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Irish Emigration Lists, 1833-1839

Lists of Emigrants Extracted from the Ordnance Survey Memoirs for Counties Londonderry and Antrim

* Search for Your Immigrant Ancestor in Ports of Arrival U.S.A. | Canada | Australia & New Zealand | South Africa | England
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Lists of Emigrants Extracted from the Ordnance Survey Memoirs for Counties Londonderry and Antrim

These indexes on Olive Tree Genealogy consist of 8,713 names of Irish individuals who were listed in the Ordnance Survey of Ireland for Londonderry and Antrim Ireland and who emigrated from Ireland between 1833 and 1839.

The purpose of the Ordnance Survey of Ireland was to map the whole country. Each map was to have been accompanied by memoirs for every civil parish, but this was impractical and the idea was abandoned. Data was gathered for nineteen of Ireland's thirty-two counties, with the memoirs of Antrim and Londonderry the only ones with lists of emigrants.

These extracted lists identify the emigrant's destination and his place of origin in Ireland. The age, town and address, year of emigration, and religious denomination are given for each emigrant.

Irish Emigration Lists, 1833-1839, Lists of Emigrants Extracted from the Ordnance Survey Memoirs for Counties Londonderry and Antrim can be consulted in book form.

The notebooks in which the information was recorded are now in the Royal Irish Academy in Dublin. The book Irish Emigration Lists, 1833-1839, Lists of Emigrants Extracted from the Ordnance Survey Memoirs for Counties Londonderry and Antrim by Brian Mitchell is available in many libraries (In Salt Lake City Library it is 941.6 W2m and is available in FHL US/CAN Book and FHL BRITISH Book ) or it can be ordered through Amazon.com for full details on any immigrant found in the index.

Index of Names of Irish Immigrants 1833 to 1839, Surnames M

Irish Emigration Lists, 1833-1839.
Surname First Name Page Number
Macauley Thomas 31
Macauley William 23
Machonaght Alexander 4
Machonaght Catherine 4
Machonaght Eliza 4
Machonaght Elizabeth 4
Machonaght James 4
Machonaght John 4
Machonaght William 4, 4
Mackrell Esther 103
Mackrell Thomas 103
Macrory Charles 31
Macrory Henry 32
Macrory Hugh 32
Macrory John 32
Macrory Patrick 32
Macrory Rose 31
Macue Patt. 35
Macurby Edward 32
Maddigan Henry 7
Maddigan John 94
Madill James 5
Magee James 93
Magee John 3
Magill Anne 23
Magill John 35
Magill William 23
Magowan Frank 81
Magowan Henry 90
Magowan John 92
Magowan Mary 89
Magowan Michael 92, 92
Magowan Patrick 90
Magowan Thomas 92
Magrotty John 72
Magucian Clotworthy 103
Magucian Margaret 103
Maguckian John Jun. 92
Maguckian John Sen. 92
Maguckian Thomas 92
Maguigan Patrick 89
Maguiggan Patrick 90
Maguire Frank 104
Maguire James 104
Maharg John 74
Maharg Mary 74
Maharg Robert 74
Maharg Sarah 74
Maharg William 75
Mairs Ann 57
Mairs Jane 57
Mairs Margaret 57
Mairs Matilda 57
Mairs Sarah 57, 57
Malone James 6
Malowney Andrew 35
Malowney Daniel 35
Maloy Rose 101
Manory John 30
Manory Mary 30
Marshall Fanny 8
Marshall Hugh 8
Marshall Jane 8
Marshall John 8
Martin Daniel 32, 99
Martin Edward 8
Martin George 104
Martin John 8
Martin Henry 104
Martin James 8
Martin Jane 89
Martin John 89
Martin Oliver 76
Martin Samuel 88
Martin Thomas 76
Martin William 89
Maxwell Alexander 4
Maxwell William 7
May. Robert 7
Meathers Robert 63
Meehan Grodon 70
Mellon Edward 92
Melon Felix 32
Melon Henry 32
Melon Jane 96
Melon John 81
Melon Nancy 96
Mewhinny John 4
Millar James 6
Millar Patrick 92
Millar William John 6
Miller Alexander 67
Miller Ann 101
Miller Catherine 99
Miller David 63
Miller Eleanor 99
Miller Elizabeth 67
Miller James 21, 28
Miller Jane 88
Miller John 71, 72, 88
Miller Joseph 99
Miller Margaret 71, 99
Miller Mary 21
Miller Rebecca 26
Miller Sarah 89
Miller William 101
Millican John 92, 94
Millin Maryanne 76
Mills Mathew 86
Mitchel John 99
Mitchel Joseph 99
Mitchel Maryann 99
Mitchel Rosey 99
Mitchel Solomon 99
Mitchel Susanna 99, 99
Mitchel Thomas 99
Mitchell Daniel 6
Mitchell Henry 33
Mitchell John 87, 90
Mitchell Margaret 33, 33
Mitchell Mary 33
Mitchell Robert 33
Mitchell William 6, 33, 84
Moate James 52
Moate Thomas 52
Moffit Agnus 21
Moffit Eliza 11, 21
Moffit Ellen 11, 21
Moffit John 23
Moffit Nancy 21
Moffit Robert 21
Moffit Sally 11
Moffit Sarah 21
Moffit Willliam 11, 21
Mongomery Catherine 40
Mongomery Eliza 40
Mongomery Elizabeth 40
Mongomery Ellen 40
Mongomery Henry 40
Mongomery Hugh 19, 40
Mongomery James 8, 11, 40, 104
Mongomery Jane 11
Mongomery John 8, 40
Mongomery Jonathan 8
Mongomery Margaret 19
Mongomery Mary 8, 40
Mongomery Robert 11, 40
Mongomery William 8
Montigue Bernard 94
Montigue Michael 94
Moon Edward 57
Moon John 57
Moon Johnathan 57
Mooney Andrew 6
Mooney Betty 84
Mooney Henry 102
Mooney Jane 90
Mooney John 79, 89, 90
Mooney Mary 102
Mooney Meil 7
Moore David 69
Moore Elizabeth 84
Moore Isabella 48, 57
Moore James 36, 57, 83
Moore Jane 36, 41
Moore John 6, 41, 41, 70, 83, 100
Moore Malcom 9
Moore Mary 36
Moore Mary Jun. 36
Moore Samuel 36
Moore Thomas 90
Moore William 41, 83
Moran Michael 93
Moran William 3
Moreland William 38
Morell William 12
Morgan Daniel 3
Morgan James 32
Morisson Archibald 67
Morisson John 42
Morisson William 42
Morning Elizabeth 63
Morning James 63
Morning Margaret 63
Morrill Samuel 74
Morrin Thomas 64
Morrison Andrew 97
Morrison David 82
Morrison James 58
Morrison John White 98
Morrison Mathew 88
Morrison Thomas White 98
Morrisson Archibald 63
Morrisson Elizabeth 63
Morrisson Jane 63
Morrisson John 28
Morrisson Matilda 63
Morrisson Samuel 53
Morrisson William 63
Morton David 95
Mulholland Andrew 74
Mulholland Ann 62
Mulholland Charles 79
Mulholland David 89, 94
Mulholland Elizabeth 85
Mulholland Hugh 23, 74
Mulholland John 66, 92, 94
Mulholland Mary 33
Mulholland Patrick 23
Mulholland Peter 23
Mulholland William 92
Mullan Bernard 57, 61, 87
Mullan Catherine 57, 61, 61
Mullan Charles 87
Mullan Edward 61
Mullan James 60
Mullan Jane 66
Mullan John 57, 57, 61, 87
Mullan John Sen. 61
Mullan Margaret 87
Mullan Michael 87, 87, 87
Mullan Nancy 87
Mullan Patrick 87, 87, 93
Mullan Peter 87
Mullan Thomas 57, 61
Mullen Ann 79
Mullen Bernard 79
Mullen Charles 77
Mullen Edward 68, 77
Mullen James 79, 97
Mullen Jane 98
Mullen John 70, 79
Mullen Margaret 98
Mullen Mary 79, 79
Mullen Michael 79
Mullen Patt. 79
Mullen Sally 98
Mullen Sarah 97
Mullen Thomas 79
Mullin Daniel 104
Mullin Docia 76
Mullin Edward 76
Mullin John 76
Mullin Marcus 76
Mullin Molly 76
Mullin Patrick 76
Mullin Robert 76
Mundle Isabella 33
Mungle George 38
Murdock John 63
Murdock William 27
Murphy Andrew 15, 15
Murphy Binn 83
Murphy George 33, 33, 34
Murphy James 33, 34
Murphy Jane 33
Murphy John 33, 81
Murphy Margaret 34
Murphy Mary 33, 34
Murphy Mary Anne 33
Murphy Maryanne 34
Murphy Robert 33, 34
Murphy Robinson 33
Murphy Samuel 33
Murphy Thomas 33, 34
Murphy Thomas Robison 34
Murphy William 33, 34
Murray Daniel 77
Murray Edward 77, 77
Murray Eleanor 77
Murray Hugh 61
Murray James 4
Murray Jane 6
Murray John 3, 21, 35, 46
Murray Martha 30
Murray Maryann 77
Murray Nancy 21
Murray Nancy Jun. 21
Murray Neil 46
Murray Samuel 21
Murray Sarah 21
Murray Thomas 21
Murry Jane 18
Murtland John 60
Mynogher Charles 94

