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Alms House Admission Foreigners & Nativity Records with Ships Names 1824 ( New York City, NY)

Source: Alms House Admission Foreigners & Nativity Records New York City, NY Item 5 LDS Film 1304647 Bond Registers 1819-1840. Original records in the Municipal Archives, ; New York , New York;

In the early 1800's port cities in the USA bore the burden of immigration. By the time they arrived, so many immigrants were tired, hungry and poor they ended up in the City Almshouse. This meant the citizens had to take care of them. At first the citizens of the city asked the Mayors for funds to support the poor. Eventually they asked the states, and by mid-century some states (PA, NY, MA) set up State agencies to deal with the issue. Eventually, beginning in the 1880's, the Federal Government nationalized the programs.

Dating back to the colonial era, New York City assumed responsibility for its citizens who were destitute, sick, homeless, or otherwise unable to care for themselves. The city maintained an almshouse, various hospitals, and a workhouse on Blackwell's Island (now called Roosevelt Island) for the poor.

Lorine's Note: There are 2 pages for each name in this ledger. I have only copied part of the left hand page. There is more information on the microfilm, including Captain's Name, Owner's Name, Date of Bond, Sureties, Date Discharged, Death Date, Remarks, Bonded, Commuted & Total. For example, under date 1820 March 11 - Elizabeth Kennedy age 34 is listed as having died June 14, 1820; her daughter Mary Ann died Nov. 5, 1820

I have not had time to track down the exact arrival date of each of the ships named, but interested researchers could use the clues (admission date, captain's name, owner's name, etc) as well as census records, to narrow the time frame of arrival. Families with children born in one country such as ; England; and then in ; New York; will find it much easier to narrow the time frame of immigration. If you find an exact year or date of ship sailing, please let Lorine know!

Ship arrivals with partial passenger names before 1824: [Jno +?] Adams, Albert, Almyria, Belisarius, Carolina Anna, Commerce, Concorida, Diamond, Dublin Packet, Eliza Ann, Factor, Financier, Florida, Francis Henrietta, Friendly, Hudson, Lady Mary Potham, Lima, London, Margaret, Maria, Mentor, Montanya, Mount [Hensons?], Robert Burns, Robert Fulton, Superb, Susquahana

For individuals recorded in 1855-1858 the information includes ship name, date of sailing, ports of departure and arrival

Transcribers: Lorine Schulze & Laura Freeman

Date of Admission Foreigner (Surname) Foreigner (First Name) Age Place of Birth Vessel Name Where From
1824 Jan. 3 Ferara Joaquin T 19 Fayal? Albert Fayal?
1824 Jan. 7 McCadden Bernard 14mos. New Orleans Belisarius New Orleans
1824 Feb. 4 Walker John 14 England Mount [Hensons?] Liverpool
1824 Feb. 21 (Pitten) or Ricket Wm 25 England Margaret Liverpool
1824 Mar. 1 Welch Thomas 55 Ireland Almyria Halifax
1824 Ma. 5 Lusher Mary 24 Switzerland Factor Havre De Grace
1824 Mar. 10 Welch Margaret 58 Ireland Almyria Halifax
1824 Mar. 11 Kenny Martin 30 Ireland Commerce Liverpool
1824 Mar. 19 Moore James 24 Ireland Commerce Liverpool
1824 Mar. 25 Jackson Charles 14 England no entry no entry
1824 Apr. 20 Crearand George 26 Ireland Financier Lubec
1824 May 1 Kenney Margaret 26 Ireland Commerce Liverpool
1824 May 1 Kenney Mary Ann 7 Ireland Commerce Liverpool
1824 May 1 Kenney John 2 Ireland Commerce Liverpool
1824 May 1 Kenney Rosanna 9wks. New York Commerce Liverpool
1824 May 3 Sheeter Elizabeth 34 England Hudson London
1824 May 9 Eason or (Cullen) Rosanna 42 London Friendly Greenock
1824 May 14 Wright Augustus 13 Liverpool London no entry
1824 May 19 Leonard Dennis 23 Ireland Dublin Packet Dublin
1824 June 5 Clark Brigette 27 Ireland Commerce Liverpool
1824 June 5 Whiting Sarah 25 no entry Maria London
1824 June 28 McCannan Charles 10 Ireland Susquahana Sligo
1824 July5 Roberts Catherine 26 England Mentor Liverpool
1824 July 10 Brady Edward 38 Ireland Florida Liverpool
1824 July 17 Madison Patrick 40 Ireland Lady Mary Potham Limerick
1824 July 22 Fay Peter 22 Ireland Robert Fulton Havannah
1824 Aug. 17 Summers ( Tummers) Thomas 31 Ireland Carolina Anna Belfast
1824 Aug. 20 Murphy William 30 Ireland Diamond Liverpool
1824 Aug. 27 Driscoll Timothy 18 Ireland [Jno +?] Adams Cork
1824 Aug. 27 Pattison Patrick 40 Ireland Superb Sligo
1824 Sept. 23 Eathler (Eastler) Catherine 23 Ireland Eliza Ann Providence R. I.
1824 Sept. 23 Eathler (Eastler) Mary 1 Rhode Island Eliza Ann Providence R. I.
1824 Sept. 24 Goodchild Henry 24 England Francis Henrietta London
1824 Oct. 13 Pursley or Rupills Robert 50 Ireland Robert Burns Londonerry
1824 Oct. 15 Peck Richard 30 England Robert Fulton Liverpool
1824 Oct. 25 Sibnet John 23 France Montanya Havre
1824 Oct. 29 Maglaughlin John 25 Ireland Concorida Newry
1824 Dec. 5 Benson Patrick 19 Ireland Lima Sligo

Choose from * New York Almshouse Bond Registers in New York Almshouse Surnames "A" 1782-1813 | Surnames B 1782-1813 | Surnames C 1782-1813 | 1819 | 1820 | 1821 | 1822 | 1823 | 1824 | 1825 | 1826 | 1827 | 1828 | 1829

* 1830-1920 New York, Census of Inmates in Almshouses and Poorhouses 1830-1920 [offsite]


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