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Passengers on Ship Assurance of London from London England to Virginia 1635
Theis men and women are to be transported to Virginea imbarqued in the Assurance of London Isack Bromwell & Geo: Pewsie Master examined by the minister of the Towne of Gravesend of their conformitie in Or. Religion, the men have taken the oath of Alliegeance & Supremacie.
First Name ; Surname ;Years
Robert Brian 27
Maudlin Jones 60
Ann Shawe 32
Jo: Duncombe 46
Sith Haleward 30
Richard Hamey 36
Wm. Holland 35
Henry Snow 26
Marie Southwood 22
Francis Roweson 29
Richard Glover 24
Tho: Pagett 41
Mathew Holmes 21
Elias Harrington 22
Richard Smith 35
Tho: Robinson 24
Evan ap Evan 18
Jo: Browne 21
Robert Frithe 28
James Southern 19
Margerie Baker 39
Sara Rayne 18
Andrew Underwood 22
Philip Johns 22
Henrie Marshall 35
Henry Heiden 30
Elizabeth Sherlocke 29
Thos. Hurlock 40
Samuel Handy 25
Jo: Gater 36
Joan Gater 23
Wm. Leo 35
Josua Titlow 19
Jo: Middleton 23
Robert Howard 22
Samuel Powell 19
Wm. Robbell 19
Robert Wyon 22
Mathew Dixon 18
John Wheeler 23
Jo: North 24
Mountford Newman 27
Robert Steere 37
Wm. Lake 35
Humfrey Wilkins 19
Ann Stilgo 21 *Lorine's Note: This name is recorded as "Anto. Stilgo" [Anthony Stilgo] in The original lists of persons of quality; emigrants; religious exiles; political rebels; serving men sold for a term of years; apprentices; children stolen; maidens pressed; and others who went from Great Britain to the American Plantations, 1600-1700 : with their ages and the names of the ships in which they embarked, and other interesting particulars; from mss. preserved in the State Paper Department of Her Majesty's Public Record Office, England.
by Hotten, John Camden, 1832-1873. Publication date 1874
Tho: Deacon 19
Robt. Rigglie 19
Beniamin Pillard 18
Robert Davies 28
Jo: Smith 20
Walter Meridith 33
Tho: Phillips 21
James Klingsmill 18
Jo: Bowton 20
Walter Chapman 44
James Arnold 37
Richard Leake 18
Tho: Edwinn 13
Hundgate Baker 22
Jo: Abrock 20
Tho: Hall 15
James Edwin 18
Edward Comins 28
Dennis Hoggin 24
Jo: Friscar 25
Richard Ridges 19
Edward Davies 27
Theodorics Bakewell 21
Jo: Dermot 21
Jo: Morgan 27
Tho: Baycock 46
Ricd Rogers 48
Ricd, Lorkley 51
Jo: Jakes 20
Tho: More 19
Nehemiah Caston 21
Robert Mayes 28
Richard Barnes 38
Jo: Buttler 50
Warram Tuck 20
Jo: Jones 30
Wm. Colture 19
Robert Silby 19
Ricd Bruster 26
Jo: Swanley 21
Wm. Charles 21
Anthony Lee 21
Willm Williams 28
Henry George 19
Jo: Billings 21
Wm. White 18
Robert Lovett 20
Job Jefferie 19
Henrie Haler 22
Richard Symons 30
James Sparks 57
Richard Kirbie 32
James Hingle 40
Tho: Sunnderson 24
Wm. Spicer 20
Willm Thomas 19
Henry Madin 30
Edward Ednall 21
Tho: Jefferies 22
Nics Jackson 22
Tho: Spratt 23
Tho: Leonard 18
Jo: Gater 15
Nics Gibson 22
Jo: Roberts 46
Geo. Mosely 20
James Ravesh 20
Jo: Hales 21
Robert Handley 19
Jo: Aymiss 18
Jo: Tayler 21
Wm. Roffin 18
Ricd Halsey 13
Anty Otland 18
Robert Oldrick 18
Wm. Hall 21
Jo: Copeland 19
John Goad 18
Jo: Pooly 17
Francis Geyer 18
Tho: Craven 17
Ricd Lucas 16
Geo. Cuilidge 18
Lawence Barker 26
Jo: Bowes 20
Jo: Woodbridge 32
Jo: Johnson 20
Jo: Chappell 38
Geo. Whittaker 32
Richard Liversidge 24
Henrie Wood 20
Robert Max 21
Jo: Warren 18
Tho: Turner 18
Jo: Garland 19
Jo: Humfrey 22
Isack Ambrose 18
Wm. Huncote 35
Tho: Williams 19
Tho: Foxcrofte 19
Tho: Hobbs 22
Charles Collohon 19
Marie Averlie 22
Sara Alport 25
Maria Leonard 22
Elizabeth Bateman 23
Thomazin Markeem 26
Tho: Beson 24
Chri: Dixon 24
Isack Kemp 23
Jeremie Slie 19
Jo: O'Mullin 18
Anto Proctor 16
Henry Doun 23
Roger Quintin 21
Wm. Small 18
Wm. Coleman 16
Anto Andrewe 21
Jo: Richardson 18
Wm. Claddin 17
Tho: Gudderedge 17
Rodger Burley 17
Tho: Budd 16
Henry Butler 14
Jo: Budd 15
Jo: Marshall 35
Wm. Read 30
Edward Mitchell 18
Robert Drewrie 16
Ricd Welle 17
Jo: Cotes 17
Jo: Stubber 17
Henry Lee 18
Ricd Ball 17
Jo: Cocke 17
Tho: Syer 14
Jo: Patridge 18
Jo: Johnson 24
Isbell Davis 22
Isabell Bakesby 23
Joan Vallius 17
Marie Chambney 28
Elizabeth Allcott 20
Frances Bakewell 30
Elizabeth Payne 21
Elizabeth Hughson 22
Elizabeth Raynard 20
Marie Olliver 21
Alice Riall 18
Rebecca Parmeter 19
Marie Middleton 17
Ann Goldwell 17
Ann Griffin 26
James Brooks 28
uxor. Alice Brooks 18
Doreas Mercer 30
Ellin Davies 23
Alice Harris 21
Eedie Hollaway 22
Sara Coggin 20
Elizabeth Baker 20
Dorothie Davies 17
Kat: Fulder 17
Eliz: Dicks 18
Sara Greene 20
Margaret Ricord 20
Winnifred Congrave 22
Mathew Plant 23
Jo: More 28
Elizabeth Powell 17
Marie Shorter 20
Marie Lee 14 weeks
Mathew Clatworthy 25
Transcriber: Laura Freeman
Date: March 2003
[Return to index of Ships to Virginia in 1635][Index of Ships to Virginia all years][Index of Ships to Virginia 1623, 1624]
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