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Translations of Dutch phrases in Church Records

Following are words and phrases I found in Reformed Dutch Church Records in New York in the 1600s. It is my hope that these translations will assist others researching their ancestors

Ken Smith, a visitor to Olive Tree Genealogy, sent this phrase found in early records onecht kind with the request that I find out its meaning. TravLang Dictionaries informs me it means bastard child. Ken suggested I add this phrase to my list -- thanks Ken, for passing this on!

Thanks to Jan Daamen of the Netherlands, who translated many of the following words and phrases:

Dutch Phrases & Words in Church Records
Wonende in [location] Living in [location ]
Overt 't Versche Water Across the fresh water (see NOTE A)
Beyde wonende alhier Both of them living here (at this town)
Beyde op (name) bouwerye Both on (name) farm
Vaerende op't Flands schip (name) Sailing on the (Flands?) ship (name) Flands? Lands=of the country. Vlaams=Flemmish
Als voren As before (as previously stated)
Beyde wonende tot [name of place] Both living at [name of place]
D'Eerste wonende alhier, entwede tot [name of place] The first one living here (at this town) and the second one at [name of place)
Met Attestatie getrouwt op [name of place] Married with certificate
Vertoog Verleent, om te trouwen tot [name of place] a note was given(granted) in order to marry at [name of place]
Met vertoog with
Gertrouwt married
Ingeschreven Registered, name entered on a list (See NOTE B)
Gestorven deceased
Vertrocken left, moved out
dutch eng
Vertrocken na vertrokken naar=left to (location); vertrokken na=left after (time)
Verongeluckt died because of an accident
Vertrocken met attest Na [name of place] left with documents of proof of belonging to a Church to [name of place]
en and
syn his
s. huys vrow his wife
z.h.v. (zijne huis vrouw) his wife
s.h.VR (zijne huis vrouw) his wife
s.h.v. (sijne huis vrouw) his wife
huis v. van (huisvrouw van) wife of
huys v. van (huis vrouw van) wife of
j.d. unmarried woman
j.m. unmarried man

Howard Swain kindly sends his thoughts and findings on some of these phrases/words:


"Overt 't Versche Water = Across the fresh water"

I think this may have specific meaning on Manhattan. There was a small lake a ways North of the wall (later Wall street) named Fresh Water. I think this lake was what was referred to when Willem Janszen Romen married Marritje Jans and she was described as "woonende op 't Versche water" (living at the Fresh Water). So, maybe Overt 't Vershce Water means beyond (ie. north of) this lake.


"Ingeschreven = Registered, name entered on a list"

When used as the left-hand column in the marriage records, wouldn't this be the date the banns were first published? That is, wouldn't that be the "list" referred to?


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