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Surnames beginning with "W, Y & Z"

#    NAME           BW        OCCUPATION          DISCHARGE REMARKS

1592 Wilkinson Charles        0886           Auctioneer     Winnipeg  71  4
1593 White William John       0888           Tinsmith       Winnipeg  71  3
1594 Walters Henry            0891           Carpenter      Kingston  71  5
1595 Wellington William       0893           Ins. Agent     Kingston  70  9
1596 Wetenhall Roonly James   0894           Farmer         Winnipeg  71  6
1597 Weddup Thomas            0895           Shoemaker      Winnipeg  71  4
1598 Whitelaw William R.      0896           Tinsmith       Winnipeg  71  4
1599 Whitla W.P.              0897           Farmer         Winnipeg  72  4
1600 Wilkinson John           0887           Carpenter      Winnipeg  71  4
1601 Woodlard George          0898           Painter        Winnipeg  71  3
1602 Ward James               0017           Clerk          Toronto   71  7
1603 Wilson Richard           0899           Labourer       Winnipeg  72  4
1604 Wood William Slocum      0900           Printer        Toronto   71  7
1605 Warren William Thomas    0901           Farmer         Winnipeg  72  4
1606 Webster Francis Dudley   0902           Shovelmaker    Toronto   71  7
1607 Webster Stephen M.       0903           Harnessmaker   Winnipeg  72  4
1608 Winters Wesley J.        0905           Lawyer         Winnipeg  72  5
1609 Wright Charles Edward M. 0906           Clerk          Pembina   71  4
1610 Williams William         0908           Cooper         Winnipeg  72  5
1611 White Amos               0889           Plumber        ---------------
1612 Wright James             DFBC           Blacksmith     Montreal  70 12
1613 Wellond George Henry     0909           Carpenter      Winnipeg  71  2
1614 Widgery Henry Harwood    0910           Clerk          Toronto   71  7
1615 Wilson Thomas            0911           Sailor         Winnipeg  72  5
1616 Wilson William Warne     0912           Clerk          Toronto   71  7
1617 Wilton William Henry     0916           Painter        Toronto   71  7
1618 Witty (Whitby) John J.   0928 0917      Farmer         Winnipeg  72  5
1619 Walker Wellington F.     0918           Doctor         Winnipeg  71  3
1620 Walker Harry             0919 1456      Musician       Toronto   71  7
1621 Walters William Bowles   0892           Carpenter      Pembina   71  4
1622 Watson William John      0920 1241      Yeoman         Winnipeg  72  4
1623 White Charles Orford     0034           Carpenter      Winnipeg  71  4
1624 Whyte Robert             0890 1126      Yeoman         Toronto   71  7
1625 Wilson William           0913           Yeoman         Winnipeg  72  5
1626 Wilson John Forsyth      0914           Carpenter      Winnipeg  71  3
1627 Wilson Charles           0915           Yeoman         Pembina   71  4
1628 Wishart Robert           0921           Mason          Winnipeg  71  3
1629 Woods Robert James       0922           Law Clerk      Pembina   71  4
1630 Wright Alexander W.      0923           Woolworker     Toronto   71  7
1631 Wyatt John               0924           Farmer         Toronto   71  7
1632 Wild James               DFBC           Cottonworker   Kingston  71  3
1633 Wales William James      0925           Sailor         Kingston  71  5
1634 Whiteside Edward         0926           Jeweller       Kingston  71  5
1635 Wiley Hiram Ballard      0033           Sailor         Kingston  71  5
1636 Wright Frederick W.      0907           Clerk          Kingston  71  5
1637 Waite John               0927           Upholsterer    Winnipeg  71  6
1638 Woodall Charles          0132           Groom          Winnipeg  71  5
1639 Wilson John              0044           Clerk          Winnipeg  71  3
1640 Webster George Wilson    0904           Banker         Winnipeg  71  3
1641 Ward James               0929           Labourer       ---------------
1642 Williamson John (James)  0930           Butcher        Montreal  71  5
1643 Whyte Robert             DNFT           Farmer         Winnipeg  72  9
1644 Wedge Issac              1017           Sailor         Winnipeg  72 10
1645 Wilson Thomas            1127           Labourer       Winnipeg  72 10
1646 Wilson Samuel            1018           Yeoman         Winnipeg  72 10
1647 Wellband William         1122           Bootmaker      Winnipeg  72 10
1648 Willoughby Peter         1019           Farmer         Winnipeg  72 10
