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Surnames beginning with "H"

#    NAME           BW        OCCUPATION          DISCHARGE REMARKS

617  Hubbard William          0385           Shoemaker      Winnipeg  71  4
618  Hinton Robert S.         0386           Currier        Winnipeg  71  4
619  Hall Henry               0387           Sailor         Winnipeg  71  4
620  Hardy James F.           0388           Sailor         Winnipeg  71  4
621  Harman Nelson            0435           Fisherman      Toronto   71  7
622  Howman John              0389           Labourer       Winnipeg  71  4
623  Hodgson John             0390           Carpenter      Winnipeg  71  4
624  Hepburn William Robert   0391           Currier        Winnipeg  71  4
625  Hackett John             0392           Baker          Winnipeg  71  4
626  Harvey A. de Clifford    0393           Engineer       Winnipeg  71  4
627  Herchmer George          0394           Med. Student   Winnipeg  71  5
628  Hora F.H.R.              0395           Farmer         Toronto   71  7
629  Herbert James            0396           Clerk          Winnipeg  71  7
630  Hislop John              0937           Druggist       Toronto   71  7
631  Hickey William           0398           Farmer         Winnipeg  71  4
632  Hughes Thomas            0399           Shoemaker      Winnipeg  71  4
633  Hamilton David           0400           Carpenter      Toronto   71  7
634  Hamilton David           0402           Blacksmith     Winnipeg  71  3
635  Hamilton George H.       0401           Miner          Winnipeg  71  3
636  Hale John Edward         0403           Clerk          Winnipeg  71  4
637  Hayes James              0404           Shoemaker      Toronto   71  7
638  Humphrey Thomas W.       0405           Blacksmith     Winnipeg  71  6
639  Hart Thomas              Deserted       Labourer       ---------------
640  Hewlett Charles          0406           Clerk          Winnipeg  71  5
641  Huston David             0407           Farmer         Toronto   71  7
642  Helliwell Arthur         0408           Farmer         Winnipeg  72  5
643  Hewgill Lovelace         0409           Gentleman      ---------------
644  Hamilton John            0410           Farmer         Winnipeg  71  3
645  Harflett George          0412           Boilermaker    ---------------
646  Henry Thomas H.          0413           Civil Servant  Winnipeg  71  4
647  Holland John             0414 0977      Accountant     Toronto   71  7
648  Holman William           0415           Engineer       Toronto   71  7
649  Horner Thomas            0416           Brassfinisher  Winnipeg  72  5
650  Howard Joseph            0417           Law Clerk      Toronto   71  7
651  Hunter Mathew Thomas     Deserted       Gentleman      Montreal  70 12
652  Hazelwood Robert         0418           Yeoman         Winnipeg  71  3
653  Hetherington Joseph      0419           Yeoman         Winnipeg  71  4
654  Hall Thomas              0420           Tinsmith       Winnipeg  71  2
655  Hannaly Luke             0421           Clerk          Winnipeg  72  5
656  Harbour John             0422           Bookbinder     Toronto   71  7
657  Harrington Adam          0423           Roofer         Toronto   71  7
658  Harrison John            0424           Engraver       Montreal  70 12
659  Harvey Henry B.          0155           Bookkeeper     Montreal  71  5
660  Helliwell Charles V.     0425           Clerk          ---------------
661  Horseley Robert          0426           Sailor         Winnipeg  71  2
662  Hogan John               0427           Sailor         Montreal  71  4
663  Houle Joseph             0428           Joiner         ---------------
664  Hunt John                0429           Farmer         Winnipeg  71  3
665  Hodgins Bernard          0015           Labourer       Kingston  71  5
666  Hamilton John            0411           Labourer       Kingston  71  5
667  Hayward Mark             0430           ----------     Kingston  71  5
668  Hewson John              0431           Shoemaker      Kingston  71  5
669  Honor Edward             0432           Painter        Kingston  71  5
670  Hawley Wellington        0433           Farmer         Kingston  71  5
671  Haynes Henry             0434 1291      Clerk          Kingston  71  5
672  Hedge Thomas             0021           Shoemaker      Kingston  71  5
673  Hogan Thomas             DFBC           Boot Crimper   Montreal  71  2
674  Henderson William A.     Deserted       Finisher       Kingston  71  4
