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New Netherland New York Genealogy
Source: The New York Genealogical and Biographical Record published 1890 and 1940 Notes:
Understanding these records:
From 27 August 1673 on, the first date is the date the parties registered their intent to marry. The last date is the date of the actual marriage. Example:
"den 3 May" means Willem and Catalyntie registered on the 3 May of that year. "den 26 May" is the actual marriage date.
dicto means that entry occured in the same month as the preceeding entry (the one above it). If the preceeding entry also uses "dicto", keep reading up until you find a month. Example:
Here we see that James Spencer and Maria Carlee registered their intent to marry on 28 May (as per the entry before theirs)
eodem means the entry occured on the same day as the one preceeding. Example: In the following three entries we see that Andries Holst registered his intent to marry on the same day as Francois de Fenne. Francois' entry uses "den 6 dicto" so we must read up to find the first preceeding entry with a month - and that is Delivery Stantely with the month of Sept. Thus Francois' entry is 6 Sept. as is Andries'.
New Amsterdam (New York City) Reformed Dutch Church Marriages 1728~1729New Amsterdam (New York City) Reformed Dutch Church Marriages transcribed by anonymous volunteer for Olive Tree Genealogy.Personen met Geboden Anno 1728Ingeteekent May 10; Harmen Lucasse, j.m. v. N. York, met Annetje Asjevyng, j.d. v. N. Rochel, beide woonende alhier; Getrouwt May 30.Sept. 13; Christianus Stouwber, j.m., met Anna Maria Hofman, Wed. van Michiel Peffer, beide uit Hoogduidsl't, woon'e alhier; Octob. 4. August 18; Johannes Lucas, Wed'r van Heidelberg, met Elisabeth Pipes, Wed. v. Timoth's Paerker Van Pelsilvanie, beide woonende op de bouwery; 12.
Personen met Licentie Anno 1728Ingeteekent January 1; William Jones en Mary Ann Clare; Getrouwt January 1.2; Luyke Sjoerts & Cathar'a Bensing; 6. 19; Peter Yay & Maria v. Cortlant; 20. 9; Richard Vivian & Anna Holme; Febr. 8. Febr. 20; Joseph de La Montanje & Marger'te Roll; Maart 2. Maart 2; John Hendriks & Sara Tiljou; 2. 27; Evert Byvank & Maria Cannon; April 6. April 20; William Fielding & Sytje Boekenhoven; 23. 27; Burger Sipkens & Rebecca Brestede; 27. May 11; Pieter Maas & Rachel Brestede; May 11. 18; John Fischie & Catharina Waldron; 18. 30; John Hoppe & Maria v. Norden; 31. 27; Samuel Ten Eyk & Maria Gornie; Juny 2. Juny 14; Samuel Green & Annatje Van Velsen; 15. 15; Abraham Ekker & Margar'ta Montros; 15. July 19; Abraham Cannon & Maria Leonards; July 21. 20; Nicolaas Swaan & Hendrica Sikkels; 21. 29; Israel Sadok & Francyntje Blyenburg; 29. 29; James Tucker & Maria Woertendyk; 31. Septemb. 5; John Sleigh & Teuntje Stevens; Septemb. 5. 12; Laurens Lambertse & Jane Macdonald; 12. 20; John Williams & Jane van De Water; 21. 21; Roger French & Margarita Louw; 22. Octob. 10; Albertus Tibouwt & Cornelia Bogaart; Octob. 12. 17; John Denmark & Rach'l Beekman; 17. 21; Joseph Williams & Sara Woolley; 21. 25; John Stinson & Eleanor Murphy; 25. 31; Jacob Sharp & Anna Maria Bomper; Novemb. 2. 31; Antony de Milt & Mary Scamp; 2.
Personen met Geboden Anno 1729Ingeteekent Maart 28; Johannes Waldron, Wed'r van Bossen Eyl't, met Margrietje Rol, j.d. v. H. Duidsl't, woon'e alhier; Getrouwt April 13.14; Abraham Van Arnhem, j.m. v. N. Y'k, met Marytje Van Heyningen, j.d. v. N. Y'k; 15. 31; Adam Teets, Wed'r uit Hoog Duidslant, woonende te N. Haarlem, met Catharina Schonenberg, j.d. uit Hoog D.s.L., woon'e to N. Yk.; 21. May 2; Gabrial Moor, j.m., met Antje Cousyn, beide v. N. York, en woon'e aldaar; May 18. 9; Resolrert Waldron, j.m., met Metje Quakkenbosch, j.d., beide v. N. Haarlem, en woon'e aldaar; 28.
