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Surnames beginning with "T"

#    NAME           BW        OCCUPATION          DISCHARGE REMARKS

1494 Tane Waldegrave          0038           Painter        Winnipeg  72  4
1495 Terry Merrick T.         0842           Sailor         Toronto   --  -
1496 Thompson Joseph          0843           Labourer       Winnipeg  71  4
1497 Thompson Henry           0844           Joiner         Toronto   71  7
1498 Thompson Joseph          0845           Clerk          Toronto   71  7
1499 Turner Thomas            0850           Blacksmith     Toronto   71  7
1500 Tweed Thomas             0849           Clerk          Toronto   71  7
1501 Thurston John            0851           Shipwright     Winnipeg  72  4
1502 Thompson Duncan          0846 1014      Lumberman      Toronto   71  7
1503 Tremblay Didin           0852           Farmer         Kingston  70  9
1504 Taylor Baron             0853           Clerk          Toronto   71  7
1505 Thom William P.          0854           Druggist       ---------------
1506 Thomson Robert J.        0848           Clerk          Winnipeg  71  3
1507 Thompson John            0847           Farmer         Toronto   71  7
1508 Trevor Thomas            0856           Clerk          ---------------
1509 Taylor George            0857           Harnessmaker   Pembina   71  4
1510 Taylor James             0858           Blacksmith     Winnipeg  71  2
1511 Taylor Thomas            0859           Yeoman         Toronto   71  7
1512 Tenant Joseph Francis    0860           Blacksmith     Pembina   71  4
1513 Thorne Jessie            0855           Cabinetmaker   Toronto   71  7
1514 Transum Arthur           0861           Yeoman         Thunder   70  6
1515 Tuson Roger              0862           Blacksmith     Pembina   71  4
1516 Tuson Joseph             0863           Yeoman         Pembina   71  4
1517 Tracy John               0864           Clerk          Winnipeg  74 11
1518 Thursell Robert          0865           Groom          Kingston  71  5
1519 Tarbath John             0013           Labourer       Kingston  71  5
1520 Thomas John W.           0003 1455      Labourer       Winnipeg  75  9
1521 Terriault Amerild        0867           Clerk          ---------------
1522 Thomas George            0868           Machinist      Toronto   71  7
1523 Taylor Peter             0869           Lithographer   Montreal  70 12
1524 Taylor George            0870           Lumberer       ---------------
1525 Trevor James             0866           ----------     Toronto   71  7
1526 Tetteridge J. Mc.        0871           Weaver         Kingston  71  3 
See # 1061
1527 Thom John                1011           Farmer         Winnipeg  72 10
1528 Telford John Joseph      1111           Bookkeeper     Winnipeg  72 10
1529 Turner Robert William    1112           Druggist       Winnipeg  72  9
1530 Tweed Thomas             1120           Carpenter      Winnipeg  72  9
1531 Thompson Duncan          1014           Lumberer       Winnipeg  72 10
1532 Torrie Arthur            1010           Saddler        Winnipeg  72 10
1533 Thompson George Temple   1012           Blacksmith     Winnipeg  72 10
1534 Thompson Charles         1113           Musician       Winnipeg  72  9
1535 Thibeault Amable T.      1114           Clerk          Winnipeg  72  9
1536 Thompson Joshua          1356           None           Winnipeg  72  6
1537 Turcotte Samuel          1115           Labourer       Winnipeg  72 10
1538 Tait James               1116           Blacksmith     Winnipeg  72 10
1539 Thom David               1013           Confectioner   Winnipeg  72 10
1540 Thorne Edward            1117           Labourer       Winnipeg  72 10
1541 Turnbull John            1118           Farmer         Winnipeg  72  9
1542 Taylor Forrester         1119           Farmer         Winnipeg  72  9
1543 Taylor Amos              1219           Farmer         Winnipeg  74 11
1544 Terry William            1221           Confectioner   Winnipeg  74 11
1545 Thompson Charles         1453           Labourer       Winnipeg  75  9
1546 Thomas John W.           ----           Labourer       Winnipeg  75  9
1547 Thurston William         1403           Machinist      Toronto   73  7
1548 Tickell William          1220           Labourer       Winnipeg  74 11
1549 Timony Thomas            DFBC           Farmer         Winnipeg  74  4
1550 Tomlinson Henry          DNFT           Farmer         Winnipeg  73  5
1551 Turner Henry             1342           Tinsmith       Winnipeg  75  5
1552 Theriault Xavier         1341           Farmer         Winnipeg  75  6
1553 Tolford George           1404           Farmer         Toronto   73 11
1554 Tyrrell Edward           1343           Lumberer       Winnipeg  75  5
1555 Turner Issac James       1344           Blacksmith     Winnipeg  75  6
1556 Turner Harry             1473           Druggist       Winnipeg  75 10
1557 Thompson Alexander       Deserted       Puddler        Toronto   74  9
1558 Thom David               DNFT           Baker          Winnipeg  75  6
1559 Tritte John              1474           Clerk          Winnipeg  75 10
1560 Tetu Alphonse            0841           Officer        --------  71  7
1561 Taillefer Joseph         Resigned       Officer        --------  74  7 
1562 Taschereau J.E.M.        1239           Officer        --------  76  7
1563 Twining Charles R.F.     Dismissed      Officer        --------  74  9
1564 Tomlinson John           1454           Labourer       Winnipeg  75  9
1565 Tarbath William          1452           Carpenter      Winnipeg  75  9
1566 Trann John               DNFT           Painter        Winnipeg  76  6
1567 Terry Christopher        DNFT           Farmer         Winnipeg  76  6

Copyright © September 30, 1996 Fred J. Shore
For full copyright information and restrictions, refer to Introduction & Copyright

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