1649 Wright A. Harland        1123           Gentleman      Winnipeg  72 10
1650 Walmsley David           1020           Fireman        Winnipeg  72 10
1651 Walsh Michael            1021           Labourer       Winnipeg  72  9
1652 Williamson Thomas        1232           Carriagemaker  Winnipeg  72 10
1653 Williamson John          1231           Butcher        Winnipeg  72 10
1654 Wheeler Smith            ----           Farmer         Winnipeg  72  5 
Time too short
1655 Whittaker Francis R.     1405           Farmer         Winnipeg  72  6
1656 Waldie Frank             Deserted       Engineer       Winnipeg  73  1
1657 Walker Allan             ----           Printer        ---------------
1658 Walkinton Robert George  1406           Clerk          Toronto   73  7
1659 Walkinton John H.        1407           Iron Monger    Winnipeg  74  9
1660 Ward George              Deserted       Sailor         --------  73  5
1661 Waters Richard           1408           Labourer       Toronto   73 11
1662 White Henry              1409           Felter         Toronto   73  7
1663 Willoughby George        1225           Labourer       Toronto   73  5
1664 Willoughby William       DNFT           Cheesemaker    Toronto   73  5
1665 Willoughby George        ----           Farmer         Winnipeg  74 11 
See # 1163
1666 Wilson William           1224           Painter        Toronto   73 11
1667 Worthington Fred.        1457           Clerk          Winnipeg  75  9
1668 Wright Nathaniel         1411           Farmer         Toronto   73  7
1669 Willis Joseph Edwin      1223           Labourer       Winnipeg  74 11
1670 Williamson Thomas        1124           Wheelwright    Winnipeg  73  5
1671 Williamson John          1125           Butcher        Winnipeg  73  5
1672 Wilson Daniel            1350           Surveyor       Winnipeg  75  6
1673 Weeks James              1349           Printer        Winnipeg  75  5
1674 Wallace Robert           1347           None           Winnipeg  75  5
1675 Walker Samuel            DNFT           Labourer       Winnipeg  74  8
1676 Westell Joseph           1348           Carpenter      Winnipeg  75  5
1677 Ward Harry               Deserted       Cooper         --------  73  7
1678 Walker Joshua            1412           Labourer       Winnipeg  74  9
1679 Winskell Henry George    1351           Plumber        Winnipeg  75  6
1680 Wilson George            1353           Clerk          Winnipeg  75  6
1681 Wilson William           1410           Dentist        Winnipeg  74 11
1682 Wiley Hiram              Deserted       Sailor         Winnipeg  74  6
1683 Wilkinson William        1352           Labourer       Winnipeg  75  6
1684 Walsh William Patrick    1475           Cabinetmaker   Winnipeg  75 10
1685 Wilson Henry             1476           Labourer       Winnipeg  75 10
1686 Wilson James             1413           ----------     Winnipeg  74  5
1687 Walker David Marr        0885           Officer        Winnipeg  71  7
1688 Williams Charles         DNFT           Labourer       Winnipeg  75  9
1689 Williamson Robert        DNFT           Farmer         Winnipeg  76  6

#    NAME           BW        OCCUPATION          DISCHARGE REMARKS

1690 Young David              0931           Farmer         Winnipeg  71  5
1691 Young James              0932           Farmer         Toronto   71  7
1692 Young James A.           0933 1496      Labourer       Toronto   71  7
1693 Yates John               Deserted       Labourer       -------   71  4
1694 Young George             0934           Farmer         Toronto   71  7
1695 Yuill William            0936           Printer        Winnipeg  72  4
1696 Young William Reid       0935           Clerk          Winnipeg  71  1
1697 Youngson Chas. S.        1497           Lumberman      Winnipeg  70 10 
1698 Young Douglas            1022           Yeoman         Winnipeg  72 10
1699 Young James              1128           Carpenter      Winnipeg  73  5
1700 Yates Valentine          Deserted       Labourer       --------  73  6
1701 Yvon Joseph              1493           Barber         Winnipeg  73  6
1702 Young William            1226           Farmer         Winnipeg  74 11
1703 Young George Thomas      ----           Shoemaker      Winnipeg  77  8
1704 Zimmerman William        0938           Engine Driver  Winnipeg  71  4


Copyright © September 30, 1996 Fred J. Shore
For full copyright information and restrictions, refer to Introduction & Copyright

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