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The Acadians were a group of people who settled eastern Canada. They arrived in the area of Acadia just after the start of the 17th century. Many were from France. Port Royal (in Nova Scotia) was one of the first places settled. In 1636 the ship St. Jehan arrived with colonists. In 1671 the earliest surviving Acadian census is taken with a total population of 340 people. Next towns to be settled are Beaubassin and Grand Pre. By the early 18th Century (1701) Petitcodiac is founded. In 1749 2,576 settlers are brought to Acadia by the English. In 1755 deportation of Acadians begins, with over 6000 being exiled. Many are sent to France, many to Louisiana. In 1785 Spain provided ships to carry over 1600 Acadians from France to Louisiana ArchivesAcadia University Archives Vaughan Memorial LibraryCensus RecordsCensus Comparison Chart for Canadian Census Find out what census records exist for Canada and where they are found online What's Available in Canadian Census Records fee-based and free census records online 1671 Census of Port Royal 1678 Census of Port Royal 1686 Census Port Royal1698 Census Port Royal 1714 Census of Port Royal, Gaspareau, Pigiguit, Habitants, Canards, OldHabitants, Wecobeguit & Beaubassin 1732 Census Acadia 1752 Census of Tintamarre, Pre Des Bourgs, Des Richards, Vekak, Le Lac, LeCoupe, Le Pointe Beausejour, Memeramkouk, Petkoudiack & Chipoudy 1769 Census Louisiana - Acadians living there 1771 Census Louisiana - Acadians living there 1774 Census Louisiana - Acadians living there Court RecordsWhat's Available in Canadian Genealogy in Court, Probate & Land Records fee-based and free Court, Probate & Land records online DatabasesIndex of Fichier Origine The "Fichier Origine" is a computerized repertory of birth and baptism records found in the course of theQuebecois research project on the family origins of French and foreign emigrants who establishedthemselves in Canada.Divorce Records in CanadaDivorce RecordsGenealogical & Historical SocietiesSociété généalogique canadienne-françaiseImmigration RecordsImmigration RecordsSearch ships passenger lists to Canada Canadian Immigration & Ships Passenger Lists Records What's Available in Canadian Immigration & Ships Passenger Lists Records fee-based and free Immigration & Citizenship records online See Passenger Lists further down this page MilitaryCanadian Military Heritage Project Find out what military records exist for Canada and where they are found online What's Available in Canadian Military Records fee-based and free military records online 1766 Militia Rolls of Louisiana 1770 Militia Rolls of Louisiana 1777 Militia Rolls of Louisiana Miscellaneous RecordsAcadian GenWebThe Acadian Odyssey Acadian dictionary Naturalization RecordsCanadian Naturalization RecordsPassenger Lists RecordsList of passengers leaving France for Acadia in 1636Le Soleil 1638 France to New France (Quebec) Le Saint-Clement 1643 Saint-Andre, 1659 Le Moulin d'Or France to New France (Quebec) 1666 Canadian Passenger Lists at The Olive Tree Genealogy |
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