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Death Finds a Way: A Janie Riley Mystery
by Lorine McGinnis Schulze
Janie Riley is an avid genealogist with a habit of stumbling on to dead bodies. She and her husband head to Salt Lake City Utah to research Janie's elusive 4th great-grandmother. But her search into the past leads her to a dark secret. Can she solve the mysteries of the past and the present before disaster strikes? Available now on and
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Donated by Thera (Schwenk) Hammond Source: Strassburger & Hinke's Pennsylvania German Pioneers, 1934,
by the Pennsylvania German Society, Norristown, PA.
[List 69 A] A List of Passengers Names & Ages on board the Samuel
Hugh Percy, Commander from Rotterdam [Qualified August 27,
Dan Buttong 48
Johanes Haan 18
Johanes Fisher 48
Sabaatian Koockhart 23
Johanes Broumiller 26
Nichol Simon 63
Michael Smeal 34
Simon Gehres 27
Casper Mead 48
Peter Shaffer 24
Johanes Mead 16
Adam Becker 25
Conrade Hartong 29
Michael Miller 21
Jurig Snyder 29
Michael Bouer 27
Juring Bartman 45
Christian Shepffer 52
Johan Michael Bartman 19
Christian Shepffer 16
Johan Matthias Bartman 16
Laurince Minech, sick 40
Henrich Dorwart 40
Philip Schel 23
Michael Adam 36
Henrich Frais 21
Johan Adam Shaffer 30
Peter Brem 39
Jurig Hyer 24
Philipus Serfas 27
Lorince Hentzel 38
Peter Stouber 30
Peter Ruhl 45
Abraham Foust 24
Peter Millhouse 42
Jacob Rice 30
Jurig Freman 33
Philip Hersch 22
Matthias Clous 32
Johan Jurig Shous 22
Henrich Snirtzel 45
Jacob Woolf 20
Johanes Ermantroud 22
Peter Gerhart 22
Philipus Ermantroud 18
Abraham Shryner 20
Johan Fredrick Ermantroud 16
Christoffel Ruth 37
Peter Stayn 40
Johan Jurig Foust --
Conrade Housman 26
Michael Miller 42
Fredrick Gerhard 25
John Adam Miller --
Wilhelm Gerhard, sick --
Fredrich Gabel 37
Peter Tresler 25
Philip Gabel 41
Petter Groub 40
Christian Shook 48
Daniel Groub 17
Jacob Cookhart 24
Johanes Bischoff 18
Nichel Mombour 50
Adam Deihl 52
Johan Nichel Mombour 18
Daniel Deihl 26
Peter Shool 28
Carl Deihl 22
Johan Otto Reidy 54
Jurig Snyder 18
Jacob Reidy 19
Jacob Lamenich 34
Peter Reidy 16
Adam Snyder 35
Simon Drum 50
Daniel Cookhart 18
Peter Nickom 24
Peter More 36
Fredrick Nickom 22
Ludwick Gyb 17
Nichel Helfenstyn 44
Jacob Fucks 33
Daniel Burger 40
Sabastian Doll 40
Paul Samsel 31
Christian Syphert 42
Philips Klien 55
Peter Swink 49
Johan Adam Klien 30
Hartman Swink 20
Adam Gotwalt 20
Abraham Hyderick 47
Nichel Kneesel 26
Johan Nichol Hyderick 16
Peter Mombour 28
Philipus Linsh 57
Casper Doll 18
Johan Jurig Nichol 20
Abraham Salmon 19
Christoffel Timerman 24
Nickel Bach 25
Johan Henrich Erhard 23
Stoffel Doll 40
Johan David Loudinback 23
Philip Doll 27
Johanes Byer 19
Joseph Beerey 36
Paul Michel 31
Johan Barnard Pedre 16
Michael Haan 24
111 [persons]
Sworn that the above is a Compleat and true List of the Male
Palatines of the age of 16 Years and upwards imported in the
Ship Samuel, to the best of my knowledge.
August 27th 1739 Hugh Percy
[List 70 B] Palatines Imported in the Ship Samuel Hugh Percy,
Commander, from Rotterdam and Deal Qualified Aug. 27th, 1739
Jan Daniel Bouton
Johannes Hahn
Joannes (X) Fisher
Sebastian Gückert
Joannes (X) Brownmiller
Michel Simon
Michgel Schmöhl
Johan Adam (X) Klein
Caspar Meth
Simon Geres
Johan Conrath Hartung
Petter Schöffer
Johannes Schneyder
Adam Becker
Johan Georg Barttman
Michael (X) Miller
Johan Michel Bartmann
Michael (X) Bour
Johan Mathias (X) Bartman
Christian Schöpfer, Sr.
Johannes Meth
Christian Schöpfer, Jr.
Henrich Thorwart
Lawrence (XX) Minich
Michel Adam
Philipp Jacob Schell
Johann Adam Schäffer
Johan Henrich Freys
John Geo. (XX) Hyer
Johan Peter Priem
Johann Lorentz Hänsel
Johan Philibs Servas
Peter (X) Rule
Johan Peter Stuber
Peder Meelhus
Abraham Faust
George (X) Freeman
Jacob Reiss
Mathias (X) Clous
Philib Hirsch
Henrich (X) Snertzel
Johann Jörg Schaus
Johannes Ermentraudt
Jacob Wolf
Johan Phillip Ermentraudt
Peter Gerhard
Johan Friedrich Ermentraudt
Abraham Schreyner
Peter (XX) Stein
Johan Christophel Ruth
Conrad (XX) Housman
Michell Miller
Frederick (X) Gerhard
Johann Adam Miller
William (X) Gerhard
Joen Fridrich Gabel
Johan Peder Dressler
Johan Philib Gabel
Peter (X) Grub
Christian Schug
Johann Daniel Crub
Johann Jacob Kockert
Johannes Bischof
Michael (M) Moumbaur
Hans Adam Diehl
John Nicholas (M) Maumbaur
Johann Daniehl Diehl
Peter Scholl
Carel Adam
Otto Riedy
George (X) Snyder
Johann Jacob Riedy
Jacob Lamerck
Johann Peder Rietig
Johann Adam Schneider
Simon Drom
Daniel (IK) Kockhart
Peter (X) Nickom
Peter (X) Moor
Frederick (X) Nickom
Lodowich (XX) Gybb
Michael (X) Helfensyng
Jacob Fucks
Daniel Burger
Sebastian (DB) Doll
Paul Samsel
Christian Seyferth
John Philip (X) Klein
Petter Schwenck
Johann Adam Gottwals
Hartman (X) Syank
Nicholas (N) Nysyng
Abraham (X) Hendrick
Peter (X) Moumbar
Nicholas (X) Hendrick
Caspar (X) Doll
Philips Lentz
Abram (X) Salmond
Johann Geörg Nickel
Johan Michael (X) Baach
Johann Christofel Zimmerman
Christopher (X) Doll
John Hendrick (X)
Gerhard Philip (X) Doll
John David (X) Laudenback
Joseph (O) Berie
Johannes Beyer J
Johann Bernhardt Bederri
Paul (X) Michael
Michael (X) Haan
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