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New Netherland New York Genealogy
Source: The New York Genealogical and Biographical Record published 1890 and 1940 Notes:
Understanding these records:
From 27 August 1673 on, the first date is the date the parties registered their intent to marry. The last date is the date of the actual marriage. Example:
"den 3 May" means Willem and Catalyntie registered on the 3 May of that year. "den 26 May" is the actual marriage date.
dicto means that entry occured in the same month as the preceeding entry (the one above it). If the preceeding entry also uses "dicto", keep reading up until you find a month. Example:
Here we see that James Spencer and Maria Carlee registered their intent to marry on 28 May (as per the entry before theirs)
eodem means the entry occured on the same day as the one preceeding. Example: In the following three entries we see that Andries Holst registered his intent to marry on the same day as Francois de Fenne. Francois' entry uses "den 6 dicto" so we must read up to find the first preceeding entry with a month - and that is Delivery Stantely with the month of Sept. Thus Francois' entry is 6 Sept. as is Andries'.
New Amsterdam (New York City) Reformed Dutch Church Marriages 1759New Amsterdam (New York City) Reformed Dutch Church Marriages transcribed by anonymous volunteer for Olive Tree Genealogy.Personen met Licentie Anno 1759January 2; Michael Butter & Martha Mirriman; January 2.11; James Wall & Catharina Killy; 11.
Personen met Geboden Anno 1759Ingeteek Maart 31; Johan Declou & Frederika Valley, j.m. & j.d., gebooren in oud Frans, wonende alhier; Getrouwt April 15.
Perzonen met Licentie Anno 1759Ingeteek Jan. 13; Andrew Elliot & Letty Turck; Getrouwt Jan. 14.Febr. 2; Isaac Barnes & Lucretia Brestede; Feb. 4. Jan. 31; John Waldron & Rebeccah Bussingh; 1. Feb. 1; Philip Smith & Aaltje Bogert; 5. 8; William Gelliland & Elisabet Phagen; 8. 9; John Crawford & Sara de Mildt; 9. 7; Lauwrens Leman & Catharina van Vleck, Wed.; 12. 3; James Denton & Margaret Barton; 11. 16; Robert Nesbit & Catharina Ruger; 17. ___; James Pudney & Agnes Fisher; 18. Maart 7; Andrew Merrel & Eva Grim, Wed'e; Maart 5. 28; William Fritz Gerald & Jane Davis; April 1. April 13; Flavell Ewings & Maryanne Broad; 13. 12; Stephen Stecland & Catharina Schuurman; 13. 19; John Hopper & Wyntje Dyckman; 21. 18; John Lawrence & Catharina Livingston; 21. 24; Robert Watts & Lucretia van Deursen; 26. 27; Pieter Stymets & Mary Day; 28. 27; Thomas Walker & Mary Bennet; 29. Maay 9; Ebenezer Turell & Magdalena Berger, Wed'e; Maay 9. 9; John Denmark & Mary Cannon; 10. 11; James Palding & Rachel Bussing; 11.
Perzonen met Geboden Anno 1759Ingeteek Juny 18; Andreas Joachim Wilhelm, j.m. van Stokholm en Lea Kemmena, j.d. van Hakkenzak, beide wonende in N. York; Getrouwt July 1.May 13; Edward Carrel, j.m. van New jork, & Catharina Parent, j.d. van New york, beyde wonende in New-jork; August 26.
Perzonen met Licentie Anno 1759Ingeteek May 12; Henry van Winkel & Jane Brouwer; Getrouwt May 18.16; Verdine Elsworth & Dorothy Gale; 28. 31; Benjamin Hogelent & Elisabet van Wyck; Juny 3. Juny 6; William Adame & Susannah van Maple, Wed'e; 6. 6; John Moore & Elisabeth Taylor, Wed.; 6. 7; Jeronimus Alstyn & Eyda Beekman; 7. 8; Henry Ezeler & Cornelia Van der Water; 8. 7; John Anderson & Martha Evans; 9. 9; Thomas Young & Aaltje Van Deusen; 9. 9; William Luckelt & Mary Alner; 9. 8; John van Alst & Lettia Van Alst; 14. 12; James Elliot & Rebecca Earl; 14. 2; Abraham Birdall & Annatje Appel; 4. May 23; Henry Odel & Abigael de Voe; 14. Juny 12; Thomas Harriot & Claasje Woinat; 14. 14; Peter Janner & Sara Warne; 16. 16; James Slater & Cicilie Ballantine; 17. 15; Peter Codmus & Blendina Kip; 17. 25; William Gandall & Marian Marchant; 25. 25; Casparus Stuiversant & Sara Couwenhoven; July 2. 27; Theophilus Anthony & Willemyntje Vredenburg; Juny 28. July 5; Stephen Terhune & Lettitia Bergen; July 7. 6; Albertus Tibout & Ruth Van der Hoof; 8.
