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Surnames beginning with "Q & R"

#    NAME           BW        OCCUPATION          DISCHARGE REMARKS

1257 Quigley Joseph           0721           Machinist      Winnipeg  71  7
1258 Quintal Alphonse         0722           Joiner         Thunder   70  6
1259 Quinn Peter              1396           Farmer         Winnipeg  74  9
1260 Robinson Thomas J.       0725           Painter        Toronto   71  7
1261 Robinson Benjamin        0726           Hairdresser    Toronto   71  7
1262 Ryan Thomas              0727           Cooper         Toronto   71  7
1263 Robertson Thomas         0728           Moulder        Toronto   71  7
1264 Reynolds Frederick A.    0729 1004      Baker          Kingston  70  9
1265 Ritchie Alexander        0730           Farmer         Winnipeg  71  3
1266 Roberts Ernest           0731           Clerk          Winnipeg  71  7
1267 Robinson Christopher     0031           Engineer       Winnipeg  71  4
1268 Robertson George         0732           Farmer         Thunder   70  6
1269 Roblin Edward            0733           Farmer         Winnipeg  71  4
1270 Rodgers William          0032           Moulder        Winnipeg  72  5
1271 Rains Noel D.            0734 1238      Farmer         Winnipeg  71  4
1272 Ramsay Silas Alexander   0735           Shoemaker      Winnipeg  71  7
1273 Russell William West     0736           Surveyor       Winnipeg  71  7
1274 Rourke Michael           0737           Lumberman      Winnipeg  71  3
1275 Rule Thomas Hodgson      0738           Draper         Winnipeg  70  -
1276 Roberts George           Deserted       Clerk          --------  71  2
1277 Ridley Henry             Deserted       Labourer       --------  71  5
1278 Ryan James               0739           Shoemaker      Toronto   71  7
1279 Reid D.F.                0740           Clerk          Toronto   71  7
1280 Rickaby Hamilton         0741           Farmer         Montreal  71  5
1281 Ridings William          0742           Moulder        Winnipeg  71  5
1282 Robinson Benjamin        0743           Clerk          Toronto   71  7
1283 Roe William Hamilton     0744           Gentleman      Winnipeg  71  7
1284 Rolph George             0745           Plumber        Winnipeg  71  3
1285 Rowe John W.             0746           Mason          Toronto   71  7
1286 Rowles Michael T.T.      0747           Med. Student   Winnipeg  71  5
1287 Rowsell Edward           0749 1103      Engineer       Winnipeg  71  6
1288 Renaud Joseph            0157           Blacksmith     Montreal  71  5
1289 Renaud Joseph            0158 1104      Labourer       Toronto   71  7
1290 Rose (Ross) Louis        0750 1099      Teamster       Toronto   71  7
1291 Ross John                0751           Book Agent     Winnipeg  71  3
1292 Ruthven James (John)     0752           Engineer       Winnipeg  71  5
1293 Ryan Timothy             0753           Brassfinisher  Winnipeg  71  5
1294 Robinson Joseph          0754           Labourer       Kingston  71  5
1295 Ryan Patrick             0019           Labourer       Kingston  71  1
1296 Rutherford Daniel        0755           Farmer         Kingston  71  5
1297 Rogers William George    0756           Farmer         Kingston  71  5
1298 Ray William              0757           Musician       Kingston  70  9 
Died on duty
1299 Rodges Alexander         0758           Farmer         Kingston  71  5
1300 Ross James W.            0759           Machinist      Kingston  71  5
1301 Robinson George          0760           Cabinetmaker   Kingston  71  5
1302 Rondeau Charles          0761           Voyageur       Kingston  71  5
1303 Roy Arthur               0762           Tailor         Winnipeg  71  2
1304 Roy Octave               0763           Baker          Winnipeg  71  2
1305 Robertson Fred C.        0764           Labourer       Winnipeg  71  5
1306 Ryan John                0765           Labourer       Winnipeg  71  5
1307 Roussell Auguste         0160           Teamster       Montreal  71  5
1308 Ray William              0767           Labourer       Winnipeg  72  5
1309 Rae David                0768           Farmer         Toronto   70  6
1310 Rolph Richard W.A.       0748 1446      Clerk          Winnipeg  76  6
1311 Ramsay Robert            RTJ            ----------     ---------------
1312 Roussell Edouard         Rec'd          Engineer       Winnipeg  72 10 
As substitute
1313 Renshaw Robert           0998           Sailor         Winnipeg  72 10
1314 Reeves Edward            0999           Harnessmaker   Winnipeg  72 10
1315 Ross James               1003           Mason          Winnipeg  72  9
1316 Rancourt Charles S.      1001           Tailor         Winnipeg  72 10
1317 Rouleau Napoleon         1002           Clerk          Winnipeg  72 10
1318 Roe John                 1100           Tailor         Winnipeg  72 10
1319 Ross Archibald           1101           Clerk          Winnipeg  72 10
1320 Ryland George Herman     1397           Engineer       Winnipeg  72  6
1321 Ring Charles             1102           Navigator      Winnipeg  72 10
1322 Reising Frederick        DNFT           Shoemaker      Winnipeg  72  5
1323 Raymond Emile            1209           Farmer         Winnipeg  74 11
1324 Reddy William            1447           Machinist      Winnipeg  75  9
1325 Reid David H.            1208           Farmer         Winnipeg  74 11
1326 Rennick Frederick        Deserted       Clerk          Winnipeg  73  1
1327 Robertson Archibald      1448           Machinist      Winnipeg  75  9
1328 Robertson James          1210           Farmer         Winnipeg  74 11
1329 Reddy Charles            RTJ            Labourer       ---------------
1330 Rees Edward              1330           Bookbinder     Winnipeg  75  6
1331 Redding Harry            DNFT           Labourer       Winnipeg  73 12
1332 Ryan Patrick             1329           Labourer       Winnipeg  75  5
1333 Ross George Wellington   Deserted       Farmer         --------  73  8
1334 Ross Daniel              1328           None           Winnipeg  75  6
1335 Ryan Simon               Deserted       None           --------  73  7
1336 Raymond Homer            Deserted       Machinist      --------  74  7
1337 Ross William B.          1470           Clerk          Winnipeg  75 10
1338 Robert Francois          1471           Shoemaker      Winnipeg  75 10
1339 Ross Wm. Willmount       0723           Officer        --------  71  7
1340 Roger R.F. Marie-Joseph  0724           Officer Priest --------  71  7
1341 Reed Hayter              1134           Officer        Winnipeg  77  8
1342 Reid James               DNFT           Brickmaker     Winnipeg  76  6
1343 Robertson James          ----           Fireman        Winnipeg  77  8
1344 Redelix Henri            I-DNFT         Clerk          Winnipeg  76  6
1345 Rundel Edwin             ----           Carpenter      Winnipeg  77  8

Copyright © September 30, 1996 Fred J. Shore
For full copyright information and restrictions, refer to Introduction & Copyright

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