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You are here - Ships' Lists: To New Netherland (NY) 1624-1664: de Eendracht 1664

* Search for Your Immigrant Ancestor in Ports of Arrival U.S.A. | Canada | Australia & New Zealand | South Africa | England
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Ships to New Netherland

D'Endracht (The Concord)

Sailed 17 April 1664 from Amsterdam, arrived New Amsterdam 19 July 1664 Captain Jan BERGEN.

Source unless otherwise noted: "New World Immigrants" edited by Michael TEPPER Volume 1, page 193.

New Netherland Ships Passenger Lists Project
I've started reconstructing ships' passenger lists from various source (see below for details) and will be providing these lists online as I complete them. In some cases, I've been able to reconstruct names for a ship list that has never been published before! In other cases, I've been able to add names to previously published lists. This is an Olive Tree exclusive.

This is a huge project, one I am working on alone, and I will complete it as time permits. If you would like to help Olive Tree bring such databases to the Internet for all to use FREELY, please read about the two ways you can help. With a little expenditure of time or money on your part, you can help make this project (and others) a reality.

Lorine's Research Notes With Sources: I reconstructed the names of those sailing on various ships from the following sources. Please note that not every source was used to reconstruct every ship. I have indicated which sources were used for each individual:

  1. Abstracts from Notarial Documents in the Amsterdam Archives by Pim Nieuwenhuis published in New Netherland Connections in series Vol. 4:3,4; Vol. 5:1-3 (hereafter NNC)
  2. Early Immigrants to New Netherland 1657-1664 from The Documentary History of New York (hereafter EINN)
  3. Settlers of Rensselaerswyck 1630-1658 in Van Rensselaer Bowier Manuscripts (hereafter VRB)
  4. E. B. O'Callaghan's Calendar of Historical Manuscripts in the Office of the Secretary of State, Albany NY (hereafter CHM)
  5. New World Immigrants: List of Passengers 1654 to 1664 edited by Michael Tepper (hereafter NWI)
  6. Emigrants to New Netherland by Rosalie Fellows Bailey, , NYGBR; vol 94 no 4 pp 193-200 (hereafter ENN)
  7. De Scheepvaart en handel van de Nederlandse Republiek op Nieuw-Nederland 1609-1675 unpublished thesis by Jaap Jacobs [hereafter JJ][Olive Tree Genealogy database]
  8. The records of New Amsterdam from 1653 to 1674 [hereafter RNA] [an online book from Ancestry.com]

  • Abigel VERPLANCKEN, and child, 4 years old.
  • Claes MELLIS, from Groot-Schermer, wife and two children, 8 and 5 years old, and servant, Jan TAELMAN.
  • Hendrick BARTHOLOMEUS, and five children, 15, 13, 11, 7, and 5 years old.
  • Claes GERRITSZ, wife, and child 4 years old.
  • Jentje JEPPES, wife and three children, 5, 4, and 2 years old.
  • Bastiaen CORNELISZ, from Maersen.
  • Maes WILLEMSE, from Hooghlant.
  • The wife of Jan Evertsz VAN LIER,and child 8 years old.
  • Claes ANDRIESSEN, from Holstein.
  • Gerrit GERRITSZ, from Swol.
  • Sicke JANS, from Amsterdam.
  • Maria VAN DER HAAGEN, and child 4 years old.
  • Carel ENJART, from Flanders, wife and three children, 12, 8, and 4 years old.
  • Hendrick WIERINCK, from Wesel.
  • Adriaentien HENDRICKS, and child 3 years old.

Choose from the following indexes:
Ships to New Netherland (NY)
Ships carrying Huguenots
Ships from Ireland
Ships carrying Palatines



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