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New Netherland New York Genealogy
Source: The New York Genealogical and Biographical Record published 1890 and 1940 Notes:
Understanding these records:
From 27 August 1673 on, the first date is the date the parties registered their intent to marry. The last date is the date of the actual marriage. Example:
"den 3 May" means Willem and Catalyntie registered on the 3 May of that year. "den 26 May" is the actual marriage date.
dicto means that entry occured in the same month as the preceeding entry (the one above it). If the preceeding entry also uses "dicto", keep reading up until you find a month. Example:
Here we see that James Spencer and Maria Carlee registered their intent to marry on 28 May (as per the entry before theirs)
eodem means the entry occured on the same day as the one preceeding. Example: In the following three entries we see that Andries Holst registered his intent to marry on the same day as Francois de Fenne. Francois' entry uses "den 6 dicto" so we must read up to find the first preceeding entry with a month - and that is Delivery Stantely with the month of Sept. Thus Francois' entry is 6 Sept. as is Andries'.
New Amsterdam (New York City) Reformed Dutch Church Marriages 1724~1725New Amsterdam (New York City) Reformed Dutch Church Marriages transcribed by anonymous volunteer for Olive Tree Genealogy.Personen met Geboden Anno 1724Decemb. 21 [1723]; George Wats, j.m. V. O. Engl't, met Sarah Frensh, Wed. V. Pieter Mark V. O. Engl't, beide woonende alhier; January 5 [1724].27; John Ellener, j.m. V. O. Engl't, met Aplonia van Aarnem, j.d. V. N. York, beide woonende alhier; 26. A'o 1724, January 10; Thomas Meeners, j.m. V. O. Engl't, met Sarah Koller, Wed. V. William Baastrik V. Westchester, beide woonende alhier; 26. 10; Johan Willem Crollius, j.m. V. Nieuw Wit, met Veronica Cortselius, j.d. V. Nieuw Wit, beide uit H. duidsl't, en woonende alhier; 30. 10; Thomas Watson, j.m. V. O. Engl't, met Elisabeth Borris, j.d. V. Bouwery, beide woonende alhier; February 8. 10; John Willingham, j.m. V. O. Engl't, met Lucresia Yong, j.d. V. N. York, beide woonen alhier; 9. Februar. 21; Joris Walgraven, j.m. V. N. York, met Magdalena Lessier, j.d. uit H. Duidsl't, beide woonende alhier; Maert 10. 21; Isaac Somerendyk, j.m. V. G. kil, met Sarah Van Norden, j.d. mede V. G. kil, beide aldaar; 14. Maart 7; Joost de Milt, j.m. V.N. York, met Margrietje Willemsze, j.d. V. Philipsburg, beide woonende alhier; 22. May 1; Hendrik Labach, j.m., met Elizabeth Lesjer, j.d. beide uit H. Duidsl't en woonende alhier; May 17. 8; Willem Bandt, j.m. met Margrietje van de Water, j.d., beide v. N. York & woon'e alhier; 31.
Personen met Licentie Anno 1723Ingeteekent October 18; John Schuyler, Junior, & Cornelia V. Cortlant; Getrouwt October 18.October 18; Henry Brestede & Geertje Wessels; October 20. 28; John Brady & Maria Robbinson; 28. 29; Nathaniel Charles & Anneke Bollard, Wed.; 29. Novemb. 11; John Gibbs & Anna Smith, Wed.; Novemb. 11. 18; James Mills & Maria Hitskok; 18. 23; Lucas Braesier & Judith Gageri; 24. 28; Joseph Taylor & Gerretje V. Velsen; 30. Decemb. 11; David Provoost, Junior, & Hannah Rynders; Decemb. 12. 18; Archibald Fisher & Catharina Van Horne; 19. 31; William Ricks & Elisab'th Richardson; 31.
Anno 1724January 27; John Louw & Sarah Provoost; January 30.16; John Dunk & Margarita Parker; February 2. 31; William Warner & Neeltje Chahaan; 13. Maart 6; John Vrooman & Mary Appel; Maart 8. 28; Randal Staeve & Margari'th Lauwerier; 29. 30; John Heyer & Margari'th Bulleau; 31. April 1; William Tilladams & Jane Britau; April 1. 25; Teunis van Gelder & Jane Bradt; 25. 23; Robert Thiobalds & Agnes Lynsen; 26. May 8; Cornelius Wynkoop & Elisabet van der Spiegel; May 9. 16; Jesse Kierstede & Jacoba Lewis; 17. 23; Jacob Loring & Maria Van'r Grift; 24. 30; Abel Hardenbroek & Anna Elsword; 31.
Personen met Geboden Anno 1724Ingeteekent May 16; Laurens Louw, j.m. V. Nieuw Haarlem, & Jannetje Van Vlekkeren, j.d. van Bloemendaal; Getrouwt Juny 12.12; Hendrik Hermsze, j.m. V. Breemen, met Margritje Lins, j.d. uit Pals, beide woonen alhier; 28. 12; Pieter Stauben, Wed'r met Coenradina Manderbag, Wed. V. Jacob Steerts, beide V. Nieuwit, woonende alhier; 30. July 10; Hendrik Paulsze, j.m. V. N. York, met Neeltje Van Duerzen, j.d. V. N. York, beide woonende alhier; July 26. Sept. 11; Joh's Laurier, j.m. V. N. York, met Maria Barends, j.d. V. N. York, beide woon'e alhier; Sept'r 27. August 10; Nicolaas Syn, j.m. uit Duidsl't, met Urseltje Maulin, j.d. uit Duidsl't, beide woonen alhier; Octob'r 1. Octob. 30; David Keuning, j.m. uit Duidsl't, met Anna Catharina Tipel, j.d. mede uit Duidslant, beide woo'e alhier; Novemb. 22.
Anno 1725Decemb. 24 [1724]; Jonas Frederiksz, j.m. Van Philipsburg woonende op Springfielt, op't Lang Eyl't, met Marytje Ras, j.d. Van Jamaica opt lang Eyl't, en woonende te Nieuw York; January 12 [1725].January 1; Simson Pels, j.m. V.N. York, met Maria Bensing, j.d. V. N. Haarlem; 22. 16; Ryer Michielsze, j.m. V. Mannor V. Fordam, met Elisabeth Dreak, j.d. V.'t lang Eyl't, woonende op Mannor Fordam; February 4. 22; John Stokford, j.m. V. O. Engl't, woonende alhier, met Alida Sikkels, j.d. V. betfort opt L. Eyl't, woonende aldaar; 8. 22; Nicolaus Hamler, j.m., met Mari Magdalena Simon, beide uit H. Duidsl't, en woonen alhier; 13. 22; Nicolaas Burger, j.m. V. N. York, met Debora Blyenburg, j.d. V. t Lang Eyl't, beide woonen alhier; _____. Maart 5; John Ellen, j.m. V. N. York, met Marytje Akkerman, j.d. V. Hakkinsak, beide woonende alhier; Maart 21.
Researchers are encouraged to extract small portions of these records for personal research only. The entire set of records may not be copied for distribution or publication in any manner without written permission from The Olive Tree Genealogy
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