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Try an Ancestry.com Free Trial and Ancestry.ca Free Trial Genealogy Mystery Book!Death Finds a Way: A Janie Riley Mystery by Lorine McGinnis Schulze Janie Riley is an avid genealogist with a habit of stumbling on to dead bodies. She and her husband head to Salt Lake City Utah to research Janie's elusive 4th great-grandmother. But her search into the past leads her to a dark secret. Can she solve the mysteries of the past and the present before disaster strikes? Available now on Amazon.com and Amazon.ca Genealogy NewsletterJOIN the FREE Olive Tree Genealogy Newsletter. Be the first to know of genealogy events and freebies. Find out when new genealogy databases are put online. Get tips for finding your elusive brick-wall ancestor.
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Red River Military Records
BOUNTY WARRANT, OCCUPATION, DISCHARGE FILE Surnames beginning with "N & O" # NAME BW OCCUPATION DISCHARGE REMARKS 1131 Nokes James 1485 Chairmaker Winnipeg 71 5 1132 Nixon William Stinson 0662 Printer Winnipeg 71 4 1133 Nihan Henry 0663 Carpenter Winnipeg 71 4 1134 Nicholls Henry 0664 Farmer Winnipeg 72 4 1135 Noles Issac Deserted Carpenter --------------- 1136 Noble James 0665 Labourer Toronto 71 7 1137 Nokes James 0666 ---------- Winnipeg 71 5 See # 1131? 1138 Nesbitt John 0667 Joiner Winnipeg 71 4 1139 Nixon Thomas 0668 Carpenter Winnipeg 71 4 1140 Naylor John 0669 Bricklayer Winnipeg 71 5 1141 Nimmo William 0670 1137 None Toronto 71 7 1142 Nettle John Deserted Labourer --------------- 1143 Neilson John Fisher 0671 Yeoman Pembina 71 3 1144 Nicol Peter 0672 Yeoman Pembina 71 3 1145 Noon John 0162 Servant Montreal 71 5 1146 Nesbitt Joseph A. 0673 Sailor Winnipeg 71 5 1147 Nilson C. 0674 ---------- --------------- 1148 Nellis Sylvester 1394 Yeoman Winnipeg 72 6 1149 Neilson Daniel 1092 1442 Clerk Winnipeg 72 10 1150 Naylor Samuel Deserted Painter -------- 73 8 1151 Newmarch Thomas DNFT Machinist Winnipeg 73 5 1152 Neve Frederick 1203 1322 Farmer Winnipeg 74 11 1153 Neil James 1321 Labourer Winnipeg 75 5 1154 Nokes Edward DNFT Carpenter Winnipeg 75 6 1155 Nash William Hill 0131 1145 Officer -------- 76 7 1156 Neilson F.L.A. 0661 Officer/Doctor -------- 71 7 1157 Nimmo Henry ---- Brushmaker Winnipeg 77 8 1158 Nevers John Foy ---- Clerk Winnipeg 77 8 1159 Nevers Edmund Alonzo DNFT Farmer Winnipeg 76 6 # NAME BW OCCUPATION DISCHARGE REMARKS 1160 Osborne John 0675 Printer Winnipeg 71 2 1161 O'Neil Edward 0676 Stevedore Toronto 71 7 1162 Orchard John Deserted Labourer --------------- 1163 Ormston Mathew 0677 Labourer Winnipeg 71 5 1164 O'Bryan Timothy 0678 Boilermaker Toronto 70 6 1165 O'Loghlan Hugh 0679 Shoemaker --------------- 1166 Ouellett Michel 0680 Labourer Thunder 70 6 1167 O'Neil Thomas 0681 Labourer Kingston 71 5 1168 O'Dell Robert 0682 Carpenter Winnipeg 71 5 1169 O'Loghlan John DFBC Clerk Montreal 71 1 1170 Owen Richard 0996 Pianomaker Winnipeg 72 10 1171 Oram Thomas 1204 Servant Winnipeg 74 11 1172 Owens George A. DNFT Clerk Winnipeg 73 5 1173 O'Dell William Alexander DNFT Farmer Winnipeg 73 5 1174 O'Hare Peter Deserted Clerk Winnipeg 73 4 1175 O'Neil James Deserted Carpenter Winnipeg 73 4 1176 O'Brien Patrick 1325 Labourer Winnipeg 75 6 1177 O'Callaghan Cornelius 1324 Yeoman Winnipeg 75 5 1178 Olsen Nils 1323 Sailor Winnipeg 75 5 1179 O'Leary Charles ---- Axeman Winnipeg 77 8 1180 Owens Richard ---- Blacksmith Winnipeg 77 8
Copyright © September 30, 1996 Fred J. Shore
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