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Red River Military Records
BOUNTY WARRANT, OCCUPATION, DISCHARGE FILE Surnames beginning with "C" # NAME BW OCCUPATION DISCHARGE REMARKS 203 Cross James 0191 Farmer Winnipeg 71 4 204 Cooper Johnston 0192 Carpenter Winnipeg 71 4 205 Calander James 0193 Farmer Toronto 71 7 206 Cowan William C. 0043 Miller Winnipeg 71 7 207 Cottrell Levi 0194 Farmer Toronto 71 7 208 Craton William 0195 Farmer Toronto 71 7 209 Croat John 0196 Currier Toronto 71 7 210 Campbell Edmund 0197 Clerk Winnipeg 71 3 211 Cahoon George W. 0198 Carpenter Toronto 71 7 212 Coates Thomas 0199 Blacksmith Winnipeg 71 3 213 Curlett Horatio N. 0200 Blacksmith Winnipeg 71 4 214 Champion Henry T. 0201 Gentleman Winnipeg 72 4 215 Clark George M. 0202 Trapper Kingston -- - 216 Collins Thomas DFBC Musician Winnipeg 71 6 217 Connolly Patrick 0203 Labourer Winnipeg 72 5 218 Case Joseph 0204 Farmer Toronto 71 7 219 Curran James 0205 Plasterer Winnipeg 71 7 220 Collins Maurice* 0206 Labourer Winnipeg 71 4 221 Chapman Samuel 0028 Lawyer Winnipeg 72 4 222 Case Benjamin 0207 Shoemaker Toronto 71 7 223 Campbell David 0208 Lumberman Toronto 71 7 224 Cadman Joseph 0210 Clerk Toronto 71 7 225 Carson John 0211 Labourer Winnipeg 71 5 226 Chenier Felix 0212 Notary Winnipeg 71 2 227 Charland Arthur 0213 Lawyer Montreal 71 1 228 Clark John H. 0214 Clerk Winnipeg 71 3 229 Clark Frank J. 0215 Clerk Winnipeg 71 3 230 Cokeley Charles 0216 Machinist Toronto 71 7 231 Constantine Charles 0217 None --------------- 232 Cook James 0218 Carpenter Winnipeg 71 3 233 Cowling William Henry 0219 Farmer Toronto 71 7 234 Cruise John 0220 Farmer Winnipeg 71 5 235 Cuiskelly Christopher 0221 Machinist Toronto 71 7 236 Cade John B. 0222 Miller Toronto 71 7 237 Cadham James H. 0223 Carpenter Pembina 71 3 238 Campbell John B. 0224 Doctor Winnipeg 71 4 239 Campbell William Deserted Yeoman -------- 71 3 240 Campbell Daniel 0225 Farmer Toronto 71 7 241 Cameron John R. 0226 Printer Winnipeg 71 4 242 Cotter John 0227 Yeoman Winnipeg 71 4 243 Cadotte Pierre 0228 Clerk Winnipeg 71 5 244 Cayen Joseph 0229 Shoemaker --------------- 245 Chartrand Francis 0230 Labourer Winnipeg 71 5 246 Cousineau Valery 0231 Butcher --------------- 247 Coy Michael 0232 Labourer Kingston 71 5 248 Coulon Peter 0233 Carpenter Kingston 71 5 249 Crosbie Thomas 0234 Sailor Kingston 71 5 250 Coogan William DFBC Furniture Fin. Kingston 71 5 251 Collins Thomas 0235 Printer Kingston 71 5 252 Caron Jean 0236 Voyageur Kingston 71 5 253 Chandler Michael 0010 Sawmaker Kingston 71 5 254 Cayen Charles 0238 ---------- Winnipeg 71 5 255 Chartier Telesphore 0239 Clerk Winnipeg 71 5 256 Chabot Joseph 0240 Woodturner Winnipeg 71 5 257 Calderwood John 0241 Armourer Winnipeg 71 6 258 Couture Louis 0242 Bookkeeper Winnipeg 71 5 259 Chambers William 0243 Student Winnipeg 71 5 260 Carroll Timothy 0244 Groom Winnipeg 71 2 261 Cooke George T. 0161 Stonecutter Montreal 71 5 262 Carrault Joseph Octave 0245 Clerk Toronto 71 7 263 Calow George 0246 Labourer Toronto 70 6 264 Couture Francis 0247 Teamster Toronto 71 7 265 Chapman John W. 0248 Coppersmith Toronto 71 7 266 Chandler Albert 0249 ---------- --------------- 267 Crawford John L. 0250 Banker Toronto 71 7 268 Coyne Mathew 0251 ---------- --------------- 269 Carney T.