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Death Finds a Way: A Janie Riley Mystery
by Lorine McGinnis Schulze

Janie Riley is an avid genealogist with a habit of stumbling on to dead bodies. She and her husband head to Salt Lake City Utah to research Janie's elusive 4th great-grandmother. But her search into the past leads her to a dark secret. Can she solve the mysteries of the past and the present before disaster strikes? Available now on Amazon.com and Amazon.ca


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Palatine Ship The Mary 1732

Source: The enclosed lists are copied as they appear without alteration or change from the 1934 printing of "Pennsylvania German Pioneers" A list of ships arriving in Philadelphia 1727 to 1808 , Vol. 1, 1727 to 1775 by Ralph Beaver Strassburger, LL.D. edited by William John Hinke, Ph.D., D.D.

This list has the ages following. Other lists may show letters in parenthesis in the body of the name, this is where the individual made their mark. Other letters following names or titles in the texts are for subscript letters in the original print.

[List 25 A] [Passengers imported in the Ship Mary, John Gray, Master. Qualified Sept. 26, 1732.]


Nicolas Taller 45
Hance Froshorn 32
Michal Abreman 56
Jacob Abreman 19
Arnold Treetershan 42
Conerat Miller 40
Table Kees 20
Christian Klinger 26
Jacob Stemple 40
Nicolas Stemple 70
Johans Loudmilck 28
Hansad. Miller 23
Jacob Hoak 25
Christopher Kizer 36
Cornelus Teele 25
Jerick Philp Pear 27
Daniel Peliger 30
Albright Strows 20
Jacob Triolpare 22
Conrade Abraman 23
Anders Moser 24
Casper Maire 20
Hans Jerack Ebener 34
Hance Halwalop 25
Hance Jacob Wartt 56
Hance Jacob Wartt 17
Staffa Kenama 60
Jacob Kenama 16
Johannes Mizer 23
Henery Chissler 52
Hance Jacob Chissler 22
Jerick Chissler 18
Henery Chissler 16
John Frederick
Rousenburg 19
Jacob Walter 48
Jacob Walter 19
Herman Sim 25
Simon Miller 25
Wennell Kettle 43
Rhineholt Ysel 32
Albright Hawse 33
Erreck Mens Emler 27
Carle Lissey 20
Michal Mans 33
Hans Erick Cling 16
Jacob Hasman 40
Johanes Went 27
Michal Dane 37
Hans Jerick Deane(dead) 16
Christan Mineer 28
Hance Jerck Mineer 26
Henrick Teaney 19
Hance Adam Roberts 48
John Lew De Avasong 18
Perce Flewies 38
Leonhart Sable (dead) 40
Hance Jereck Cole 26
Hance Martin Errenst 26
Hance Jergenbright 45
Johanes Hoover 57
Hance Peter Verly 27
Hance Errick Smith(dead)44
Canesh Ever 50
Jerricks Felder Pickle 32
Jeneck Hennick Right 17
Nicolas Kents 58
Baldos Click (dead) 33
Christopher Pickle 48
johan Philip Pickle 16

Men 69
Women & child. 122
[Total:] 191

A true List John Gray.

"At the Courthouse aforesaid, Sep(r) 26th, 1732. Sixty one Palatines, who with their Families, making in all one hundred ninety one Persons, were imported in the Ship Mary, of London, John Gray, Master, from Rotterdam, but last from Cowes, as by Clearance thence." From the Minutes of the Provincial Council, printed in Colonial Records, Vol. III, p.457.

[List 25 B] Palatines Imported in the Ship Mary, of London, John Graqy, Master, from Rotterdam, but last from Cowes by Clearance thence. Qualified September 26th 1732.

Nicolas (O) Staller
Hans Jerg Froschauer
Michael (O) Ebermann
Hans Jacob Ebermann
Arnolt Riettershan
Conrath Miller
Dewald (O) Kase
Christian (O) Cling
Jacob Stempel
Nicholas (O) Stempel
Johan (+) Loudermilch
Hans Adam Miller
Jacob (+) Hauk
Christoff (CK) Kiser
Rynholl (O) Ezle
Cornelius (O) Teele
Georg Philip Pier
Daniel Billiger
Albrecht Strauss
Jacob Dreibelbiss
Conrade (O) Abermann
Andreas (M) Moser
Casper (O) Miere
Hance Jerick (HE) Ebenno
Hans Michel Walck
Hans Jacob Wurth
Jacob Wurth
Staffen (SY) Kennemar
Johannes meyer
Henry (X) Cheasler
Hance Jacob (H) Chessler
Jerg Schussler
Henry (H) Chessler
Johan Friederich Rauschenberger
Jacob (WA) Walther
Jacob Walder
Hermans (O) Sin
Simon Muller
Winnale (L) Cettler
Albrecht Haas
Jak. Marcus Imler
Cale (O) Lisa
Georg Kling
Johannes Worth
Michell Dorr
Christian (X) Miner
Hance Jerrick (X) Miner
Hance Henrick (X) Tany
Hance Adam (S) Robetes
Jean Louis D'anion
Pierre Fleury
Joh. Georg Kohl
Mardin Ernst
Hance (HIE) Jergenbright
Hance Peter (O) Verly
Jerrick Felder (O) Pickle
Nicolas (+) Kent
Hans Michel Ments
Johannes Schaffner [?]
Johans Huber
Christoph Bickel

[List 25 C] Palatines imported in the Ship Mary of London, Jn(o) Gray, Master, Qualified Sep(r) 26th 1732.

Nicolaus (O) Stahler
Hans Jerig Froschauer
Michael (O) Ebermann
Hans Jacob Eberman
Arnolt Riettershan
Conrath Miller
Dewald (O) Kase
Christian (O) Kling
Jacob Stempel
Nicolaus (O) Stempel
Johann (X) Lautermilch
Hans Adam Miller
Jacob (X) Hauk
Christoph (CK) Keiser
Reinhold (O) Esel
Cornelius (O) Teele
Georg Philip Pier
Daniel Billiger
Albrecht Strauss
Johann Jacob Dreibelbis
Conrad (X) Ebermann
Andreas (M) Moser
Caspar (X) Meyer
Hans Georg (HE) Ebener
Hans Michel Walck
Hans Jacob Wurth
Jacob Wurth
Stephen (SY) Kennemar
Johannes Mayer
Henrich (O) Schusler
Hans Jacob (H) Schusler
Jerg Schusler
Henrich (O) Schusler
Johann Friedrich Rauschenberger
Jacob (WA) Walter
Jacob Walder
Hermann (O) Sim
Simon Muller
Wendel (L) Ketterle
Albrecht Haas
Isack Marcus Imler
Carel (O) Eisen
Georg Kling
Johannes Werth
Michell Dorr
Christian (X) Minier
Hans Georg (X) Minier
Hans Henrich (X) Teany
Hans Adam (X) Robertus
Jean Louis Danion
Pierre Fleury
Joh. Georg Kohl
Mardin Ernst
Hans georg (HIE) Erchenbrecht
Hans Peter (O) Verly
Georg Felte (O) Pickel
Nicolaus (X) Kent
Hans Michel Mantz
Johannes Schaffner
Johannes Huber
Christoph Bickel

Septem(r) 26th 1732.
At the Courthouse before the Governor & several of the City Magistrates, the foregoing Qualifications were taken & subscribed by the seversl foreigners whose Names are contained in the Leaf.

Rob(t) Charles, Cl. Con.

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Death Finds a Way: A Janie Riley Mystery by Lorine McGinnis Schulze

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