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Donated by Murray McCombs
Ref: Documentary History of New York Vol.3 (c1840)

As they were mustered at ye mannor house on the 30th day of Novr 1715.

Johannes Dyekman, Capt
Tobias ten Broeck, Leiut
Johannes Spoor, Ensign

William Scot
Abraham Vosburgh
William White

John Decker
Ephraim Rees
Hend Bress

John Dyckman Junr. Drum

Kiliaan Winne
Nicolas Smith
Lawrence Knickerbacker
Leendert Konyn
Coenraet Ham
John Chissim
Jonathan Rees
Coenraet Schuyrman
Rocloff d'Duyster
Claas Brusie
Bastiaen Spekerman
Peter Teunise
Johannes Pulver
Johannes Schans
Lawrence Teunise
Vincent Brusie
Joh Emmerik Pless
Abraham Tewise
Nicloas Styger
Joseph Aplin
Isak Spoor
Juriaen Decker
Jonas Smith
George White
Harme van Solsberge
John Coenraed
Petri Joshua White
Hend Nies
Frans Dinsbagh
Soloman Schutt
Nieus Janse Witbeck
Hans Jury Kolemer
Jacob Stower
John Witbeck
Jury Ryverberger
Johannes Rosman
Gysbert Oosterhuit
Baltus Stiever
Gabriel Brusie
Andrew Gardner
Jan Willemschoen
Wm Cole
Jan Vosburgh
Diderigh Snyder
Adam Cole
Derek Vosburgh
Teunis Snyder
Baltus Anspagh
Marte Vosburgh
Harmanus Segendorff
Peter Smith
John Leggat
William Dalis
John William Simon
John Seger
Tho: Coruik
Jacob Coens

The orginal is in the handwriting of Mr. Livingston.

Disclaimer: Although every effort has been made to ensure the accuracy and reliability of the information on The Olive Tree Genealogy pages, all transcriptions are subject to human error, and researchers should always check the original source of any list.


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