer 3rd Lieut. 10 Dec.
Crosby, Eliakin Surgeon 10 Dec.
Hendershot Sgt. Maj. 10 Dec $12 $101.03
Smith, John R. QM Sgt 10 Dec 12 80.12
Jackson, Jonah Sgt. 18 Oct 11 92.61
Squires, Ephraim H. Sgt 12 Dec 11 72.74
Smith, Luther Sgt. 18 Oct 11 92.61
Wickham, Samuel Sgt 18 O ct 11 92.61
Thomas, Seneca Sgt. 18 Oct 11 92.61
Gee, William Sgt 18 Oct 11 92.61
Proctor, Oliver Cpl 18 Oct 10 84.19
McLaughlin, Laughlin Priv 18 Oct 8 67.35
Curtis, Grove Priv 18 Oct 8 67.35
Jackson, William Priv 18 Oct 8 67.35
Bennett, John Priv 18 Oct 8 67.35
McGee, James Priv 18 Oct 8 67.35
Pollock, James Priv ` 18 Oct 8 67.35
Gough, John Priv 18 Oct 8 67.35
Gilbert, Abner Priv 18 Oct 8 67.35
Lane, Jacob Priv 18 Oct 8 67.35
Lane, Peter Priv 18 Oct sick
Fraser, Samuel Priv 7 Nov 8 52.13
Chamberlain, Alex Priv 7 Dec 8 53.03
Tutford, Philip Priv 8 Nov 8 63.20
Masselus, Cary Priv 12 Dec 8 52.90
Mallory, Abraham Priv 1 May 8 16.00
Huffman, William Priv 1 May 8 16.00
Larkins, Bradford Priv Jan 1814 8 40.25
Griffin, Joseph Priv Jan 1814 8 40.25
Fosgate, Silas Priv 7 Dec 8 53.93
Stodard, Nathan Priv 1 May 8 16.00
Dale, David Priv 19 Oct 8 67.35
Harris, Josephy Priv 10 Dec 8 53.41
Lewis, Jonah Priv 12 Dec 8 52.90
Shafer, Philip Priv 18 Oct 8 absent
McCrany, Thomas Priv 18 Oct 8 67.35
Sappan, Anthony Priv 18 Oct 8 67.35
Simons, John Priv Fe. (sic) 8 67.35
Smith, William Priv 18 July Died in hospital 1 June
Palmer, David Priv 12 Dec 8 67.35
Johnson, John S Priv 18 July 8 67.35
Dean, Sias Priv 18 Oct 8 60.00
Sherwood, Nathan Priv 12 Dec 8 52.90
Olmsted, Job Priv 18 Oct 8 absent
Olmsted, Enoch Priv 18 Oct absent
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