Personen met Geboden Anno 1759Ingeteek Aug. 26; Jan Freser, j.m. uit Schotland & Elisabet Philleson, j.d. uit Schotland, beide wonende op Koningsbrug; Getrouwt Sept. 9.
Persone met Licentie Anno 1759Ingeteek July 10; Jellis Hopper & Elisabet Waldron; Getrouwt July 15.16; Samuel Lorgange & Sara de Voe; 16. 27; Leathus Smith & Elenor Murdigh; 28. 28; Matthew Tankard & Susanna Johnson; 29. 25; Jacob Brower & Margaret Vrelandt; 29. Aug. 8; John Pero & Anna van Norden; Aug. 9. 6; Henry Sikkels & Anna Buckenhoven; 9. 21; Jeffery Leonard & Mary Steddefort; 21. 30; John Grant & Sara Berger; 30. Sept. 3; David High & Jennet Williams; Sept. 5. 2; Charles Lugg & Mary Campford; 15. 13; John van Wyck & Anna Vorhes; 15. 19; Samuel Warner & Phebe Hunt; 22. 25; Theophilus Hardenbroek & Angletje Anthony; 26. 25; John Graham & Ester Youngh; 30. 28; Peter De Maree & Mary Allen; 30. Octob. 1; Renselaar Williams & Catharina Cartwright, Wed.; Oct. 1. ____; Henry Bras & Mary Oakes; 4. Septb'r 21; Abraham Storm & Catharina Bussing; 5. Octob. 3; Thomas Dodd & Mary van der Hoer; 6. 6; Daniel Thorp & Prudence Thorp; 7.
Perzonen met Geboden Anno 1759Ingeteek Octob. 16; Jan Lock, j.m. geboren in Engelandt & Mary Sillerin, Wed. geboren in Hoogduitschlandt, beyde wonende in N. York; Getrouwt Oct. 28.Decemb. 29; Henderik Paerer, j.m. uit Hoogduitschlandt & Anna Nesch, Weduwe van N. York, beide wonende alhier; January 6, 1760. January 5, 1760; Johannes Rykman, j.m. uit Esopus & Elisabet Mangel, j.d. van Tappaan, beide wonende alhier; 24. 4; John Jurrie Wirth, Weduwn'r & Elisabet Merkelie, j.d. byde uit Hoogduitschlandt, en wonende alhier; ________.
Personen met Licentie Anno 1759Ingeteek Octob. 16; John Foreman & Hanna Griffiths, Wed.; Getrouwt Oct. 16.16; George Stewart & Sara van Kleek; 16. 18; John van Alst & Latu van Alst; 25. 29; Charles Lewis & Elisabet Kindel; 31. 31; James Brewster & Sara Hosler; 31. Nov. 9; John Floyd & Lena van Deusen; Nov. 10. 12; Richard Cordon & Mary Burk, Wed'e; 12. 17; James Deacon & Mary Dobbs; 17. 23; John Brouwer & Antje Lesier; 25. Decemb. 1; William Bryant & Jane Howse; Decemb. 2. 8; John McDennol & Jemine Hopper; 9. 6; John Steel & Mary Boyles, Wed'e; 6. 18; John Cannon & Henrika Zwan, Wed'e; 20. 22; Samuel Benson & Anna Steel; 23. 24; Philip Pettinger & Elizabet Jemison; 25. 24; John Wigmore & Margaret Lean; 30.
Researchers are encouraged to extract small portions of these records for personal research only. The entire set of records may not be copied for distribution or publication in any manner without written permission from The Olive Tree Genealogy
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