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Red River Military Records
BOUNTY WARRANT, OCCUPATION, DISCHARGE FILE Surnames beginning with "L" # NAME BW OCCUPATION DISCHARGE REMARKS 817 Lowe William Henry 0497 Shoemaker Thunder 70 6 818 Lindoff George 0498 Engineer Winnipeg 71 4 819 Lillies James 0499 Currier Winnipeg 71 3 820 Lauder John 0500 Carpenter Winnipeg 71 3 821 Loscombe Frederic 0501 Med. Student Toronto 71 7 822 Lowans Thomas 0502 Musician Toronto 71 7 823 Liston John 0127 Servant Toronto 71 7 824 Lalond Louis (#1) 0504 Labourer Toronto 71 7 825 Lalond John 0506 Labourer Toronto 71 7 826 Lalond Louis (#2) 0505 Farmer --------------- 827 Lewis Charles 0507 Blacksmith Winnipeg 71 4 828 Labarre Joseph RTJ Chairmaker --------------- 829 Lepage Majorique 0508 Farmer Winnipeg 71 5 830 Lepage Louis 0509 Law Student Winnipeg 71 2 831 Leech Fred F. DFBC Plasterer Montreal 71 3 832 Long Walter N. 0027 Varnisher Winnipeg 72 4 833 Lanagan Thomas 0503 1586 Labourer Winnipeg 71 5 834 Lemoine Solomon 0510 Labourer Winnipeg 71 3 835 Lawson Martin 0004 Clerk Toronto 71 7 836 Lindsay William Thomas 0511 Clerk Winnipeg 71 5 837 Laing William 0512 Yeoman Winnipeg 71 4 838 Lee George 0513 Yeoman Winnipeg 71 3 839 Lenover Jacob 0514 Sailor Toronto 71 7 840 Leslie Thomas 0037 Yeoman Winnipeg 71 2 841 Lumsden William 0515 Miner Pembina 71 4 842 Lacroix Paschal 0516 Shoemaker Winnipeg 72 5 843 Lacroix Charles 0168 Baker Montreal 71 3 844 Lafranchise Joachim 0517 Labourer Toronto 70 6 845 Lariviere Jeremie 0039 Labourer Winnipeg 72 4 846 Leblanc Olivier 0518 Shoemaker Toronto 71 7 847 Loiseau Charles 0519 1308 Shoemaker Winnipeg 71 5 848 Lee Thomas 0520 Labourer Toronto 70 6 849 Lennon John 0521 Labourer --------------- 850 Lord Arthur 0154 Photographer Montreal 71 5 851 Lord John 0522 Engineer Toronto 71 7 852 Longpre Edmond 0153 0984 Painter Montreal 71 5 853 Laugham Michael 0523 Labourer Kingston 71 5 854 Lindsay Robert 0524 Blacksmith Kingston 71 5 855 Loggie William Deserted Labourer Kingston 71 4 856 Langlois Leon Deserted Voyageur Kingston 71 1 857 Lappage James 0009 Painter Kingston 71 5 858 Lavie Charles A.B. 0525 Clerk Kingston 71 5 859 Lake Thomas 0526 Labourer Kingston 71 5 860 Landry Joseph 0527 Joiner Winnipeg 71 2 861 Levesque Arthur 0528 Med. Student Winnipeg 71 4 862 Lebourdais Louis 0529 Farmer Winnipeg 71 5 863 Lyonnais Napoleon 0530 Labourer Winnipeg 72 5 864 Lewis James 0164 Draper --------------- 865 Labbe Thomas 0535 Farmer Toronto 71 7 866 Leblond (Leblanc) Henry 0533 Farmer Toronto 71 7 867 Landrigan Daniel 0534 Labourer Montreal 71 5 868 Longmuir Frederick 0536 Printer Toronto 70 6 869 L'Abbe Thomas 0531 ---------- Toronto 71 7 870 Lafontaine Octave Deserted ---------- ------- 70 11 871 Larose Napoleon 0532 ---------- Toronto 70 6 872 Lidington Henry 0979 Farmer Winnipeg 72 10 873 Lundy George 1077 Carpenter Winnipeg 72 9 874 Lamond Charles 0980 Yeoman Winnipeg 72 10 875 Lloyd John 1078 Carpenter Winnipeg 72 9 876 Lord John-Baptiste 0981 Clerk Winnipeg 72 10 877 Levesque Vital 0982 Blacksmith Winnipeg 72 10 878 Langtree Henry 1079 Clerk Winnipeg 72 9 879 Logan Samuel 0983 Farmer Winnipeg 72 10 880 Laroche Arthur 1191 Farmer Winnipeg 74 11 881 Larwille George Henry 1190 Carpenter Winnipeg 74 11 882 Litle William B. 1189 Engineer Winnipeg 74 11 883 Lucas William DNFT Farmer Winnipeg 73 5 884 Lagace Napoleon 1188 Labourer Winnipeg 74 11 885 Lehoux George 1187 Farmer Winnipeg 74 11 886 Lafranchise Antoine RTJ Labourer --------------- 887 Lord John Deserted Soldier -------- 74 - 888 Lockhart Frederic 1303 Carpenter Winnipeg 75 5 889 Latter Alfred 1305 Locksmith Winnipeg 75 5 890 Ling John 1306 Shoemaker Winnipeg 75 5 891 Lindsay William Temple 1302 Moulder Winnipeg 75 5 892 Linch Thomas 1304 Teamster Winnipeg 75 5 893 Le Bell Michael Deserted Farmer Winnipeg 74 1 894 Loggie George 1307 Farmer Winnipeg 75 5 895 Long Charles 1309 Carpenter Winnipeg 75 6 896 Laughlin Daniel 1386 RR Labourer Winnipeg 74 9 897 Langton Edward 1465 Butcher Winnipeg 75 10 898 Loiseau Albert Rec'd Butcher Winnipeg 75 6 As substitute 899 Labranche Jacques 0495 Officer -------- 71 7 900 Larue Auguste 0496 Officer -------- 71 7 901 Lucas George DNFT Farmer Winnipeg 76 6 902 Lee William DNFT Tinsmith Winnipeg 77 8 903 Lee Herbert Newton ---- Moulder Winnipeg 77 8
Copyright © September 30, 1996 Fred J. Shore
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