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Surnames beginning with "S"

#    NAME           BW        OCCUPATION          DISCHARGE REMARKS

1346 Saunders Enoch           0772           Leatherworker  Toronto   71  7
1347 Smith Alexander William  0773           Carpenter      Toronto   71  7
1348 Smith Alexander W.       0774           Butcher        Toronto   71  7
1349 Spry Frank               0775           Sailor         Winnipeg  71  9
1350 Stavely Henry            0776 1491 1451 Sailor         Winnipeg  72  4
1351 Steele Samuel B.         0777           Farmer         Toronto   71  7
1352 Shaw John                0778           Clerk          Winnipeg  71  4
1353 Stone James Gilbert      0779           Carpenter      Winnipeg  71  4
1354 Sturgeon James           0780           Baker          Winnipeg  71  3
1355 Sutton William           0781           Miller         Winnipeg  71  5
1356 Scott Robert             0783           Farmer         Winnipeg  71  4
1357 Scott Robert             0784           Farmer         Winnipeg  71  4
1358 Scott William Thomas     0024           Shoemaker      Winnipeg  71  4
1359 Sheppard William A.      0787           Printer        Winnipeg  71  4
1360 Skillen William M.       0788           Farmer         Kingston  --  -
1361 Smith James              0789           Shoemaker      Toronto   71  7
1362 Squires Henry            0790           Carpenter      Toronto   71  7
1363 Sutherland Alexander     0791           Shoemaker      Toronto   --  -
1364 Swetman James McD.       0792           Surveyor       Winnipeg  71  6
1365 Samuel David             0793           Labourer       Winnipeg  71  3
1366 Smith Charles            0794           Sailor         Winnipeg  72  4
1367 Simpson Charles          0795           Harnessmaker   Winnipeg  71  4
1368 Stewart Robert-John      0796           Clothier       Winnipeg  71  4
1369 Stewart George           0797           Farmer         Winnipeg  71  4
1370 Stephenson John          0798           Labourer       Winnipeg  71  4
1371 St. Pierre Lissieme      Deserted       Labourer       ---------------
1372 Scott Robert             0782           Gentleman      Winnipeg  76  6
1373 Smith John D.            0156           Lithographer   Montreal  71  5
1374 Shields James            0799           Teamster       Winnipeg  71  3
1375 Sinclair Charles         0800           Brickmaker     ---------------
1376 Smallshare Thomas        0801           Brassfounder   Toronto   71  7
1377 Smith John               0802           Machinist      Winnipeg  71  5
1378 Stevenson William H.     ----           Clerk          Toronto   70  5
1379 Sullivan Patrick         0803           Carpenter      Toronto   71  7
1380 Swanston George N.       0804           Machinist      Winnipeg  71  5
1381 Scott James              0785           Tailor         Winnipeg  --  -
1382 Scott George             0786           Yeoman         Toronto   71  7
1383 Simmons Thomas H.        0805           Engineer       Toronto   71  7
1384 Shyne James              0806           Blacksmith     Winnipeg  71  3
1385 Smith William            0807           Carpenter      Winnipeg  71  3
1386 Snider William           0808 1141      Yeoman         Pembina   71  3
                                   1335 1240                     Winnipeg 
 72 10
1387 Stait Thomas             0809           Yeoman         Winnipeg  72  4
1388 Stock Ambrose            0810           Clerk          Winnipeg  71  6
1389 Swinford Herbert         0811           Yeoman         Pembina   71  4
1390 Seddon John              0812           Woodturner     Toronto   70  6
1391 Slack Thomas             0813           ----------     Winnipeg  71  5
1392 Smith James              0814           Engine Driver  Winnipeg  72  4
1393 Smith James              0815           Tailor         ---------------
1394 Snoxell Edward           0816           Sailor         Toronto   71  7
1395 Somerville Roger         0817           Upholsterer    Winnipeg  71  5
1396 St. Onge Alphonse        0818           Joiner         Toronto   70  6
1397 Stanley James            0819           Silverfinisher Toronto   71  7
1398 Stuart John              0820           Labourer       Winnipeg  71  5
1399 Stuart Alfred            0821           Teamster       ---------------
1400 St. Armand Pierre        0822           Painter        Kingston  70  9
1401 Scales William           DFBC           Labourer       Kingston  71  4
1402 Stratton James           DFBC           Baker          Kingston  71  3
1403 Smith Joseph             0824           Painter        Kingston  71  5
1404 Scouter Sydney           0825           Clerk          Kingston  71  5
1405 Symons Thomas            0826           Butcher        Kingston  71  5
1406 Sims Edmondson           0827           Waggonmaker    Winnipeg  71  3
1407 Summers Thomas           0828           Labourer       Kingston  71  5
1408 Sommerset William        0128           Labourer       Kingston  71  5
1409 Sedly George             Deserted       Voyageur       Kingston  70  8
1410 Simard Isidore           Deserted       Voyageur       Kingston  70 11
1411 Stewart Robert           0829           Engineer       Kingston  71  5
1412 St. Pierre Moise         0830           Voyageur       Kingston  71  1
1413 Saunders Alexander       0833           Labourer       Montreal  71  5
1414 Sullivan John            0832           Labourer       Winnipeg  71  5
1415 Smith John               0831           ----------     Winnipeg  71  5
1416 Smith C.                 0834           ----------     Toronto   71  7
1417 Spiers Robert            0835           Butcher        Toronto   71  7
1418 Smith Albert             0836           None           ---------------