* 0252 ---------- ------- 71 4 270 Couture Joseph DNFT Labourer --------------- 271 Clancey John 0253 Labourer Kingston 71 5 272 Coulter Robert 1139 Tobacconist Winnipeg 72 5 273 Connolly Patrick 0209 None Toronto 71 7 274 Cale John Henry 1034 Carpenter Winnipeg 72 10 275 Campbell Duncan 1035 Farmer Winnipeg 72 10 276 Carey John 0951 Labourer Winnipeg 72 10 277 Chinner John 0952 Butcher Winnipeg 72 10 278 Cleland Peter 1036 Blacksmith Winnipeg 72 9 279 Cook John 0953 Labourer Winnipeg 72 10 280 Crawford Alexander 1037 Carpenter Winnipeg 72 10 281 Crow Samuel 1038 Carpenter Winnipeg 72 10 282 Caldwell Samuel 1039 Clerk Winnipeg 72 10 283 Coombs Owen 1040 Yeoman Winnipeg 72 10 284 Curry Anson 1041 Blacksmith Winnipeg 72 9 285 Campbell James K. 0954 Clerk Winnipeg 72 10 286 Campbell Peter 1042 Blacksmith Winnipeg 72 9 287 Crusoe Frederick 0955 Machinist Winnipeg 72 10 288 Connor George 1043 Farmer Winnipeg 72 9 289 Carroll Michael 0956 Labourer Winnipeg 72 10 290 Chisholm William 0957 Printer Winnipeg 72 10 291 Chasse Charles L.M.G. 1044 Soldier Winnipeg 72 9 292 Corneil George 0958 Jeweller Winnipeg 72 10 293 Corneil J.W. 0959 Saddler Winnipeg 72 10 294 Curtin William 1045 Grocer Winnipeg 72 10 295 Collins Alfred 0960 Painter Winnipeg 72 10 296 Cottingham Thomas 1046 Saddler Winnipeg 72 3 297 Coombs Joseph M. DNFT Law Student Winnipeg 72 9 298 Calkin William DNFT Druggist Winnipeg 72 9 299 Corris Edward Rec'd Labourer Winnipeg 75 9 As substitute 300 Calder James 1150 Waggonmaker Winnipeg 74 10 301 Campbell Donald 1167 Sawyer Winnipeg 74 11 302 Carroll Robert 1492 Bookbinder Winnipeg 74 11 303 Chard Joseph George 1164 Farmer Winnipeg 74 11 304 Coleman Thomas DNFT Carpenter Winnipeg 73 5 305 Collins Thomas DNFT Farmer Winnipeg 73 5 306 Connolly John S. 1165 Blacksmith Winnipeg 74 11 307 Cooper Alexander 1168 Stoker Winnipeg 74 11 308 Corey Mervin D. 1373 Farmer Toronto 73 6 309 Cacheux Henry 1459 ---------- Winnipeg 75 11 310 Cosgrove Daniel 1420 Shoemaker Winnipeg 75 9 311 Cox Henry DNFT Mason Winnipeg 75 5 312 Crossfield Edmund 1374 Tailor Toronto 73 6 313 Chapman Edward 1162 Engineer Winnipeg 74 11 314 Cheney Orleans 1163 Farmer Winnipeg 74 11 315 Chartrand Joseph D. DNFT Bookkeeper Winnipeg 75 9 316 Coombs Owen L. Rec'd Farmer Winnipeg 73 5 As substitute 317 Cameron William 1479 ---------- Winnipeg 75 10 318 Chasse Charles DNFT Soldier Winnipeg 74 7 319 Crean William 1271 Mason Winnipeg 75 6 320 Cantin Louis Deserted Salesman Winnipeg 74 2 321 Collins William 1262 Blacksmith Winnipeg 75 5 322 Cooke Josiah 1265 Shoemaker Winnipeg 75 5 323 Cooke George 1375 Shoemaker Winnipeg 74 9 324 Carey John 1261 Painter Winnipeg 75 6 325 Cu(a)shin John 1269 Butcher Winnipeg 75 5 326 Campbell Robert 1263 Machinist Winnipeg 75 5 327 Churchill Thomas 1362 Labourer Winnipeg 75 8 328 Caldwelll Adam H. 1264 Farmer Winnipeg 75 5 329 Courtland William H. 1267 Tanner Winnipeg 75 5 330 Carswell Donald Deserted Labourer -------- 73 10 331 Crandall Howard 1268 Labourer Winnipeg 75 5 332 Cain James DNFT Musician Winnipeg 75 1 333 Close James F. 1266 Carpenter Winnipeg 75 5 334 Callum Charles 1270 Iron Moulder Winnipeg 75 6 335 Cameron Alexander Died Mason Winnipeg 74 7 By Lightning. 336 Coleman Samuel 1272 Clerk Winnipeg 75 6 337 Cummings Henry 1460 Labourer Winnipeg 75 10 338 Cassault Louis Adolphe 0189 Officer -------- 71 7 339 Cook Henry 0190 Officer -------- 71 7 340 Codd Alfred (MD) 0025 1136 Officer Doctor -------- 76 7 341 Constantine Charles Rec'd Officer -------- 77 - See #231 342 Cotton John 1480 Officer -------- 77 - 343 Clarke Charles 1423 Farmer Winnipeg 75 9 344 Campbell Roderick 1422 Labourer Winnipeg 75 9 345 Connaissant Louis DNFT Butcher Winnipeg 75 9 346 Courtemanche Eugene DNFT Baker Winnipeg 75 10 347 Courtemanch Maxime DNFT Broommaker Winnipeg 75 10 348 Currie Adam DNFT Blacksmith Winnipeg 76 6 349 Chubb Samuel James DNFT Cabinetmaker Winnipeg 76 6 350 Cronin John DNFT Moulder Winnipeg 76 6 351 Campbell John DNFT Carpenter Winnipeg 75 12 352 Christie Alexander DNFT Labourer Winnipeg 77 8 353 Crawford Samuel DNFT Printer Winnipeg 76 6 354 Christie James DNFT Mason Winnipeg 76 6 355 Carriss Edward 1421 Labourer Winnipeg 77 8
Copyright © September 30, 1996 Fred J. Shore
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