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Surnames beginning with "D & E"

#    NAME           BW        OCCUPATION          DISCHARGE REMARKS

356  Dorland Arnoldi          0260           Farmer         Winnipeg  71  7
357  Dobson James Hayes       0261           Clerk          Toronto   71  7
358  Doidge Edwin             0262           Farmer         Winnipeg  71  4
359  Davidson John            0263           Boilermaker    ---------------
360  Douglas Peter Brown      0264           Law Clerk      Winnipeg  71  4
361  Dunbar Andrew            0265           Farmer         Toronto   71  7
362  Derry William            0266           Mason          Toronto   71  7
363  Dingman Norman J.        0267           Accountant     Winnipeg  70 10
364  Davis Robert             0018           Shoemaker      Toronto   71  7
365  Dunbar William           0268           Machinist      ---------------
366  Donnelly Lewis           0269           Labourer       Winnipeg  --  -
367  Douglas Thomas           0270           Shoemaker      Winnipeg  71  4
368  Desjardins Felix         0271           Shoemaker      Kingston  71  5
369  Drapeau Pierre           0272           Farmer         Toronto   70  6
370  Driver William           0273           Machinist      Winnipeg  71  3
371  Davis Samuel             0274           Labourer       Winnipeg  71  4
372  Davison George S.        0275           Clerk          Winnipeg  72  4
373  Deacon Richard           0276           Silversmith    Winnipeg  71  4
374  Dean Henry J.            0277           Clerk          Winnipeg  71  4
375  Deeley Frederick         0278           Gun Finisher   Toronto   71  7
376  Dillon Gerald P.         Deserted       Gentleman      --------  70 12
377  Duncan John              0279           Clerk          Winnipeg  71  6
378  Dunn James               0280           Yeoman         Toronto   71  7
379  Deroussel Joseph         Deserted       Farmer         ---------------
380  Dauphin Antoine          0281           Labourer       Winnipeg  71  5
381  Demers William           0282           Printer        Winnipeg  71  5
382  de Plainval Louis Frasse 0283           Gentleman      Winnipeg  71  5
383  Desroses Napoleon        0284           Writer         ---------------
384  Doll Clement             0166           Labourer       Montreal  71  5
385  Donovan Thomas           0285           Sailor         ---------------
386  Dumais Charles           0286 1058      Clerk          Montreal  71  5
387  Dupperrouzel Aubin       0287           Servant        Kingston  71  5
388  Donohue Patrick          0288           Labourer       Kingston  71  5
389  Duffy William            0289           Soldier        Kingston  71  5
390  Doyle John               0290           Labourer       Kingston  71  5
391  Doherty Thomas           0291           Labourer       Kingston  71  5
392  Drakely John             0292           Labourer       Kingston  71  5
393  Dillon William Eugene    0167           Clerk          ---------------
394  Dion THomas              Deserted       Coachman       Kingston  71  1
395  Douglas John             0293           Telegrapher    Winnipeg  71  5
396  Drewry Robert            0006           Clerk          Winnipeg  71  4
397  Dunbar John              0294           Clerk          Winnipeg  72  5
398  Delanie John W.          0295           Clerk          Montreal  70 12
399  Downes John              0296           Photographer   Toronto   71  7
400  Dupuis Gilbert Ernest    ----           Farmer         Toronto   71  7
401  Dempsey Christopher      0298           Labourer       Toronto   71  7
402  Daniels Joseph           0297           Labourer       Toronto   71  7
403  Donnelley Michael        0299           Labourer       Winnipeg  70  9 
404  Davidson George          0961           Farmer         Winnipeg  72 10
405  Dunn James               1057           Carpenter      Winnipeg  72  9
406  Delarmitage Crawford     1047           Carpenter      Winnipeg  72 10
407  Dunlop Robert            0962           Carpenter      Winnipeg  72 10
408  Darby John               1048           Machinist      Winnipeg  72 10
409  Duprat Joseph            0963           Merchant       Winnipeg  72 10
410  Delisle Ulric            0964           Bricklayer     Winnipeg  72 10
411  Dupont Leon              1049           Emmigr. Ag.    Winnipeg  72  9
412  Daly Charles             1050           Labourer       Winnipeg  72 10
413  Dobbs Arthur             1051           Servant        Winnipeg  72  9
414  Deegan James             1052           Clerk          Winnipeg  72  9
415  Desjardins Alphonse      1053           Student        Winnipeg  72  9
416  Dawes Arthur H.          1054           Clerk          Winnipeg  72  9
417  Dawson S. P.             1055           Bookkeeper     Winnipeg  72  9
418  Dolphin John Duke        1056           Joiner         Winnipeg  72 10
419  Deering William          DNFT           Clerk          Winnipeg  73  5
420  Deering Homer            I-DNFT         Leatherworker  Toronto   73  6
421  Denby William            1170           Carpenter      Winnipeg  74 11
422  Desjardins Toussaint(MD) 1171           Doctor         Winnipeg  74 11
423  Desjardins Felix         U-DNFT         Shoemaker      Toronto   73  9
424  Dickson James            1377           Farmer         Toronto   73  7
425  Dix Orlando              U-DNFT         Clerk          Ft.Fran.  72 10
426  Downs William            DNFT           Farmer         Winnipeg  73  5
427  Duffy Denis              1378           Farmer         Toronto   73  7
428  Dallaire Jean            1169           Brassfinisher  Winnipeg  74 11
429  Duprat Joseph            1277           Merchant       Winnipeg  75  6
430  Dauphin Alma Albert      1273           Shoemaker      Winnipeg  75  5
431  Davis Richard            1274           Painter        Winnipeg  75  5
432  Dale George              1276           Jeweller       Winnipeg  75  6
433  Doherty James            1462           Painter        Winnipeg  75 10
434  Davis James W.           1461           Carpenter      Winnipeg  75 10
435  Dagg George Edwin        1275 1477      Lawyer         Winnipeg  75  6
436  de Bellefeuille L.C.A.L. 0163           Officer        --------  71  7
437  Duchesnay Maurice E.B.   0254           Officer        --------  71  7
438  de Salaberry Leonidas    0255           Officer        --------  71  7
439  DesGeorges Gabriel Louis 0256           Officer        --------  71  7
440  D'Eschambault Alphonse   0257           Officer        --------  71  7
441  Denison Frederick Chas.  0035           Officer        --------  71  7
442  Douglas Charles Stuart   0258           Officer        --------  71  7
443  Deblois George Henri     0259           Officer        --------  71  7
444  de Cazes Charles         1228           Officer        --------  77  8
445  Debels J. Henri          DNFT           Farmer         Winnipeg  75  9
446  Dunn Robert Henry        DNFT           Printer        Winnipeg  76  6
447  Dunn John                DNFT           Shoemaker      Winnipeg  76  6
448  Davison William          DNFT           Steam Fitter   Winnipeg  76  6
449  Doane Simon Atwood       ----           Baker          Winnipeg  77  8