Personen met Licentie Anno 1728Ingeteekent Novemb. 2; William Day & Lauerina Akkerman; Getrouwt Novemb. 5.18; Jacob Robberts & Britget Deygten; 18. 20; Jannes Bonnet & Maria Solise; 21. 30; Henry Beekman & Debora Pell; Decemb. 1. 26; Matth's v. Alsteyn & Cathar'a Kerfbyl; 10.
Anno 1729January 22; Joh's Freder'ks Kunter & Cornel'ia Coelie; January 24.22; Lewi Thiebou & Mary Vielie; 26. 28; Abraham Filkins & Peryntje Tiebout; 28. 27; Adrian Banker & B. Elisab'th v. Taerling; 30. February 7; David W Provoost & Anneke Van de Water; February 8. 11; Nicolaas v. Taerling & Elisab'th Richard; 13. 13; Abraham Kip & Maria v. den Berg; 13. 28; Michiel Diderik & Penelope Cuur; Maert 1. Maart 4; Cornelis Van Aslandt & Frances Burges; 4. 9; Gabriel Crook & Maria Hardenbroek; 9. 26; James Hunter & Rachel Wright; 27. April 3; William Waldron & Aafje Samman; April 3. 5; Jacob's de La Montagne & Maria Pel; 6. 29; William Pasman & Christina Lee; 29. May 10; Cornelis Louw & Johan'a Gouverneur; May 10. 12; George Rapalje & Helena Johnson; 17. 19; John Hutton & Elisabeth v. Dyk; 25. 20; William Vredenburg & Willemtje Nak; 25. Juny 3; Andries Marschalk & Teuntje Tibouwt; Juny 7. 6; Herman Rutgers jun'r & Elisabet Bensen; 7. 13; Thomas Broun & Maria Hunt; 13. 20; George Lamb & Hendrica Myer; 21. July 3; Nicolas Bayart & Elisa'bth Reynders; July 3. 10; Richard Bradburn & Elis'bth Jones; 12.
Personen met Geboden Anno 1729Ingeteekent July 4; Abraham Andriessen, j.m., met Elisabeth Buys, j.d., beide v. Deutelbay, en woonende aldaar; Getrouwt July 20.Sept. 6; Cornelis Tarp, j.m. v. Woodbrits, met Apolonia Uitdeboomgaart, beide woonende alhier; Sept. 21.
Anno 1730Decemb'r 26; Jacob Kien, j.m., met Elisabeth Erving, beide uit Hoogduidslant, & woonende alhier; January 11.
Personen met Licentie Anno 1729Ingeteekent July 14; Teunis Tibouwt & Margr'ta Drinkwater; Getrouwt July 19.20; John Schuyler & Sara Walther; 20. 20; William Grant & Sara Schackerly; 20. 22; Joseph Pru & Gerritje Taylor; 24. 25; Jacobus Kip & Catharina Kip; 27. August 4; John Clark & Maria V'r Schuure; August 6. Sept. 2; John Bell & Elisabeth Fell; Sept. 7. 12; William Clarkson & Elisab'th Hunt; 13. 19; Benjamin Jervis & Maria Koning; 21. 26; Thomas Bartlet & Sarah Tindall; 27. Octob. 11; John Hughes & Annatje Chartes; Octob. 11. Novemb. 1; John de Witt Peterzoon & Anne Van Horne; Novemb. 2. Octob. 31; Thomas Nuet & Maria Hermans; 2. Novemb. 10; William York & Cath'a Shedar; 10. 15; Gerrit Keteltas & Elisab'th v. Dyk; 15. 21; Thomas Shelton & Christina v. Dalen; 23. Decemb'r 3; John Hull & Maria Francis; Decemb'r 4. 12; Robbert Provoost & Adriana Paul; 14. 18; Evert Duykin & Aafje Hardenbroek; 21. 22; John Witsingam & Jacomyntje La Roux; 24. 24; Abraham Van Horne Jun'r & Catharina Rutgers; 27.
Researchers are encouraged to extract small portions of these records for personal research only. The entire set of records may not be copied for distribution or publication in any manner without written permission from The Olive Tree Genealogy
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