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New Netherland New York Genealogy
Source: The New York Genealogical and Biographical Record published 1890 and 1940 Notes:
Understanding these records:
From 27 August 1673 on, the first date is the date the parties registered their intent to marry. The last date is the date of the actual marriage. Example:
"den 3 May" means Willem and Catalyntie registered on the 3 May of that year. "den 26 May" is the actual marriage date.
dicto means that entry occured in the same month as the preceeding entry (the one above it). If the preceeding entry also uses "dicto", keep reading up until you find a month. Example:
Here we see that James Spencer and Maria Carlee registered their intent to marry on 28 May (as per the entry before theirs)
eodem means the entry occured on the same day as the one preceeding. Example: In the following three entries we see that Andries Holst registered his intent to marry on the same day as Francois de Fenne. Francois' entry uses "den 6 dicto" so we must read up to find the first preceeding entry with a month - and that is Delivery Stantely with the month of Sept. Thus Francois' entry is 6 Sept. as is Andries'.
New Amsterdam (New York City) Reformed Dutch Church Marriages 1713 ~ 1715New Amsterdam (New York City) Reformed Dutch Church Marriages transcribed by anonymous volunteer for Olive Tree Genealogy.
Note from Contributor: The following records are very confusing. I thought at
first it might be 'double-dating' but I'm not so sure after
looking again. They are definitely *after* 1713, and
before 1715, but those records listed under Anno 1713/14
cover the months January through August (rather than Jan.
thru Mar., which is the standard). However, this appears to
be only a brief digression. As usual, I will transcribed
everything as written.
[there is no heading entered, but it's definitely 'Personen
met geboren']
Maart 30; Casparus Preyer j.m. V. Bergen, met Sarah
Andriesse Wed. V. Hendrik Braesier mede V. Bergen; April 3.
26; Daniel Beets, j.m. V. O. Engel't woonende te Yamaica op
t L. Eil't, met Aaltje Suuisse Wed. V. Jan Nicolas te N.
York; 11.
April 23, met attest V. Bergen; Barend Bruyn j.m. & Annetje
Borten j.d., beide geboren en woonende op penmerpoz; 30.
16; Edward Men, j.m. V. Woodbrids uit N: Jersey met Marytje
Van deursen j.d. V. N. Albanie beide woonende alhier; May 2.
16; Pieter Vosbergen j.m. gebooren op Zee, met Grietje Ryke,
j.d. V. N. York beide woonende alhier; 6.
May 7; Jesse de La Montagne j.m. V. N. York met Gerritje
Jeets, j.d. V. N: Albanie; 29.
14; Jan de Lameetere, j.m. V. N. Haarlem, met Anneke Waldron
j.d. V. Haarlem, beid. woonende aldaar; Juny 11.
22; Baerend Cornelisse Bassebek j.m. V. Swedenland, met
Marrytje Bandt Wed. V. Christiaan Laurier V. N: York; 13.
__; Willem Beek, j.m. V. N: York, met Alida Turk, j.d. V.
Albanie; August 14.
August 6, met attest: V. N. Haarl. en de Mannor V. Fordam;
Daniel de Voe, j.m. V. Westchester, met Margritje Coljers
j.d.; 24.
Maart 25; Ralph Furman & Catharina ten Broek; Maart 27.
April 5; Joseph Britany & Anne Mount; April 5.
19; Henry Fling & Mary Francis; 19.
28; John Lee & Sarah Sanders; 28.
28; Jean Crosseron & Mary Morgan; 28.
May 13; William Roome & Sarah Turk; May 15.
14; John Staffe & Aaltje Oldes; 17.
Juny 8; Thomas Le Roch & Susanna Robert; Juny 12.
14; Cornelis Van Duyn, & Styntje Gerbrands; 14.
18; John Lerou & Margarit Britel; 19.
22; John Stout & Abigael Bil; 24.
July 2; William Appel & Rymerig V. Burg; July 4.
30; Thomas Hiks, & Neltje Van Dyk; 31.
August 3; James Carter & Jane Stevens; August 3.
5; Hendrik Van Pelt, & Anne Jones; 5.
6; Wessel Wesselsze & Racel Van Imburg; 12.
16; John Kelly & Catharina Fransse; 21.
Sept. 14; Ryer Jansse Wed'r V. Akkins: met Margrietje de
Voor j.d. V. Deutelbay; 15.
Octob. 9; Hasuel Matthysze j.m. Van Kingstown, met Marritje
Ryke j.d. V. armebouwery; 31.
November met attest: V. Naewesings en Bergen den 1 Novemb;
Myndert Lafefere met Catharina Van Blaericum; Novemb. 2.
Octob: 15; Jan Bas, j.m. V. Deutelbay, met Maria De la
Montagne j.d. V. N. Haarlem; 6.
Decemb. 7. zeggeden; Thomas Barber, j.m. V. N. York. met
Helena Brouwer j.d. V. Goanes; Decemb. 29.
9; Ewoud Ewitze j.m. V. Breukelen met Sarah Tibout j.d. V.
N: York; 24.
__; John Thomas, j.m. V. N. York, met Marytje de Lange Wed:
V. Joh's Boke; 24.
16; John Wels, j.m. V. N: York, met Dina Cornelisse j.d. V.
N: York; May 13.
May 26. met attest: Van Bergen; Meydert Gerbrands & Tryntje
Jacobse Van Winkel; 26.
18; Jacob Gardemoy & Dirkje Van Tilburg; 19.
October 4; William Dill & Sarah de Puw; October 4.
23; Thomas Luwis & Anna Maria Van Burg; 23.
29; Abraham Boele & Catharine V. Water; November 13.
Novemb. 15; Thomas Ware, & Jane Holmes; 20.
20; William Van Schuur & Geesje Bosch; 21.
Decemb. 3; Edward Barber & Maria Tysse; decemb. 3.
13; Philip Dornje & Batje Goverts; 14.
12; William Beek-man, & Martha Mott; 15.
25; Mattheus Bell, & Vrouwtje Merrit; 25.
May 3; Henry Man & Elisabeth Spencer; May 4.
5; John Marschalk & Hanna Turk; 8.
13; Gerrit Van Berg, & Catharina Aalstyn; 14.
9; John Parcele, & Elisabeth Brouwer; 16.
16; Edward Scantleburge & Martha Jong; 17.
23; Richard Fustele & Mary Van Pelt; 24.
Researchers are encouraged to extract small portions of these records for personal research only. The entire set of records may not be copied for distribution or publication in any manner without written permission from The Olive Tree Genealogy
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