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Try an Ancestry.com Free Trial and Ancestry.ca Free Trial Genealogy Mystery Book!Death Finds a Way: A Janie Riley Mystery by Lorine McGinnis Schulze Janie Riley is an avid genealogist with a habit of stumbling on to dead bodies. She and her husband head to Salt Lake City Utah to research Janie's elusive 4th great-grandmother. But her search into the past leads her to a dark secret. Can she solve the mysteries of the past and the present before disaster strikes? Available now on Amazon.com and Amazon.ca Genealogy NewsletterJOIN the FREE Olive Tree Genealogy Newsletter. Be the first to know of genealogy events and freebies. Find out when new genealogy databases are put online. Get tips for finding your elusive brick-wall ancestor.
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Red River Military Records
BOUNTY WARRANT, OCCUPATION, DISCHARGE FILE Surnames beginning with "A" # NAME BW OCCUPATION DISCHARGE REMARKS 001 Alexander D. ---- ---------- Winnipeg 71 4 002 Andrew James 0048 Sailor Winnipeg 71 4 003 Austin James 0049 Musician Winnipeg 71 4 004 Anderson George D. Deserted Blacksmith --------------- 005 Anthony William Henry 0050 Shoemaker Winnipeg 71 4 006 Acres William R. 0051 Tanner Winnipeg 71 4 007 Acton William Holmes 0052 Forkmaker Toronto 71 7 008 Albertson Ranson Brian 0053 Farmer Toronto 71 7 009 Andrews Herbert 0054 Clerk --------------- 010 Abraham Charles 0055 Soapmaker Toronto 71 7 011 Aubert Theophile Deserted Cabinetmaker --------------- 012 Auger Joseph 0056 Labourer Kingston 71 5 013 Andrews William F. 0057 Clerk Toronto 71 7 014 Abbott William 0058 1154 Clerk Winnipeg 71 5 015 Abraham Thomas Robert 0059 Sailor Montreal 71 5 016 Alley Charles 0060 Clerk Toronto 71 7 017 Alloway William Forbes 0061 Carpenter Winnipeg 71 4 018 Angus George 0062 Shirtmaker Winnipeg 71 5 019 Atkinson James 0063 Bookkeeper --------------- 020 Archer Thomas 0064 Farmhand Montreal 71 5 021 Angell Garbutt 0065 Engineer Toronto 71 7 022 Atcheson William 0066 1415 Baker Kingston 71 5 023 Amandus Frederick 0067 0942 Carpenter Kingston 70 12 024 Austin James 0068 Labourer Kingston 71 5 025 Adshead George Edward 1023 Clerk Winnipeg 72 10 026 Adams Samuel 0069 1025 Upholsterer Winnipeg 72 9 027 Allen George Gordon 0939 Farmer Winnipeg 72 10 028 Anable Miron 0940 Waggonmaker Winnipeg 72 10 029 Allard Wellington 0941 Farmer Winnipeg 72 10 030 Alloway Charles N. DNFT Banker --------------- 031 Aylmer Frederick W. 1024 None Winnipeg 72 10 032 Allinson John Bland 1227 None Winnipeg 72 9 033 Annetts Henry 0070 Labourer Winnipeg 71 5 034 Anderson John 0071 Sailor Winnipeg 71 2 035 Ash Edward 0072 Farmer Winnipeg 71 5 036 Arthur James 0073 Musician Toronto 71 7 037 Allen John 0047 1155 Printer Winnipeg 74 11 038 Armstrong Daniel 1416 Labourer Winnipeg 75 6 039 Aston John Deserted Labourer Winnipeg 74 7 040 Allan Charles 1366 Machinist Toronto 73 6 041 Atkinson Woodward W. 1247 Cabinetmaker Winnipeg 75 5 042 Adamson Robert 1246 Currier Winnipeg 75 5 043 Adams Paul 1245 None Winnipeg 75 5 044 Adams William R. ---- None Winnipeg 74 11 045 Aumond W.H. 1149 None Winnipeg 74 6 046 Armstrong Edward 0045 Officer -------- 72 2 047 Amyot Jean-Baptiste 0046 Officer -------- 71 7 048 Allan John 1155 Officer -------- 74 12 049 Anderson John Weir 1234 Officer -------- 74 12 050 Atkins Charles Robert 1498 Carpenter Winnipeg 76 6 051 Allen Charles William 1500 Assayer Winnipeg 76 7 052 Anderson William John 1499 Printer Winnipeg 76 6 053 Armstrong David ---- Labourer Winnipeg 77 8
Copyright © September 30, 1996 Fred J. Shore
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