#    NAME           BW        OCCUPATION          DISCHARGE REMARKS

450  Eyer James               0300           Labourer       Winnipeg  72  4
451  Ellis Edward             0301           Clerk          Toronto   71  7
452  English James Carter     0302           Carpenter      Toronto   71  3
453  Emslie John              0303           Bookkeeper     Toronto   71  4
454  Emerson Samuel           0304           Cabinetmaker   Winnipeg  71  5
455  English David            0305           Printer        Winnipeg  71  3
456  Eastman James M.         0306           Blacksmith     Winnipeg  71  5
457  Evans James              1130           Sailor         Winnipeg  71  6
458  Ernest William Henry     0011           Butcher        Toronto   71  7
459  Ellis William            0312           Clerk          Toronto   71  7
460  Entwhistle Thomas        0014           Labourer       Kingston  71  5
461  Ellis Edward             0307           Yeoman         Winnipeg  72  5
462  Edwards Duncan           0308           Clerk          Kingston  71  5
463  Evans George             0309           Labourer       Kingston  71  5
464  Ellice William John      Deserted       Clerk          Kingston  70  5
465  Enright Timothy          0311           Labourer       Kingston  71  5
466  Eastman George           0310           ----------     Winnipeg  71  4
467  Elliott Walter           0965           Farmer         Winnipeg  72 10
468  England Albert           DNFT           Carpenter      Winnipeg  72  6
469  Edwards William          U-DNFT         Jeweller       Thunder   72 10
470  Evans Richard E.         1278           Clerk          Winnipeg  75  6
471  Eades Henry              I-DNFT         Labourer       Winnipeg  76  6

Copyright © September 30, 1996 Fred J. Shore
For full copyright information and restrictions, refer to Introduction & Copyright

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