Irish Emigration Lists, 1833-1839, Lists of Emigrants Extracted from the Ordnance Survey Memoirs for Counties Londonderry and Antrim. Choose from Irish Immigrant Surnames [A] [B] [C] [D] [E] [F] [G] [H] [I] [J] [K] [L] [M] [Mc] [N] [O] [P] [Q] [R] [S] [T] [U] [V] [W] [Y] [There are no X or Z Irish surnames]

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Step 1: First search for your immigrant ancestor in the five major ports of arrival - New York New York, Philadelphia Pennsylvania, Baltimore Maryland, Boston Massachusetts and New Orleans Louisiana

Naturalization Records are a great way to find an ancestor's arrival year and ship name!

Step 2: If you don't find your immigrant ancestor in a large port city, try smaller ports of arrival - Virginia, Connecticut, Delaware, Texas, Georgia, South Carolina, North Carolina, Maine, Rhode Island, Florida, New Jersey, New Hampshire, Michigan, Alaska, California, Hawaii and Washington

Step 3: Still can't find your immigrant ancestor on an American ships passenger list? Try a Canadian Port of Arrival and the Canada-U.S. border crossing records (Saint Albans Lists).

Step 4: If you still can't find your ancestor in free ships passenger lists, try ships passenger lists and naturalization records on a pay site. See the Immigration Comparison Chart to help you decide which of the fee-based sites has the passenger lists you need to find your immigrant ancestor

Step 5: Search for ships passengers in Ethnic Groups immigrating to America, other miscellaneous ports of arrival, Ships Passenger Lists on NARA microfilm, J.J. Cooke Shipping Agent Records, Castle Garden New York Ships Passenger Lists 1855-1890, Ellis Island New York Ships Passenger Lists 1894-1927 & Naturalization Records

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Death Finds a Way: A Janie Riley Mystery by Lorine McGinnis Schulze

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