675  Heroux Joseph            0436           Voyageur       Kingston  71  5
676  Hutchison Nicholas       0437 1293      Patternmaker   Kingston  71  5
677  Hunter Richard H.        0440           Clerk          Winnipeg  71  2
678  Helliwell Charles        0441           ----------     Winnipeg  71  5
679  Hearn Hiram              0438 0976      Machinist      Winnipeg  71  7
680  Hatt Chas. de Salaberry  0442           Clerk          Toronto   71  7
681  Hill Arthur              0443           None           Toronto   71  7
682  Hull Henry               0444           Clerk          Toronto   71  7
683  Hardy Louis              0445           Clerk          Montreal  71  5
684  Hackett Edward           0446           Labourer       Winnipeg  72  5
685  Hearron Martin           Deserted       Blacksmith     Montreal  71  5
686  Holliday William         0439           Labourer       Toronto   71  7
687  Hickley James            0005           Labourer       Toronto   71  7
688  Harris George            0447           Traveller      Toronto   71  7
689  Harvey John              0448           Voyageur       Montreal  71  5
690  Harnois Thomas           0449           Shoemaker      Toronto   71  7
691  Higginbothan James       0452           Silk Weaver    Kingston  71  5
692  Henry Andrews            0450           ----------     Toronto   71  7
693  Huston David             0451           Farmer         Toronto   71  7
694  Hutchinson John          0973           Cooper         Winnipeg  72 10
695  Hallowell Jeffries       1072           Machinist      Winnipeg  72  9
696  Hardy Robert G.          1073           Clerk          Winnipeg  72  9
697  Hassett Thomas           0974           Saloon Keeper  Winnipeg  72 10
698  Hicks John Francis       1074           Farmer         Winnipeg  72 10
699  Heany Patrick            0975           Farrier        Winnipeg  72 10
700  Hamilton Alexander G.    1478           Farmer         Winnipeg  75 10
701  Hall William             1180           Labourer       Winnipeg  74 11
702  Horne George             1428           Brewer         Winnipeg  75  9
703  Harnett Francis Wm.      DNFT           Clerk          Winnipeg  75  6
704  Hart John (aka Jarvis)   DFBC           Groom          Halifax   --  - 
Civil Prisoner
705  Hearn Lewis              1177           Butcher        Winnipeg  74 11
706  Henderson Thomas         1178           Blacksmith     Winnipeg  74 11
707  Hinds Joseph             DNFT           Brewer         Winnipeg  73  5
708  Hitchcock Thomas         1429           Labourer       Winnipeg  75  9
709  Hitherman Martin         1382           Labourer       Toronto   73  7
710  Hodson Robert            1176           Sailor         Winnipeg  74 11
711  Holdgate George          1179           Sailor         Winnipeg  74 11
712  Halloway George          DNFT           Labourer       Winnipeg  73  5
713  Hosken Frederick John    DNFT           Clerk          Winnipeg  73  5
714  Hughes Benjamin W.       1427           Bookkeeper     Winnipeg  75  9
715  Hogan John               Deserted       Labourer       --------  73 10
716  Hackett Edward           1430           Brassfinisher  Toronto   73  7
717  Hall David B.            DNFT           Farmer         Winnipeg  74  7
718  Hepworth Walter          1292           Carpenter      Winnipeg  75  5
719  Harrigan John            1381           Brassfinisher  Toronto   73 11
720  Hames Henry              ----           Carpenter      Winnipeg  75  5
721  Hayden Samuel            1290           Labourer       Winnipeg  75  5
722  Hamilton Samuel          Deserted       Miner          Winnipeg  73  7
723  Henderson William James  Deserted       Lumberer       Winnipeg  74  7
724  Hodgson Thomas           1463           Stone Cutter   Winnipeg  75 10
725  Herchmer Wm. Macauley    0381           Officer        Winnipeg  76  8
726  Harman Samuel Bruce      0382           Officer        --------  74 12
727  Hamilton Samuel          0383           Officer        --------  71  7
728  Howard Thomas            0384           Officer        --------  71  7
729  Hurley John              DNFT           Stone Cutter   Winnipeg  75  9
730  Harris Hugh M.           ----           Cigarmaker     Winnipeg  77  8
731  Humphrey James           ----           Labourer       Winnipeg  77  8
732  Hagerman Judson          Rec'd          Labourer       Winnipeg  76  6 
As substitute

Copyright © September 30, 1996 Fred J. Shore
For full copyright information and restrictions, refer to Introduction & Copyright

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