1419 Symons Thomas            0837           Labourer       Toronto   71  7
1420 Sevigny Albert           0838           Farmer         Toronto   71  7
1421 Stuart Charles J.        0839           Shoemaker      Toronto   71  7
1422 Scott Richard            0008           ----------     Toronto   71  7
1423 Sinclair William         0840           Sailor         Kingston  71  5
1424 Saunders William Henry   1105           Painter        Winnipeg  72  9
1425 Shepperd John            1106           Telegrapher    Winnipeg  72 10
1426 Smith John               1005           Butcher        Winnipeg  72 10
1427 Smith John               1006           Blacksmith     Winnipeg  72 10
1428 Saunders John            1107           Leathercutter  Winnipeg  72 10
1429 Stocky Thomas C.         U-DNFT         Grocer         Thunder   --  -
1430 Savage Sydney            Rec'd          Woodturner     Winnipeg  72  5 
As substitute
1431 Sommerville Joseph H.    1138           Carpenter      Winnipeg  74  7 
See #1480
1432 Simmons Thomas           1007           Sawmiller      Winnipeg  72 10
1433 Simpson Robert           1008           Labourer       Winnipeg  72 10
1434 Sherrington James        1108           Shoemaker      Winnipeg  72  9
1435 Sauve J-B. H.            1109           Clerk          Winnipeg  72 10
1436 Sirois Theodule          1110           Tinsmith       Winnipeg  72 10
1437 Smith Wm. P.             1009           Labourer       Winnipeg  72 10
1438 Schneider William        0823           Clerk          Winnipeg  72  4
1439 Scott William            1216           Labourer       Winnipeg  74 11
1440 Seymour Frederick        1218           Farmer         Winnipeg  74 11
1441 Seymour Francis          Deserted       Sailor         Winnipeg  74  2
1442 Senior James             DNFT           ----------     Winnipeg  73  9
1443 Sheddon Thomas           1450           Farmer         Winnipeg  75  9
1444 Shepperd Edward Charles  DNFT           Machinist      Winnipeg  73  5
1445 Shepperd Arthur W.       1398           Photographer   Winnipeg  73  6
1446 Simpson John             Deserted       Farmer         Winnipeg  72 12
1447 Somerville Roger         Deserted       Upholsterer    Winnipeg  73  6
1448 Sommerville George       1212           Clerk          Winnipeg  74 11
1449 Smith George             1399           Labourer       Toronto   73  7
1450 Smith Osmond             1400           Baker          Toronto   73  7
1451 Smith W. Thomas S.       1401           Painter        Toronto   73  7
1452 Smith Jacob              1215           Baker          Winnipeg  74 11
1453 Smith George             Deserted       Baker          --------  73  9
1454 Smyth William            1217           Farmer         Winnipeg  74 11
1455 Stanton Robert H.        1213           Farmer         Winnipeg  73  5
1456 Stanton Charles          ----           Clerk          Winnipeg  74 11
1457 Stephenson Thomas        Deserted       Carpenter      Winnipeg  72 12
1458 Stone Robert             1214           Brassfounder   Winnipeg  74 11
1459 Stuart Alfred P.         Promoted       Salesman       Winnipeg  76  7 
To Officer
1460 Swire Frederick          1449 1490      Med. Student   Winnipeg  75  9
1461 St. George Odilon        RTJ            Navigator      ---------------
1462 Seny Auguste             RTJ            Labourer       ---------------
1463 Smith William            0770           Labourer       Winnipeg  73  5
1464 Smith William            1481           Labourer       Winnipeg  75  6
1465 Sprickley Morris George  1337           Roofer         Winnipeg  75  6
1466 Sutherland Andrew        1336           Blacksmith     Winnipeg  75  5
1467 Smith James              1334           Boilermaker    Winnipeg  75  5
1468 Sawyer George Arthur     1331           Clerk          Winnipeg  75  5
1471 Smith Benjamin           1339           Farmer         Winnipeg  75  6
1472 Sargent Thomas           1211           Bookbinder     Winnipeg  74  3
1473 Sexsmith Millard Filmore 1338           Labourer       Winnipeg  75  6
1474 Smith Orine              1340           Shoemaker      Winnipeg  75  6
1475 Sullivan Thomas          1472           Labourer       Winnipeg  75 10
1476 Smith Charles            ----           ----------     Winnipeg  73  5
1477 Scott Thomas             0769 1133      Officer        Winnipeg  74 12
1478 Smith William            0770           Officer        --------  71  7
1479 Simard George            0771           Officer        --------  71  7
1480 Sommerville Joseph H.    Rec'd          Officer        --------  74  7 
Sub. Resigned
1481 Smith William Osborne    1132           Officer/Soldier--------  77  8
1482 Simard George            1147           Officer        --------  77  8
1483 Street George            1243           Officer        --------  72  9
1484 Stuart A.P.              1242           Officer        Winnipeg  74  7
1485 Scarrow Irvine           1333           Carpenter      Winnipeg  75  5
1486 Stanfield Brererton      Rec'd          Labourer       Winnipeg  75  9 
As substitute
1487 Scott Robert             ----           Boilermaker    Winnipeg  76  6
1488 Scholes Adam             ----           Grocer         Winnipeg  77  8
1489 Sears William            DNFT           Painter        Winnipeg  76  7
1490 Smith William            DNFT           Carpenter      Winnipeg  77  8
1491 Straton Barry            ----           Accountant     Winnipeg  77  8
1492 Shaw Abner M.            DNFT           Teamster       Winnipeg  76  6
1493 Smith John               DNFT           Shoemaker      Winnipeg  76  6

Copyright © September 30, 1996 Fred J. Shore
For full copyright information and restrictions, refer to Introduction & Copyright

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