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Death Finds a Way: A Janie Riley Mystery
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Janie Riley is an avid genealogist with a habit of stumbling on to dead bodies. She and her husband head to Salt Lake City Utah to research Janie's elusive 4th great-grandmother. But her search into the past leads her to a dark secret. Can she solve the mysteries of the past and the present before disaster strikes? Available now on Amazon.com and Amazon.ca


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* Search for Your Immigrant Ancestor in Ports of Arrival U.S.A. | Canada | Australia & New Zealand | South Africa | England
* Find Ancestors on Ships Passenger Lists Outbound from USA & Canada
* Find Ancestors on Ships Passenger Lists by Year of Arrival

Questions Asked on Canadian Passenger Lists

Finding Ancestors on Canadian Passenger Lists
Start your ancestor search with Canadian Passenger Lists online, Passengers & Immigration Help, What's available in Canadian immigration before 1865, or Finding Ships Passenger Lists to Canada

Ships Passenger Lists Before 1865

There are no comprehensive ships passenger lists of immigrants arriving in Canada prior to 1865. Until that year, shipping companies were not required by the government to keep their passenger manifests.

Now available:

Filling in the Gaps: Finding Pre-1865 Ships Passenger Lists to Canada (84 pages) by Lorine McGinnis Schulze

Paperback version and e-book version

Immigration Projects Online

* Immigrants proceeding to Upper Canada via New York 1817-1819 Index to online Passes for 199 individuals who were issued passes to go from New York to Upper Canada shortly after arriving in the USA
* Edinburgh Settlers 1815 General List of Settlers enrolled for Canada under the Government Regulations at Edinburgh 1815. These lists of passengers are a compilation of two lists.
* Return of Irish Catholic (Counties Wexford & Carlow) families who Sailed from New Ross to Upper Eastern Canada in 1817
* Alms House Admission Foreigners & Nativity Records with Ships Names 1819 - 1840 (New York City, New York) includes individuals who had sailed into Canada first
* Ships passenger lists for Peter Robinson Settlers sailing 1825 Ireland to Canada (includes passenger lists and surgeon's logs of the sick and dying, plus 180 Settlers Survey Responses 1823-1825)
* St. Lawrence Steamboat Co. Passenger Records 1819-1836
* Poor Law Union Immigration from England to Canada 1836-1853 names of impoverished emigrants sent from England to Canada on board 23 ships. Also names of emigrants each year from 1836 - 1871 (no ship names)
* The Hawke Papers, letterbooks of Chief Emigrant Agent Anthony B. Hawke are available at the Archives of Ontario from 1831 to 1892. Search the searchable database 1865 - 1883 The 1831-1865 records are not online but can be consulted at the Ontario Archives
* Passenger Books of J & J Cooke, Shipping Agents with sailings from Londonderry Ireland to Quebec and St. John New Brunswick from 1847 to 1871.
* People from the Fitzwilliam estate in Ireland who settled in Ontario, 1847-1855 Settlement in East half of Ontario
*A Story of Emigration: Southwest Wicklow (Ireland) to Ontario 1840s Settlement in West half of Ontario
* Index of Names of Emigrants from the 1845-1847 Records of James Allison, Emigrant Agent at Montreal
* Records of James Allison, Emigrant Agent at Montreal, 1823-1845 on Ancestry Full details [$]
* Emigration Agent Returns of Emigrant Orphans, 1847 on Ancestry [$]
* Filling in the Gaps: Partial Ships Passenger Lists 1850-1855 Names of Individuals in the New York Almshouse who arrived in Canada before going on to New York (includes name of ship, date of arrival and more)
* Return of Emigrants Landed at the Port of Kingston Ontario, Canada 1861-1882 gives the final destination of the individuals, their date of arrival at Kingston and more.
* Petworth Immigrants 1832-1837
* Emigrants from England in New York City Almshouse 1818-1830 - 254 names of English immigrants to Canada & USA including the name of the ship they sailed on
* Irish Immigrants at Grosse-Īle - 33,026 immigrants whose names appear in surviving records of the Grosse-Īle Quarantine Station between 1832 and 1937.
* Search most ships lists on the Internet going to Canada and the online InGeneas databases for immigration to Canada 1800s
* Saint John New Brunswick Customs House Passenger Lists 1815, 1832, 1833-1834 & 1837-1838 - the only known surviving lists from this time period. Most of the Customs House records were lost in 1877 in the Great Fire of Saint John. Famine lists from 1845-1850 appear also to have been lost.
* Colonial Archives Database contains over 70,000 detailed descriptions of documents in the archival collection mainly of the British and French colonial periods. Search Tip from Lorine: Use French keyword "passagers" to virew the 526 entries re passengers to New France, Louisiana etc. Note that the records are NOT duplicated in both English & French. For eg. "passengers" gives 89 hits only
* Index to Miscellaneous Immigrants to Canada Before 1865 A number of lists have been indexed by name in this database. Many of the records relate to immigrants from the British Isles to Quebec and Ontario, but there are also references to settlers in other provinces. The database also includes other types of records such as declarations of aliens and names of some Irish orphans.

Passenger lists for Ships to Canada after 1865

Search Tip - English or Irish ancestors to Canada might be found in U.K. Directories, 1680-1830, Irish Flax Growers List, 1796 or Irish Records Index, 1500-1920

Canadian Passenger Lists Questions 1911-1919

1. No. of Passengers: [Line #]
2. No. of S.S. Contract Ticket:
3. Amount of Cash:
4. Name in Full:
5. Age of Adults/Male:
6. Age of Adults/Female:
7. Children Under 14 Years/Male:
8. Children Under 14 Years/Female:
9. Married, Single, or Widowed:
10. Have you ever been in Canada before?
11. If So/When:
12. If So/Where:
13. If So/How Long:
14. Do You Intend To Permanently Reside in Canada?
15. Are You Able to Read?
16. Are You Able to Write?
17. Country of Birth:
18. No. of Passengers: [Line #]
19. Race of People:
20. Destination/Post Office:
21. Destination/Province:
22. What Was Your Occupation In Country From Which You Came:
23. What Is Your Intended Occupation In Canada:
24. Have you ever worked as farmer, farm labourer, gardener, stableman, carter, Ry [railway] surfaceman, ______ or miner?
25. If So/Which:
26. If So/How Long:
27. If So/When:
28. Religious Denomination:
29. Travelled Inland On:
30. Initials of Civil Examiner:
31. No. Of Passengers: [Line #]

Transcribed and submitted by Annette Fulford

Also see Canadian Passenger Lists Questions 1926-1927

Look for ancestors in ships passenger lists arriving in Canada:

1400-1800 | 1800-1820 | 1820-1850 | 1850-1864 | 1865-present

Search Ships Passenger Lists to New Brunswick | to Nova Scotia | to Quebec

Ontario Immigration (Peter Robinson Settlement, Kingston Emigrant Records, Hawke Papers) | Canada-U.S. border crossing records (Saint Albans Lists) | J.J. Cooke Shipping Agent Records | Filling in the Gaps 1850-1857



Don't leave without searching for your ancestors on Olive Tree Genealogy! Free Ships' Passenger lists, orphan records, almshouse records, JJ Cooke Shipping Lists, Irish Famine immigrants, family surnames, church records, military muster rolls, census records, land records and more are free to help you find your brick-wall ancestor. Build your family tree quickly with Olive Tree Genealogy free records

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